Changes in the StatFin database
Enterprise openings and closures: Statistics will be discontinued
Annual national accounts: Database table 11sf corrected
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises: The release of database tables 141b and 13zg of the statistics was delayed
Quarterly national accounts: Database table 132g corrected
Index of real estate maintenance costs: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Households' assets: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises: The release time of the statistics is brought forward
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises: Changes in the publication of statistics
Statistics on living conditions: New database table is published and old database table is archived
Buildings and free-time residences: The release time of the statistics is postponed
Dwellings and housing conditions: The release time of the statistics is postponed
Progress of studies: Categories total were added to the database tables
Annual national accounts: New database tables published
Income distribution statistics: New database table is published and old database table is archived
Income distribution statistics: Database tables of the statistics corrected
Providers of education and educational institutions: Release of the statistics corrected
Labour force survey: Data added to database table 135z
Consumer price index: Data for 2025 in database table 13a8 were updated late
New database table published in the statistics on index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
Trend indicator of output: Changes in the publication of statistics
Structure of earnings: Data added to database table - 14xw - Earnings of full-time salary and wage earners by region and secto
Domestic waterborne traffic: Preliminary data of the statistics will be supplemented in connection with the June release
Domestic waterborne traffic: Changes in the publication of statistics
Culture: Changes in the publication of statistics
Finnish travel: Addition to future publications of the statistics
Turnover of trade: Latest industries defined by the Business Register will be adopted in statistics
Index of turnover of construction: Latest industries defined by the Business Register will be adopted in statistics
Prices of dwellings in housing companies: Price index of new dwellings in housing companies is exceptionally published for only three areas
Producer price indices for services: New database table published
Producer price indices: New database table published
Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings: Changes in the publication of statistics
Greenhouse gases: Changes to the classification in database table 138v – Greenhouse gas emissions in Finland
Economy-wide material flow accounts: Database table and release were corrected
Energy prices: Databasetables 13rb and 13nl corrected
Employment service statistics: The release of the statistics was delayed 24/01/2025 for technical reasons.
Financial accounts: The release of database table 11qp of the statistics was delayed
Supply, use and input-output tables: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Use of information technology in enterprises: New database table published
Income distribution statistics: Changes in database tables
Employment: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Production of electricity and heat: Release of the statistics corrected
Entrance to education: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Environmental goods and services sector: Time series data of the statistics were corrected
Prosecutions, sentences and punishments: Database table 12cj corrected
Value of household production: Database tables corrected
Regional accounts: Release of the statistics corrected
Value of household production: Statistics has been discontinued
Mass media statistics: The statistics have been discontinued
Employment service statistics: The release of database tables 12tg and 12th is delayed
Structure of earnings: New Classification of Sectors adopted in the statistics and changes in the database tables
Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises: Database tables corrected
Subject choices of students: Release of the statistics corrected
Real estate prices: Data on the number of transactions of old one-dwelling houses corrected
Real estate prices: Data of the price index of old one-dwelling houses for 2024Q2 were corrected
Preliminary population statistics: Error detected in preliminary population for January to September
International trade in goods and services: Database table corrected
Renovation building: An error has been detected in the renovation costs of office buildings in 2023
Air emission accounts: Database table corrected
Environmental protection expenditure accounts: The release time of the statistics is postponed
Students and qualifications: New database table was added to the statistics on students and qualifications
Population structure: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Population projection: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Growth and productivity measures: Changes in statistics production and new database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Statistics on offences and coercive measures: Database table corrected
Financial accounts: time series revision
Accommodation statistics: Data of the statistics were revised
Building and dwelling production: Change in the inflating method of building projects started
Educational structure of population: Release of the statistics corrected
Students and qualifications: Data of the general upper secondary education were corrected
Index of producer prices of agricultural products: Changes in the publication of statistics
Foreign direct investments: Time series revision
International trade in goods and services: Time series revision
Balance of payments and international investment position: time series revision
Annual national accounts: Changes in the publication of statistics
Waste statistics: Release of the statistics corrected
