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Appendix tables
- 2022
- 2021
- 2020
- 2019
- 2018
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2018 (29.1.2019)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2017 and preliminary data 2018* (29.1.2019)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2018 and 2017 (29.1.2019)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2018 and change compared to 2017 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (29.1.2019)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2018, quarters 1 - 4 (29.1.2019)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2018 (25.10.2018)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* - 2018* (25.10.2018)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2018 and 2017 (25.10.2018)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2018 and change compared to 2017 preliminary data, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2018)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2018, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2018)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2018 (26.7.2018)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* - 2018* (26.7.2018)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2018 and 2017 (26.7.2018)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2018 and change compared to 2017 preliminary data, quarter 1 - 2 (26.7.2018)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2018, quarter 1 - 2 (26.7.2018)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2018 (26.4.2018)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* - 2018* (26.4.2018)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2018 and 2017 (26.4.2018)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2018 and change compared to 2017 preliminary data, quarter 1 (26.4.2018)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2018, quarter 1 (26.4.2018)
- February
- January
- 2017
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2017 (The table was corrected on 15 March) (6.3.2018)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2010 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* (The table was corrected on 15 March) (6.3.2018)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2017 and 2016 (The table was corrected on 15 March) (6.3.2018)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2017 and change compared to 2016 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (The table was corrected on 15 March) (6.3.2018)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2017, quarters 1 - 4 (6.3.2018)
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2017 (24.10.2017)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2010 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* (24.10.2017)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2017 and 2016 (24.10.2017)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2017 and change compared to 2016 final data, quarters 1 - 3 (The heading was corrected on 26 October 2017) (24.10.2017)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2017, quarters 1 - 3 (The heading was corrected on 26 October 2017) (24.10.2017)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2017 (25.7.2017)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2010 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* (25.7.2017)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2017 and 2016 (25.7.2017)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2017 and change compared to 2016 final data, quarters 1 - 2 (The heading was corrected on 26 October 2017) (25.7.2017)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2017, quarters 1 - 2 (The heading was corrected on 26 October 2017) (25.7.2017)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2017 (9.6.2017)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2016 and preliminary data 2017* (9.6.2017)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2017 and 2016 (9.6.2017)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2017 and change compared to 2016 final data, quarter 1 (9.6.2017)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2017, quarter 1 (9.6.2017)
- February
- January
- 2016
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurrence 2016 (25.1.2017)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2010 - 2015 and preliminary data 2016 (25.1.2017)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2016 and 2015 (25.1.2017)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2016 and change compared to 2015 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (25.1.2017)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2016, quarters 1 - 4 (25.1.2017)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurrence 2016 (25.10.2016)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2010 - 2015 and preliminary data 2016* (25.10.2016)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2016 and 2015 (25.10.2016)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2016 and change compared to 2015 final data, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2016)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2016, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2016)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2016 (26.7.2016)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2015 and preliminary data 2016* (26.7.2016)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2016 and 2015 (26.7.2016)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2016 and change compared to 2015 final data, quarters 1 - 2 (26.7.2016)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2016, quarters 1 - 2 (26.7.2016)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2016 (26.4.2016)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2014 and preliminary data 2015* - 2016* (26.4.2016)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2015 and 2014 (26.4.2016)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2016 and change compared to 2015 preliminary data, quarter 1 (26.4.2016)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2016, quarters 1 (26.4.2016)
- February
- January
- 2015
