Concepts: Q
The concepts described on these pages are words and expressions used in statistics with a specific, limited meaning. In everyday speech the word may have a different meaning. The same concept may mean a different thing in different sets of statistics. For example, the concept “unemployed” has three different definitions.
In connection with each definition you can find information about which sets of statistics use the concept. If you are looking for statistical figures, go from the definition to the statistics page.
There are several definitions for this concept
Read the full definition of the conceptThe quantity index is a ratio describing relative changes in the quantity of produced goods or services relative to the base period. It is obtained when the change in prices is removed from a value index by dividing the value index by a price index and by multiplying the quotient by one hundred. This is also known as deflation. The quantity index can also be produced direct from quantity data without deflation with a price index. Quantity indices are produced on trade and construction, while volume indices are produced on industry and services.
Read the full definition of the conceptQuarterly change refers to the relative change in the index of the quarter compared with the index of the previous quarter. The change is usually expressed in percentages.
Read the full definition of the conceptThe corporation sector includes private and public quasi-corporations which are market producers principally engaged in the production of goods and non-financial services.
The term 'non-financial quasi-corporations' denotes all bodies without independent legal status which are market producers principally engaged in the production of goods and non-financial services and meet the conditions qualifying them as quasi-corporations.
Quasi-corporations must keep a complete set of accounts and are operated as if they were corporations. The de facto relationship to their owner is that of a corporation to their shareholders. Thus non-financial quasi-corporations owned by households, government units or non-profit institutions are grouped with non-financial corporations in the non-financial corporations sector.
Quasicorporate units refer to corporations that may support their activity with a business activity, such as restaurant and hotel business or trade, but it is not their main purpose. Data on their activities are obtained in the same way as data on enterprises. Such units include voluntary and economic associations, foundations and religious congregations.
Read the full definition of the conceptJaa