European Parliament elections : New database tables published
Quarterly national accounts: Database tables corrected
Private sector monthly salaries: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Private sector hourly wages: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Accommodation statistics: The data will be released at 12 noon
Railway statistics: Statistic being released is partially incomplete
Support for learning: Text of the release for 2022 and database tables were corrected
Index of wage and salary earnings: New Classification of Sectors adopted in the statistics and changes in releases
Employment service statistics: Data for 2006 were removed from database table 12u7
Railway statistics: Corrections in the database tables and releases of the statistics
European Parliament elections: New database table/tables published
Energy supply and consumption: New database tables published
Students and qualifications: Database table corrected
Railway statistics: Releases of the statistics corrected
Annual national accounts: Release of the statistics corrected
International trade in goods and services: New database tables published
Quarterly national accounts: Database table corrected
Statistics on road traffic accidents: Data on suicides added to database table 11bh
European Parliament elections: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Index of real estate maintenance costs: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Energy prices: New database table published
Volume index of industrial output: New database table published
New orders in manufacturing: New revision database table published
Wage and salary indices: New revision database table published
Index of turnover in industry: New database table published
Turnover of service industries: New revision database table published
Index of wage and salary earnings: New Classification of Sectors is adopted in the statistics and new database tables are published
Index of turnover of construction: New database table published
Turnover of trade: New database table published
Greenhouse gases: Publication of regional greenhouse gas emissions has been discontinued and the database tables of the statistics will be archived
Statistics on living conditions: Publication type was changed and new database tables are published
Students and qualifications: Changes in database tables
Culture: Database tables related to occupations in the field of culture will in future be published in the employment statistics
Births: New database tables published
Statistics on offences and coercive measures: Database tables corrected for the second time
Statistics on offences and coercive measures: New database table published
Building cost index: The presentation accuracy has been corrected in database table 13g7
Statistics on business subsidies: Data added to database table - 13zn
Prices of dwellings in housing companies: Database table corrected
Building and dwelling production: Errors in the data of statistics
Building and dwelling production: Release of the statistics corrected
Central government monthly salaries: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Enforcement matters: Name of the statistics is changed into debtors in enforcement
Innovation: Enterprise unit and new personnel variable in the statistics on innovation
Producer price indices for services: New database tables published in the statistics on producer price indices for services
Presidential elections: New database table/tables published
Finnish road statistics: Changes were made to database tables and data for the two latest statistical reference years were published in the tables
Energy supply and consumption: New database table published
Culture: Release of the statistics corrected
Households' consumption: New database tables are published and old database tables are archived
Data on home schooling in the database table (13jk) of the statistics on students and qualifications were corrected
Additional revision in the data for 2023
Database table 13ms of the statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies was corrected
The releases of the index of turnover in industry and turnover of service industries on 4 April 2024 postponed
Changes in the statistics on discontinuation of education
Database tables of the statistics the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises corrected
New database tables published in the statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
Changes in the buildings and free-time residences statistics
Release of the statistics on living conditions corrected
Database table of the statistics on quarterly national accounts statistics corrected
Database table 11ii Income and expenditure by sector, quarterly of the statistics on quarterly sector accounts corrected
Release of the statistics on general government revenue and expenditure by quarter corrected
Data for January were published simultaneously with data for February
Database tables of the statistics on annual national accounts corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on volume index of industrial output
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on new orders in manufacturing
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on wage and salary indices
New database table published in the statistics on index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
New database table published in the statistics on index of producer prices of agricultural products
Release of the statistics on databasetables 125j and 125k corrected
Release of the statistics on index of turnover of construction 2024, january corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on index of turnover in industry
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on turnover of service industries
Regional grouping of database tables for 2024 was corrected
Regional grouping of database tables for 2024 was corrected
Regional grouping of database tables for 2024 was corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on turnover of trade
