FIONA remote access system

The FIONA remote access system is a data secure environment for processing research data for unit-level data needed in research, such as Statistics Finland's micro data.

The use of FIONA is usually agreed upon in connection with a user licence application. The use of FIONA is subject to a charge.

FIONA maintenance breaks

By default the maintenance break starts at 4 and ends by 12 (Finnish time). If the break requires more time we will notify of the estimated duration.

  • 21.1.2025
  • 18.2.2025
  • 18.3.2025
  • 15.4.2025
  • 20.5.2025
  • 17.6.2025
  • 15.7.2025
  • 19.8.2025
  • 16.9.2025
  • 21.10.2025
  • 18.11.2025
  • 16.12.2025

FIONA notifications

Change in the Output Checking Process for Fiona Remote Access (January 29, 2025)

A new spot-checking tool for results is now being introduced in Fiona remote access, replacing result transfer requests sent by email. Instructions for using the tool can be found in the guidelines available in Fiona. This change does not affect microsimulation users.

Starting from December 17th 2024 standard Stata packages from Boston College Statistical Software Components (SSC) archive are available within Fiona

The feature is first introduced to Windows machines with Linux users following up in January 2025. Guides can be found in Fiona in D:\stata_packages\stata_package_guide.pdf for Windows and in /mnt/stata_packages/stata_package_guide_linux.pdf for Linux.

Random checking of outputs will be introduced gradually in FIONA remote access use (March 5, 2024) 

Random checking of the files to be exported will be introduced in FIONA remote access use during spring. In future, outputs can be retrieved faster from remote access use, but at the same time researchers' responsibility for the data protection of outputs grows. Projects will be informed, when random checking model will be introduced. 

If as the project's researcher in charge you feel that you do not want the research project to be transferred to the random checking model, please contact the Research Services. 

A dedicated channel for technical support requests for FIONA from 1 June 2023
From 1 June 2023, we will introduce a dedicated channel for technical support requests for FIONA. Instructions for submitting a support request from 1.6.2023 can be found on the technical support portal at


Use of micro data in FIONA

The researcher opens a secure connection (e.g. VPN) to FIONA on a server administered by Statistics Finland. The remote access must be established via the organisation that has signed the remote access agreement.

Working in FIONA takes place via the desktop that opens in the browser window. FIONA is a closed system, which means that no information is transferred between the user and the environment except for the display image and keyboard and mouse input. 

Research results and other material may be transferred outside the system only through a screening process. The screening ensures that no individuals or businesses can be identified from the published data.

In addition to Statistics Finland’s data, data from other authorities can also be combined in FIONA in the same environment. The calculation and storage capacity of FIONA is available as needed. FIONA also contains several analysis programmes, such as STATA, R and Python. 

More detailed instructions for use can be found in the adjacent file: Using the FIONA remote access system (PDF)

Logging in to FIONA

Logging in to the remote access system requires the use of federated identification services, of which the following are in use

  • Government identification service
  • Haka
  • EduGain.

Please note that if you are unable to use the federated identification services above, it is currently not possible to use FIONA.

Login instruction for the FIONA remote access system (PDF)

Log in to FIONA.

Service maintenance and invoicing

The technical management of FIONA is the responsibility of the CSC – IT Center for Science, which is administered by the Ministry of Education and Culture. 

Technical support requests are addressed directly to the CSC in accordance with the Support Portal guidelines.

The use of the system is billed in accordance with the price list of the Research Services.

Applications in FIONA

The following applications are installed by default when a new machine is set up. SAS will be installed on request.

Windows machine

Software Version for machines set up after 01/2024 Version for machine set up after 10/2024 More information
Adobe Acrobat Reader DC


up-to date  
Google Chrome up-to-date up-to-date
LibreOffice 7.6 up-to-date  
Notepad++ 8.5.7 up-to-date  
LyX 2.3.7 2.4.1  
MiKTeX 23.4 24.1 MikTex 22.10
R 4.3.1 4.4.1  
RStudio 2023.06.2+561 2024.09  
Octave 8.3 9.2.0  
KDiff3 0.9.98 0.9.98-2  
Anaconda3 2023.07 2024.6  
Stata 18 18


Qgis 3.32 3.38.2  

Linux machine

Software Version More information
GUI Gnome  
GNU Emacs 24.3.1  
LibreOffice 30 (Build:1)
VS Code 1.77.3  
git 2.18.4  
R 4.2.1 CRAN library packages available
R studio
Python 3.6.8  
Stata 17  

How can one become a remote user of research data?

Organisation agreement on remote access use of research data

In order for a researcher to be able to work in the remote access system, the researcher’s organisation must conclude a remote access agreement with Statistics Finland. In connection with the processing of a user licence application, the Research Services supply to the customer for filling in the organisation agreement on remote access use.

The customer is responsible for that the premises used by researchers are suitable for research and remote use and that data can be processed there so that the data protection of the data is not endangered. Statistics Finland must have the possibility to view the customer's work premises.

Remote access commitment

Each remote user must submit the user-specific remote access commitment to Statistics Finland before starting the remote access use.

Researchers can apply for a licence to use the remote access system from home or abroad (EU and non-EU countries whose level of data protection has been recognised as sufficient by the European Commission). For use from abroad, the research project must be connected with a Finnish organisation. In addition, it must be mentioned in the user licence for the research project that remote access use takes place abroad.

The customer organisation is responsible for their employees' remote work and remote work connection.

If the remote access location needs to be changed within Finland

The remote access commitment has been renewed on 22.6.2023. The new commitment does not ask for the address of the researcher's place of work. If your remote access commitment has been submitted after 22 June 2023, you do not need to submit a new remote access commitment if you change your remote access location within Finland.

Your remote access commitment is submitted before 22.6.2023

If you want to have access to remote access in Finland from an address or workstation not previously given by the remote access commitment, you must submit a new remote access commitment. You can submit a new remote access commitment at Statistics Finland 's licensing service. You can start remote access use from the new address only when you receive a notification that the commitment has been accepted.

Opening remote access

Statistics Finland opens a connection to the remote access system from the IP addresses specified by the customer and provides instructions on how to use the remote access system.

Development Road Map

FIONA development road map for the next few years. The roadmap covers identified broad development targets for the next few years. Smaller development tasks are not shown in the roadmap.


Extended roll out of the Results Spot-Check Function

  • Users fill out the output checking request form in FIONA and can receive the results immediately based on the number of previously approved requests. Spot checks on results requests are conducted afterward to ensure data privacy compliance. The rolling out is already underway but needs to be completed.

Scalability and Management of Computing Capacity According to Needs

  • Research projects often have phases where no computing capacity is needed, but at times the demand exceeds what FIONA can offer. The goal is to develop capacity deployment to meet needs flexibly, allowing suitable machine resources to be started and deleted as required. Pricing should also support this solution.

Management of Source Data Rights

  • Large research projects may have many users and source data. This creates a need to define source data rights within the project differently for various users.

First Phase Implementation of the Research Project View

  • A consolidated view where the research project can see the overall situation of the project: users, permissions, data, FIONA resources, commitment status, etc.


Introducing Language Models to Support Coding

  • Language models require new resource solutions in FIONA but can significantly enhance the production of analysis codes.

Exploring the Possibilities of Supercomputing

  • Do FIONA users need supercomputing, and could it be integrated into the infrastructure?

Expanding the Use of Open-Source Analysis Applications