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Official Statistics of Finland

Use of information and communications technology by individuals

Producer: Statistics Finland

Latest release:
E-commerce at a turning point
30 Nov 2021
Fifty-seven per cent of Finns aged 16 to 89 had bought something on the Internet in the past three months. The share of those having bought various services contracted and that of those having bought goods grew. Fifty-eight per cent of employed persons had worked from home, over one-half of them daily. Ninety-three per cent of Finns aged 16 to 89 used the Internet and 82 per cent used it several times a day. These data appear from Statistics Finland's 2021 survey on use of information and communications technology by individuals.

Description: The purpose of the survey on Use of information and communications technology is to produce data about ICT usage in households and by individuals. The data are used for the development projects of Finnish information society and for compiling pan-European information society indicators.
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Keywords: communication technology, computers, data protection, data security, domestic appliances, electronic commerce, information society, information technology, internet, mobile phones, online studying, social media, telephones.
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Change: Survey on use of information and communications technology by individuals moved to a mixed-mode data collection and the data weighting method was renewed
14 Dec 2016

Referencing instructions:

Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): Use of information and communications technology by individuals [e-publication].
ISSN=2341-8710. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 24.10.2024].
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