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on index of turnover of construction
New database tables are published and old database tables are a rchived in the statistics on offences and coercive measures
New database table published in the statistics on producer price indices
Releasing of database tables describing prices of new dwellings in housing companies are released 21.2.2024
Database tables and releases of the statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies were corrected
Publication of the preliminary population statistics 2024, January postponed
The release of database table 11mj of the statistics on price index of public expenditure was delayed
Data added to database tables
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on presidential elections
Data added to database table 111l -- Main type of activity of completers of qualifications one year after graduation of the statistics on transition from school to further education and workstatistics
New database table containing annual data from the Labour Force Survey on reasons for part-time work
Release of the statistics on Energy supply and consumption 2023, 3rd quarter has been corrected
New database table published in the statistics on cost index of civil engineering works
New database tables published in the occupational accident statistics
Release of the statistics on employment statistics corrected
Release of the statistics on migration corrected
New database tables published in the statistics on households' consumption statistics
Database tables of the statistics on occupational accident statistics corrected
Database tables of the statistics on use of information and communications technology by individuals corrected
Group of non-profit institutions serving households changes
Database tables of the statistics on annual national accounts corrected
Database tables for the statistics on migration were delayed this morning for technical reasons
Database tables of the statistics on greenhouse gases are archived and changes in database tables
New database table for the statistics on entrance to education statistics
Publication of the statistics postponed
New database tables published on early childhood education and care statistics
Release of the statistics on production of electricity and heat corrected
New database table for the trend indicator of renovation building
Data added to database table - 13vg - use of information technology in enterprises - of the statistics on use of information technology in enterprises
Data have been added to the database tables of the causes of death statistics
Release of the statistics on indebtedness corrected
Errors in the data of statistics on indebtedness
Data added to database table - 13rw - Material flows by material category - of the statistics on economy-wide material flow accounts
Database tables 12dc, 11c4 and 13sp of the statistics on students and qualifications were corrected
In the September 2023 release, the data of the statistics on building and dwelling production are revised more than usual
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the structure of earnings statistics
New database tables published in the statistics on living conditions
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on population structure
Database tables of the statistics on domestic waterborne traffic corrected
Database tables of the statistics on foreign shipping traffic corrected
Database table of the statistics on labour force survey corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on Local government sector wages and salaries
Release of the statistics on occupational accidents corrected
Data added to database table and new database table added in the statistics on research and development
Database tables of the statistics on offences and coercive measures corrected
Database tables of the statistics on offences and coercive measures corrected
Observations about the figures and tables of the statistics on students and qualifications for 2022
New database tables published on students and qualifications statistics
Data removed from database table 118q environmental protection expenditure accounts
Labour Force Survey data by industry will not be published in connection with the release of data for the third quarter of 2023
New database table for the Labour Force Survey on the reason for part-time work
Database table of the statistics on energy prices was corrected
Database table of the statistics on energy prices was corrected
New database table for the statistics on subject choices of students
New database table on students and qualifications statistics
New database tables published in the statistics on participation in adult education
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the renovation building statistics
The release of database tables 13wu, 13x4 and 13x6 of the statistics cost index of civil engineering works was delayed today
Data added to database table - 13di -- Listed shares and mutual funds of persons by age of person and sex, 2009-2022 - of the statistics on Households' assets
Database table of the statistics on road traffic accidents corrected
Parliamentary elections: Database table corrected
Database tables of the quarterly national accounts statistics corrected
Database table heading of the release has been corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on private sector hourly wages
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on private sector monthly salaries
Data added to database table 11bh -- Road traffic accidents, killed and injured of the statistics on road traffic accidents
Changes in the statistics on support for learning
Statistics on buildings and free-time residences are renewed: recording of the building stock has been revised
Data added to database table 13ut of the statistics on buildings and free-time residences
Releases of the building cost index corrected
Data added to database tables - 12cv and 12qz of the statistics on waste statistics
