Transport and tourism

Finland in Figures is an information package about Finland and Finns. 

On this page

Transport network and passenger transport

Transport network 1990 2000 2010 2020 2022 2023
Length of railway line 5 846 5 854 5 919 5 918 5 918 5 915
Length of tram line 1) 88 84 91 l   2) 50 76 106
Length of underground line 16 21 21 36 43 43
Highways 3) 76 407 77 993 78 162 77 908 77 848 77 804
Coastal waterways 7 690 9 261 10 073 10 442 10 455 10 470
Inland waterways 9 460 8 894 9 747 9 806 9 877 9 885
Passengers 1990 2000 2010 2020 2022 2023
Million trips
Railway transport 46,0 54,8 69,0 59,5 76,1 81,4
Tramway transport 1) 48,6 56,7 54,5 34,9 53,3 60,3
Underground transport 35,4 51,9 57,1 60,4 69,9 79,0
Bus and motor coach transport 4) . . . . 339,8 229,0 280,3 . .
Taxi traffic . . . . 57,0 38,3 53,2 . .
Water transport 5) 14,0 20,7 21,7 9,6 17,1 18,4
Air transport 5) 11,3 13,7 16,4 l    6,5 15,6 18,5

Corrected on 13 December 2024. The corrections are indicated in red.

l     line across a time series shows substantial breaks in the homogeneity of a series

1) Incl. Tampere Tram from 2021 and Jokeri Light Rail from 2023
2) Change in statistics compilation. The length of line calculated in one direction.
3) Excl. ramps and ferry routes
4) Includes charter transport but not private transport
5) Domestic and international

Registered vehicles on 31 December

  2000 2010 2020 1) 2024 1)
Passenger cars 2 134 728 2 877 484 3 632 851 3 782 427
- per thousand inhabitants 412 535 656 . .
- electric cars 2) 4 34 9 959 121 539
- plug-in hybrids 2) . . . . 46 538 172 487
Vans 239 095 347 258 502 047 540 659
Lorries 65 223 117 150 166 760 180 176
Buses, coaches 9 852 13 650 19 282 19 859
Special automobiles 16 924 12 646 10 759 9 917
All automobiles 2 465 822 3 368 188 4 331 699 4 533 038
Motorcycles 90 877 226 877 283 214 300 382
Mopeds 102 545 259 889 353 243 370 805
Tractors 332 584 376 807 466 551 513 625
Snow mobiles 2) 90 511 121 976 163 318 180 741
All vehicles 3 697 037 5 331 582 6 926 137 7 337 934

1) Incl. vehicles temporarily decommissioned from traffic
2) Excl. Åland

Registered vehicles on 31 December 1924–2024

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Persons killed in road traffic accidents

Content available in Excel format.

* preliminary data

Overnight stays by foreigners at accommodation establishments

Country of residence 2023 % 2024* % Change of nights spent, %
Germany 680 486 11,8 700 761 11,0 3,0
United Kingdom 567 125 9,9 608 996 9,6 7,4
Sweden 503 920 8,8 520 775 8,2 3,3
United States 382 658 6,7 445 371 7,0 16,4
France 377 216 6,6 393 391 6,2 4,3
Netherlands 278 613 4,8 299 547 4,7 7,5
Italy 192 512 3,3 220 455 3,5 14,5
Spain 178 060 3,1 197 273 3,1 10,8
Switzerland 161 366 2,8 180 895 2,8 12,1
Estonia 198 000 3,4 179 853 2,8 -9,2
Other countries 2 231 876 38,8 2 618 745 41,1 17,3
Total 5 751 832 100 6 366 062 100 10,7

* preliminary data

Finns' leisure trips abroad, 2023

Trips with overnight stays in destination country made by the population aged 15 to 84

Content available in Excel format.

Main topic: Transport and tourism


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The database also provides regional data, such as the population of municipalities.

Last updated 18 Mar 2025