Research cooperation
The task of Statistics Finland’s Research Services is to provide micro data and develop new datasets for research use. In addition, the Research Services conduct research work related to micro data in cooperation with research organisations.
Researchers in the Research Services have participated in a wide variety of projects, which produce as important outputs both new research data and knowledge of the data materials. If you are thinking about cooperation possibilities or development ideas for data, please contact the Research Services at
Researchers who have worked in the Research Services
Aapo Stenhammar (Aalto University/Labour Institute for Economic Research)
Research themes: Labour market, education, change in work, social mobility, history.
Projects and datasets: Impacts of rural flight, technology and skill demand, promoting the use of farm register and historical data in research.
Olli Ropponen (ETLA)
Research themes: Impact of corporate taxation on corporate behaviour.
Projects and datasets: Cyclical dependency of interest reduction restrictions; business data.
Hannu Karhunen (Labour Institute for Economic Research/Statistics Finland)
Research themes: Economics of education, inheritance of education and equality of opportunities, education and mental health outcomes, international degree students.
Projects and datasets: Human capital and innovations (University of Jyväskylä), prevention of social exclusion: measures and mechanisms (PSE consortium), education, labour market and mental health (University of Jyväskylä), promotion of research use of educational data.
Pekka Laine (Statistics Finland)
Research themes: Gender pay gap, occupational segregation of genders, effects of profitability on individuals' wages and salaries, wage drifts, pay effects of the collective agreement system, construction of combined employer-employee panel data and the micro-economic labour market survey.
Projects and materials: Combining of data on the structure of earnings (since 1995) and harmonisation of overtime (harmonisation), effect of occupational segregation on the gender pay gap in the public sector in 1995 to 2013.
Olavi Lehtoranta (Statistics Finland/VTT)
Research themes: Micro data analysis of innovations, internationalisation of research, development and innovation activity, international knowledge flows, rapid growth enterprises and their employability, externalities of innovation project, the effects of public R&D financing.
Projects and datasets: Development of productivity statistics, development of science and technology statistics, business dynamics, Policy Relevant Nordic Innovation Indicators, OECD Innovation Micro Data project, development of the technology barometer, conceptual development of innovation indicators and intangible investments, and computational development based on statistical micro data.
Mika Maliranta (Research Institute of the Finnish Economy/Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics)
Research themes: Productivity, competence, job and employee flows, economic growth, education finances.
Projects and datasets: The construction of the manufacturing establishment panel and indicators of productivity and capital stock (LDPM data), job and employee flow calculations, occupational structures of enterprises and establishments and changes in them (OCCU data), personnel characteristics and productivity and pay differentials (FLEED data), use of information and communication technology and corporate productivity (ICT panel), effectiveness and performance measurement of initial vocational education, ownership characteristics and the success of enterprises (FLOWN data).
Mika Naumanen (Technical Research Centre of Finland)
Research themes: Innovative growth enterprises, patent data, business data, Sfinno database, R&D funding.
Projects and datasets: Developing the technology barometer, developing innovation indicators and indicators for intangible investments, developing indicators for platform economy and social entrepreneurship, innovation clusters.
Satu Nurmi (Statistics Finland)
Research themes: Growth and survival of enterprises, entrepreneurship, internationalisation, developing research use of business data.
Projects and datasets: Immigrants, business dynamics and economic growth, mobility of workers as a source of spreading knowledge and “creative destruction” and owner data FLOWN, link between the emergence of new enterprises and jobs, role of startup enterprises in the national economy, impact of globalisation on enterprises and their personnel: analysis of extensive register data.
Hanna Pesola (VATT Institute for Economic Research/Statistics Finland)
Research themes: Unemployment, immigration, social security.
Projects and datasets: Effects of unemployment security (VATT), prevention of social exclusion: measures and mechanisms (PSE consortium), updating of the combined employer-employee data (FLEED) and the data of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment (Employment Service Statistics and URA system data).