New database table published in the statistics on energy prices statistics
Data of growth and productivity measures were corrected
Database table 13ax of the statistics on consumer confidence corrected
Database table of the statistics on Real estate statistics corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on indebtedness
Database table 11yx of the statistics on annual national accounts has been corrected
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on international price comparison
New database table for price index of public expenditure
New database tables published in the statistics on families
Statistics on dwellings and housing conditions renewed: data on household-dwelling units quarterly as well
Public sector wage and salary index for February to March 2023 corrected
Changes in database tables of waste statistics
New database table for waste statistics
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the renovation building statistics
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on labour cost index
Database release of population structure in Swedish and in English was delayed
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the index of wage and salary earnings statistics
New database tables are published and old database tables are archived in the statistics on offences and coercive measures statistics
Database tables and new release in Swedish and English will be updated on 23 May 2023
New database tables were added to the statistics on Parliamentary elections
Database table/tables of the statistics on Parliamentery elections statistics corrected
Release of the building cost index for March was corrected
Statistics on buildings and free-time residences renewed: data on completed buildings quarterly
Changes causing a break in the time series in the Finnish affiliates abroad statistics
Database table of the index of turnover of trade corrected
Changes in the release limits of the Labour Force Survey starting from the beginning of 2023
A new database table is published in the statistics on Finnish travel and data have been added to the table on overnight trips by duration
New database tables were added to the statistics on Parliamentary elections
New database tables were added to the statistics on Parliamentary elections
Added lower-level data for 2021 National Accounts after publication
Changes to the database tables of statistics on living conditions
Release on general upper secondary education included in the statistics on students and qualifications was corrected as concerns data for 2021
Annual national accounts' Statfin-table 123x has been fixed regarding the year 2022
Economy-wide material flow accounts information corrected
Economy-wide material flow accounts information corrected
Time series of economy-wide material flow accounts revised for 2010 to 2016
Structure of earnings: Database tables for 2020 were moved to the archive database and database tables for 2021 were published in their place
Energy prices: Delay in update
Trend indicator of renovation building is published as new statistics
Group of statistical units in foreign affiliates in Finland statistics changes
Group of statistical units in the structural business and financial statement statistics changes
Group of statistical units in the regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity has changed
New database table was added to the statistics on entrance to education
Income distribution statistics: The sample-based risk of poverty indicators will in future be published as part of the annually published data of the statistics on living conditions
New database table was published for the statistics on research and development
Age group of employment rate changes
Changes to the database tables of employment statistics
Database tables updated late regarding data from 2022
Changes in the calculation of the monthly average prices of liquid fuels in consumer price index
Quarterly sector accounts for 2022Q1-2022Q3 have been corrected
New database table for statistics on new orders in manufacturing
New classification version concerning the statistical reference year 2022 adopted in the statistics on students and qualifications
New database tables were added to the statistics on indebtedness
Data of producer price indices were corrected on 23 December 2022
New database tables for the statistics on use of information and communication technology by individuals
Database tables of the statistics on service industry commodities have been transferred to the archive
The database table of the statistics on the use of information technology in enterprises has been replaced with a new one that includes language versions
Database table 12a6 was corrected on 19 December 2022
New database table for foreign affiliates in Finland statistics
Break in time series of database tables on general government establishments starting from the statistical reference year 2021
Labour cost index: New database tables
New database tables are published in the the statistics on subject choices of students
Changes to database tables of the statistics on greenhouse gases on 14 December 2022
Data of the statistics on goods transport by road were corrected
New database table for employment statistics
Statistics on early childhood education and care, Database table 13v2 -- Number of children in early childhood education and care by areas, was corrected
Changes in the database tables of the cause of death statistics
Database tables Day-ahead prices of the Nordic power exchange (12gc) and Price of electricity by type of consumer (12gv) are no longer updated
Entrance to education: New database tables and changes to figures for 2020 in database tables
Database table 12jj Arrivals in Saimaa canal traffic of the statistics on domestic waterborne traffic was corrected
Database tables 12is, 12it, 12j5, 12j6 and 12jc of the statistics on foreign shipping traffic were corrected
Content of the statistics on industrial output expands
New database table is published in the statistics on regional accounts
