Education and research

Finland in Figures is an information package about Finland and Finns. 

On this page

Population aged 15 or over by level of education

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Population by level of education

  2022 % 2023 %
Population aged 15 or  over 4 723 642 100 4 771 619 100
Population with educational qualification, total 3 530 287 74,7 3 581 780 75,1
  - Upper secondary education 1 905 233 40,3 1 913 688 40,1
  - Post-secondary non-tertiary education 52 131 1,1 54 730 1,1
  - Short-cycle tertiary education 409 278 8,7 403 701 8,5
  - Bachelor's or equivalent level 599 447 12,7 620 512 13,0
  - Master's or equivalent level 511 411 10,8 534 078 11,2
  - Doctoral or equivalent level 52 787 1,1 55 071 1,2
Only basic education 1 193 355 25,3 1 189 839 24,9

Students and qualifications attained

Sector of education Students 1) Qualifications attained
2022 2023 2022 2023
Pre-primary education 60 872 52 570 - -
Comprehensive education 557 954 558 138 61 746 62 337
General upper secondary education 109 604 110 597 30 875 31 363
Vocational education 341 629 347 730 68 295 68 470
University of applied sciences
163 993 170 775 28 534 30 957
University education 163 681 168 037 30 801 33 418
Total 1 397 733 1 407 847 220 251 226 545

1) Students in education leading to qualifications. The data for vocational education relate to a calendar year. The data for other educational sectors describe the situation on 20 September.

Employment of graduates one year after graduation, 2022

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Research and development expenditure

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Main topic: Education and research


More statistical figures in the StatFin database

Finland in Figures only includes the key figures on Finland and Finns. You can find more figures on various sectors of society in the easy-to-use StatFin database.

The database also provides regional data, such as the population of municipalities.

Last updated 18 Dec 2024