Environment and nature

Finland in Figures is an information package about Finland and Finns. 

On this page

Geographical data

Finland’s area, km2, 1.1.2025
Area 338 491
- Land area 304 000
- Fresh water 34 491
Sea water 52 416
Total 390 906
Boundaries, km
Sweden 614
Norway 736
Russia 1 344
Limit of territorial waters 1 250
Total 3 944
Greatest length, km
Hanko–Utsjoki 1 157
Greatest width, km
Närpiö–Ilomantsi 542
Highest point, m above sea level
Halti 1 324
Longest river, km
Kemijoki 500
Largest lakes, km2
Saimaa 1 393
Päijänne 1 082
Inarijärvi 1 082
Oulujärvi 912
Pielinen 895
Largest islands, km2
- Mainland Åland 689
- Kemiönsaari 545
Inland waters  
- Soisalo 1 540

Lakes with an area of 500 m2 or more total about 168 000, of which around 57 000 with an area of over one hectare

Islands with an area of 100 m2 or more total about 187 000

Protected and wilderness areas on 1 January 2025

  Number Area, ha Water, ha Water, %
Protected areas 15 733 2 551 890 492 309 19,3
National parks 41 1 023 638 185 656 18,1
Strict nature reserves 19 154 021 2 843 1,8
Mire reserves 162 494 497 12 399 2,5
Herb-rich forest reserves 45 1 059 11 1,1
Old-growth forest reserves 73 7 847 254 3,2
Other state-owned protected areas 936 433 719 73 175 16,9
Private-owned nature reserves 14 381 393 334 177 877 45,2
Protected areas on Åland 76 43 775 40 093 91,6
Wilderness reserves 12 1 489 321 111 220 7,5

In addition, the Act on the Protection of Rapids protects a total of 53 individual rapids, river portions or catchment areas against power station construction. Corresponding acts have been passed on the protection of the Ounasjoki and Kyrönjoki rivers.

National parks and strict nature reserves on 1 January 2025

Content available in Excel format

© Metsähallitus 2025
© National Land Survey of Finland 1/MML/25

Weather conditions

Month Mean daily temperature (centigrade) Number of days with precipitation
(precipitation ≥ 1,0 mm)
Helsinki Sodankylä Helsinki Sodankylä
2023 1991–
2023 1991–
2023 1991–
January -3,1 -0,8 -12,5 -7,7 12 14 10 14
February -3,8 -1,3 -12,1 -8,8 9 7 8 7
March -0,7 -0,4 -7,1 -10,7 8 11 8 9
April 4,4 5,9 -0,8 0,1 7 3 7 5
May 10,4 10,9 5,6 8,3 7 5 8 6
June 14,9 17,0 11,9 13,9 8 3 11 6
July 18,1 16,9 15,0 14,5 7 13 11 8
August 16,9 17,8 12,4 14,6 10 13 9 12
September 12,3 15,8 7,0 10,0 9 8 9 15
October 6,6 5,6 0,0 -2,7 10 15 9 8
November 2,4 0,8 -5,8 -10,9 12 11 11 7
December -0,7 -3,3 -9,6 -11,5 11 14 10 5
6,5 7,1 0,3 0,8 110 117 111 102

oF = 9/5oC + 32

Greenhouse gas emissions and removals

Greenhouse gas emissions and removals

1) Land use, land-use change and forestry sector

* preliminary data

Treatment methods of municipal waste

Waste generated in households and waste comparable to household waste generated in production, especially in the service industries

Content available in Excel format.

Main topic: Environment and nature


More statistical figures in the StatFin database

Finland in Figures only includes the key figures on Finland and Finns. You can find more figures on various sectors of society in the easy-to-use StatFin database.

The database also provides regional data, such as the population of municipalities.

Last updated 11 Feb 2025