Regional accounts: Classification of wellbeing services counties adopted
Old database tables of the occupational accident statistics are moved to the archive database and new database tables were published in their place
Economy-wide material flow accounts: Publication is renewed
Statistics on living conditions: The indicator that measures the risk of poverty or social exclusion has been revised
Production of electricity and heat: New database tables published
CVTS, continuing vocational training: New database tables published
Research and development: New database tables published
Dwellings and housing condition: New database table for the statistics
Students and qualifications: Changes in database tables
Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings: A database table on business restructuring proceedings will be expanded
Index of wage and salary earnings: Changes to the database tables
Prices of dwellings in housing companies: The database table 13my was corrected
Statistics on offences and coercive measures: New database tables were added
Structural business and financial statement statistics: Changes causing a break in the time series in the structural business statistics starting from the statistical reference year 2021
The StatFin database tables of the financial statement statistics on credit institutions, statistics on investment service companies and statistics on insurance activities are now published under the structural business and financial statement statistics
Foreign affiliates in Finland: The database table 12mi corrected
Consumer price index: There was an error in the calculation of the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices at Constant Taxes for the Consumer Price Index of August
New orders in manufacturing: Changes in the database table and releases
Energy prices: New database table on prices of electricity
Energy supply and consumption: The data in the table “13gn -- Energy import and export, quantity” have been corrected 02/09/2022
Adoptions: New database table published
Railway statistics: Database table corrected
New database tables for the Cost index of civil engineering works
Database tables Gross domestic product and national income, supply and demand, quarterly and Income and production by industry, quarterly for the quarterly national accounts were corrected
Changes in the tables of indebtedness
Balance of payments and international investment position: Insert of database table
Changes in database tables of renovation building statistics
Changes in database tables of finance of housing companies
Database table Gross domestic product and national income, supply and demand, quarterly for the quarterly national accounts was corrected
Changes to GWP factors and database tables of the statistics on greenhouse gases on 25 May 2022
Changes in database tables of prices of dwellings in housing companies
Three new database tables were published as part of the statistics on labour disputes for 2021
Database table 115a in statistics on dwellings and housing conditions has been corrected
New database tables for the Labour Force Survey
The database table 13lr corrected on 29 April 2022
New database tables were added to the statistics on offences and coercive measures
Database tables for 2020 were moved to the archive database and database tables for 2021 were published in their place
Changes in database tables of innovation statistics
Table 11aj from the publication of local government sector wages and salaries was published late
Variables were added to the table on debtors in the statistics on enforcement matters on 8 April 2022
Due to a technical problem the data were published at 12 noon
Updating of Culture statistics' database table 11zk - Public libraries in mainland Finland will be discontinued
Changes in database tables of income distribution statistics
Time series of a table for the statistics on entrance to education was extended
Data have been added to the database tables of the statistics on use of information and communications technology by individuals
The release of database tables of the statistics on price index of public expenditure was delayed
Database table of the statistics on prices of dwellings in housing companies was corrected
Database table of the statistics on financial accounts corrected
Database table of the statistics on parliamentary elections corrected
Release in the statistics on students and qualifications was corrected as concerns data for 2021
New database tables were added to the statistics on Parliamentary elections
New database tables for the employment statistics
Statistics on offences and coercive measures concerning the International Classification of Crime for Statistical Purposes (ICCS) have been corrected 6.7.2022
ChangeChanges in the tables of the volume index of industrial output (7 April 2022)
Statistics: Volume index of industrial output
Date of change: 8 April 2022
New table:
- 13bh -- Volume index of industrial output (2015=100), replaces old table 111i -- Volume index of industrial output (2015=100)
- The variable “Share of industry in total industries” has been added to the new table.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on Students and qualifications (31 March 2022)
Statistics: Students and qualifications
Date of change: 31 March 2022
New tables:
- 13jk -- Children of compulsory education age outside comprehensive school, 1990-2021
- 13jn -- Pupils in basic education at the end of the spring term, 2021
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on living conditions (28.3.2022)
Statistics: Statistics on living conditions
Date of change: 1 April 2022
Change: Table 13ju replaces table 11vj and table 13 jv replaces table 11pd. Data on number of observations with unknow health status in the sample has been removed from table 11te.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on Discontinuation of education (16 March 2022)
Date of change: 17 March 2022
Change: Tables 133a and 133d are moved to the archive database.
