3. The number and propotion of first-housing transactions declined
In 2008, 17 409 first-time housing transactions were made, which is lesser than year before. In Greater Helsinki area there were 4, 584 first-time housing transactions and in the rest of the Country 12,907.
First time dwellings accounted for 24,9 per cent of all housing transactions. In the Helsinki area the proportion was 25,9 per cent and in the rest of the Country 24,6 per cent. Compared to the year before the share of first-housing transactions share of all transactions was almost uchanged in the whole country. In Greater Helsinki area the share of first-housing transactions went down by 1,7 per cent compared to year 2007.
The average prices for old non-subsidised first-time housing transactions per square metre was EUR 1,909 in the whole Country. In the Greater Helsinki area the prices per square metre were EUR 2,910 and in the rest of the Country EUR 1,554.
In figure 1 shows the development of the numbers of first home dwellings in relations to all housing transactions from 2005 to 2008.
1. The proportion of first-time housing transactions of all transactions in Finland in 2005–2008
Source: Prices of dwellings, Statistics Finland
Inquiries: Petri Kettunen (09) 1734 3558, Paula Paavilainen (09) 1734 3397, asuminen@stat.fi
Director in charge: Kari Molnar
Updated 13.05.2009
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Prices of dwellings in housing companies [e-publication].
ISSN=2323-8801. 1st quarter 2009,
3. The number and propotion of first-housing transactions declined
. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 16.11.2024].
Access method: http://www.stat.fi/til/ashi/2009/01/ashi_2009_01_2009-05-13_kat_003_en.html