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Official Statistics of Finland

Quarterly national accounts

Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
Gross domestic product grew in the last quarter of 2021
28 Feb 2022
According to Statistics Finland's preliminary data, the volume 1) of Finlands gross domestic product increased in October to December by 0.6 per cent from the previous quarter. Compared with the last quarter of 2020, GDP adjusted for working days grew by 2.9 per cent.

Description: Quarterly national accounts describe Finland’s economy systematically and according to the same concepts and definitions as annual national accounts, but at a more aggregated level. The statistics are produced in accordance with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010), adopted with a regulation of the EU Council in 2013. The economy is described from the perspectives of output, demand and in-come formation. The examination extends to data at current prices and chain-linked volume data where the reference year is 2010. The produced data show how Finland's GDP has developed by quarter, which activities have grown and by how much, whether output has grown because of exports or investments, how the consumption of households has changed from the previous quarter, and how much wages and salaries have risen from the previous year.
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Keywords: business cycles, consumption, demand, gross domestic product, gross national income, investments, national accounts, national economy, national income, production, public expenditure, supply, value added.
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Change: Changes in the calculation methods of quarterly national accounts
28 May 2019
Changes have been made to the calculation methods of quarterly national accounts, the most significant being more extensive use of volume indices released by Statistics Finland as source data for industry-specific value added.

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Quarterly national accounts [e-publication].
ISSN=1797-9765. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 22.10.2024].
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