- 13f2 replaces Table 133a
- 13ez replaces Table 133d
New tables:
13ez -- Discontinuation of education by sector of education and field of education, level 1 (National classification of education)
13f2 -- Discontinuation of education by sector of education and field of education, level 2 (National classification of education)
13f8 -- Discontinuation of education in upper secondary general, vocational, university of applied sciences and university education
13jc -- Discontinuation of education by sector of education and age group
13ji -- Discontinuation a field of education by sector of education
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on Progress of studies (16 March 2022)
Statistics: Progress of studies
Date of change: 17 March 2022
Change: Tables 11sd, 11sb, 11sc and 11se are moved to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 13h9 (replaces Table11sd)
- 13gr (replaces Table 11sb )
- 13fy (replaces Table 11sc)
- 13h1 (replaces Table11se)
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on employment of students (16 March 2022)
Statistics: Employment of students
Date of change: 17 March 2022
Change: 132x,132y,132z were updated. The percentage share of employed students was added.
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on County elections 2002 (15 March 2022)
Statistics: County elections
Date of change: 16 March 2022
Change: Tables 13cx, 13cc, 13bx, 13bw, 13c1, 13by, 13c2, 13c3, 13df, 13dg and 13fc were updated as concerns the wellbeing services county of Pirkanmaa due to an error in the source data.
Tables 13c4, 13dc, 13de and 13dd were added.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on structure of earnings (7 March 2022)
Statistics: Structure of Earnings
Date of change: 11 March 2022
Change: Tables 132u, 132v and 132w are moved to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 139x (replaces Table 132u)
- 139y (replaces table 132v)
- 139z (replaces Table 132w)
The Structure of Earnings statistics are not published as a time series, because it is not recommended to calculate annual changes from the statistics. The data content of the statistics changes annually as Finland’s occupational and industrial structures change, and thus the aggregate level figures of the statistics describe the change on the level of the whole country, not on the level of wage and salary earners. In addition, due to non-response, data on occupations on the most detailed level in particular are not comparable between years.
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on offences and coercive measures (23.2.2022)
Statistics: Statistics on offences and coercive measures
Date of change: 25 February 2022
Change: Table 13ga replaces Table 11dd, Table 13gb replaces Table 11de, Table 13gc replaces Table 11df, Table 13gd replaces Table 11dg, and Table 13gj replaces Table 11dh.
Changes have been made to the variable names of the tables and change data have been added to them and the time series has been extended to start from 2004.
New tables:
- 13ga – Coercive measures of the police, customs and border guard
- 13gb – Coercive measures of the police, customs and border guard by age and sex
- 13gc– Duration of apprehension, arrest, remand and detention of an alien
- 13gd – Duration of apprehension, arrest, remand and detention of an alien by age and sex
- 13gj – Coercive measures of the police, customs and border guard, used grounds
Further information:
New table for households’ assets (22 February 2022)
Statistics: Households’s assets
Date of change: 2 March 2022
Change: Table 136w -- Dwelling population’s listed shares and mutual funds by age of person and sex is replaced by table 13di -- Listed shares and mutual funds of persons by age of person and sex. Table 136w is transferred to the archive database.
The name of the new table has been changed and the following statistics have been removed from the table:
- Number of series, 25th percentile
- Number of series, 50th percentile
- Number of series, 75th percentile
Otherwise, the content of the table corresponds to the old table.
Further information:
New table for wage and salary indices (10 February 2022)
Statistics: Wage and salary indices
Date of change: 14 February 2022
New Table:
- 12xc Revisions in wage and salary indices annually
Statistics Finland starts publishing a new table on revisions to the wages and salaries sum data in the StatFin database service. The published data allow better monitoring of the relevance of industry-specific change percentages. Annual revisions are presented as averages of revised months and averages of absolute values. The published data start from 2020.