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2015 (26.1.2016)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005-2014 and preliminary data 2015* (26.1.2016)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2015 and 2014 (26.1.2016)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2015 and change compared to 2014 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (26.1.2016)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2015, quarters 1 - 4 (26.1.2016)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2015 (27.10.2015)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005-2014 and preliminary data 2015* (27.10.2015)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2015 and 2014 (27.10.2015)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2015 and change compared to 2014 final data, quarters 1 - 3 (27.10.2015)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2015, quarters 1 - 3 (27.10.2015)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2015 (21.7.2015)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005-2014 and preliminary data 2015* (21.7.2015)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2015 and 2014 (21.7.2015)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2015 and change compared to 2014 final data, quarters 1 - 2 (21.7.2015)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2015, quarters 1 - 2 (21.7.2015)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2015 (28.4.2015)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2013 and preliminary data 2014 - 2015 (28.4.2015)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2014 and 2013 (28.4.2015)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2015 and change compared to 2014 preliminary data, quarter 1 (28.4.2015)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2015, quarter 1 (28.4.2015)
- February
- January
- 2014
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2014 (27.1.2015)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2013 and preliminary data 2014 (27.1.2015)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2014 and 2013 (27.1.2015)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2014 and change compared to 2013 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (27.1.2015)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2014, quarters 1 - 4 (27.1.2015)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2014 (21.10.2014)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2013 and preliminary data 2014 (21.10.2014)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2014 and 2013 (21.10.2014)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2014 and change compared to 2013 final data, quarters 1 - 3 (21.10.2014)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2014, quarters 1 - 3 (21.10.2014)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2014 (22.7.2014)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2013 and preliminary data 2014 (22.7.2014)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2014 and 2013 (22.7.2014)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2014 and change compared to 2013 final data, quarters 1 - 2 (22.7.2014)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2014, quarter 1 - 2 (22.7.2014)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2014 (24.4.2014)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2012 and preliminary data 2013 - 2014 (24.4.2014)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2013 and 2012 (24.4.2014)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2014 and change compared to 2013 preliminary data, quarter 1 (24.4.2014)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2014, quarter 1 (24.4.2014)
- February
- January
- 2013
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2013 (28.1.2014)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2012 and preliminary data 2013* (28.1.2014)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2013 and 2012 (28.1.2014)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2013 and change compared to 2012 preliminary data, quarter 1 - 4 (28.1.2014)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2013, quarter 1 - 4 (28.1.2014)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2013 (22.10.2013)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2012 and preliminary data 2013* (22.10.2013)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2013 and 2012 (22.10.2013)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2013 and change compared to 2012 preliminary data, quarter 1 - 3 (22.10.2013)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2013, quarter 1 - 3 (22.10.2013)
- August
- July
- June
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2013 (23.7.2013)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2012 and preliminary data 2013* (23.7.2013)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2013 and 2012 (23.7.2013)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2013 and change compared to 2012 preliminary data, quarter 1 - 2 (23.7.2013)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2013, quarter 1 - 2 (23.7.2013)
- May
- April
- March
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2013 (23.4.2013)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2011 and preliminary data 2012 - 2013* (23.4.2013)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2012 and 2011 (23.4.2013)
- Appendix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2013 and change compared to 2012 preliminary data, quarter 1 (23.4.2013)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2013, quarter 1 (23.4.2013)
- February
- January
- 2012
- December
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2012 (22.1.2013)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2011 and preliminary data 2012* (22.1.2013)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2012 and 2011 (22.1.2013)
- Appencix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2012 and change compared to 2011 final data, quarters 1 - 4 (22.1.2013)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2012, quarters 1 - 4 (22.1.2013)
- November
- October
- September
- Appendix table 1. Preliminary data on vital statistics by month of occurence 2012 (25.10.2012)
- Appendix table 2. Vital statistics, final data 2005 - 2011 and preliminary data 2012* (25.10.2012)
- Appendix table 3. Comparison between preliminary vital statistics in 2012 and 2011 (25.10.2012)
- Appencix table 4. Preliminary vital statistics by region 2012 and change compared to 2011 final data, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2012)
- Appendix table 5. Preliminary data by region on immigrants and emigrants according to country of departure/destination 2012, quarters 1 - 3 (25.10.2012)
- August
- July
Official Statistics of Finland (OSF):
Preliminary population statistics [e-publication].
ISSN=2243-3627. Helsinki: Statistics Finland [referred: 25.3.2025].
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