Further information:
Changes to Index of Wage and Salary Earnings database (8 February 2022)
Statistics: Index of wage and salary earnings
Date of change: 4 February 2022
Change: Table 11zq is replaced by table 13dy and table 122i is replaced by table 13ec. The data content has otherwise remained the same in the new tables, but the annual percentage changes of the index of wage and salary earnings and the index of regular earnings have been added.
New tables:
- 13dy -- Index of wage and salary earnings and index of regular earnings by employer sector, quarterly data
- 13ec -- Index of wage and salary earnings and index of regular earnings by employer sector, annual data
- 2)
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on Building cost index (7 February 2022)
Statistics: Building cost index
Date of change: 15 February 2022
Change: Tables 11nb and 11nc are transferred to the archive database.
New tables:
- 13ft Building cost index by input heading 2021=100, monthly data
- 13fu Building cost index by input heading 2021=100, annual data
- 13g5 Building cost index by type of building 2021=100, monthly data
- 13g7 Building cost index by type of building 2021=100, annual data
- 13fx Residential building, monthly data (replaces Table 11nd)
- 13fz Residential building, annual data (replaces Table 11ne)
- 13g8 Building cost index, total index, monthly data (replaces Table 11p1)
- 13g9 Building cost index, total index, annual data (replaces Table 11p2)
Further information:
Change in the table of the statistics on entrance to education (1 February 2022)
Statistics: Entrance to education
Date of change: 2 February 2022
Change: In the statistics on entrance to education, the location of the educational institution is changed into area information in the database table on immediate applying for further studies by new passers of the matriculation examination. Previously the table contained the region of location of the educational institution. The change concerns Table 11ga.
Further information:
New tables for the Consumer Confidence Survey (14 January 2022)
Statistics: Consumer Confidence
Date of change: 27 January 2022
New tables:
- 13ai: Consumer confidence: Outlook and changes. The table contains information on outlooks, monthly and year-on-year changes as well as statistical parameters concerning the indicators (balance figures) of the statistics since October 1995.
- 13ax: Consumer confidence: Response distributions and changes. The table contains information on monthly and year-on-year changes as well as statistical parameters concerning the response distributions for the questions of the statistics since May 2019.
Further information:
Changes to Labour Force Survey database tables (13 January 2022)
Statistics: Labour force survey
Date of change: 25 January 2022
Change: Tables 11pl, 11pm, 11pn, 11pq, 11pr, 11ps, 11pu, 11pv, 11pw, 11qj, 11qk, 11ql, 11qm and 11qn are transferred to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 13aj (replaces Table 11pl)
- 13ak (replaces Table 11pm)
- 13al (replaces Table 11pn)
- 13am (replaces Table 11pq)
- 13ap (replaces Table 11pr)
- 13aq (replaces Table 11ps)
- 13ar (replaces Table 11pw)
- 13as (replaces Table 11qj)
- 13at (replaces Table 11qk)
- 13au (replaces Table 11ql)
- 13av (replaces Table 11pv)
- 13aw (replaces Table 11qm)
- 11pk (replaces Table 11pu)
- 12bt (replaces Table 11qn)
Table 11pp is also moved to the archive, but so far there is no table replacing it.
The data have been corrected retrospectively to correspond with the new estimation method and the renewed time series are not comparable with those for earlier years.
About the review of the Labour Force Survey (in Finnish)
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on Cost index of civil engineering works (13 January 2022)
Statistics: Cost index of civil engineering works
Date of change: 24 January 2022
Change: Monthly change (%) is added as a new variable to all monthly database tables on Cost index of civil engineering works. The change concerns tables 118v, 119p, 114x, 119r, 119t, 119v och 119x.
Further information:
Changes to Regional accounts database tables (30 December 2021)
Statistics: Regional Account
Date of change: 30 December 2021
Table 12bd:
New Variable: arvon_muutos
Changes in value, %
New Variable: hinnan_muutos
Changes in price, %
New Variable: vol_muutos
Changes in volume, %
Further information:
Changes to Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) database tables 30 December 2021)
Statistics: Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA)
Date of change: 30 December 2021
Table 12d7:
New Variable: PH_arvon_muutos
At basic prices, changes in value, %
New Variable: PH_hinnan_muutos
At basic prices, changes in price, %
New Variable: PH_vol_muutos
At basic prices, changes in volume, %
Further information:
New table for Consumer price index (17 November 2021)
Statistics: Consumer price index
Date of change: 17 November 2021
New table:
- 13a8: The Weights of Harmonized Consumer Price Index and Consumer Price Index at Commodity Group Level
Statistics Finland publishes information about the Consumer Price Index at the StatFin database. The newly published table contains the weights’ of the CPI and HICP by commodity group.
The table applies to the 2015=100 series and it contains the annual weights, beginning from 2016 to present-day.
New tables for the Labour Force Survey (28 October 2021)
Statistics: Labour force survey
Date of change: 2 November 2021
New tables:
- 139q: Population aged 20-59 by labour force status, sex and age of youngest child
- 139r: Population aged 20-59 by labour force status, sex and number of children
Statistics Finland publishes data on the household module of the Labour Force Survey in the StatFin database service. The labour market position can be examined on the basis of household data according to the family situation. Corresponding data have previously been published in connection with the Families and work reviews.
Tables 139q and 139r contain time series for 2009 to 2020 according to the estimation method used until the end of 2020.
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on students and qualifications (21 October 2021)
Statistics: Students and qualifications
Date of change: 22 October 2021
Change: Data on pre-primary education in early childhood education are added to Table 11c3 starting from 2020. Data on students on the comprehensive level are added to Table 11c4 starting from 2020. “Post-comprehensive” has been removed from the table heading.
Further information:
Changes in the tables of the statistics on offences and coercive measures (14 October 2021)
Statistics: Index of turnover in industry
Date of change: 15 October 2021
Change: New offence headings in Tables 117t and 11cd are Means of payment offence, petty means of payment offence 37:12, 14 and Aggravated means of payment offence 37:13.
Further information:
New tables for the statistics on offences and coercive measures (14 October 2021)
Statistics: Index of turnover in industry
Date of change: 15 October 2021
New tables:
- 13A6 Persons suspected of solved offences by calculation method, age and sex
The table indicates the number of persons suspected of solved offences using different calculation methods to clarify their differences.
Further information:
New table for wage and salary indices (14 October 2021)
Statistics: Index of turnover in industry
Date of change: 15 October 2021
New tables:
- 12xt Revisions to the turnover in industry monthly (2015 = 100)
- 12xy Revisions to the turnover in industry annually
Statistics Finland starts publishing data on revisions to the turnover data of industry in the StatFin database service. The published data allow better monitoring of the relevance of industry-specific change percentages.
The data are published as revisions to the monthly and annual changes of the original, working day adjusted and seasonally adjusted index series. Monthly revisions are calculated as the difference between the first and latest published data. Annual revisions are presented as averages of revised months and averages of absolute values. The published data start from 2019.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on productivity surveys (12 October 2021)
Statistics: Productivity surveys
Date of change: 15 October 2021
Change: Tables 11fw, 11im and 12rk are being archived. Table 124k will be published under Annual National Accounts in the future. The tables to be archived are being replaced by Tables 138w, 138x, 138z and 139a, the first four of which split and replace the former content of Table 11wf. The split aims to streamline the publication into clearer groupings of data by theme.
In order to improve the calculation methodology of the Productivity surveys, non-market producers (producer type T30) and agriculture are excluded from the calculations. Additionally, the variable of gender has been removed from the quality of labour index and the net capital stocks of national accounts were used as a basis for the calculation of productive capital stocks.
- 138w (replaces 11fw) The table presents the productivity of labour (value added per hours worked) and its components.
- 138x (replaces 11fw) The table presents the results of calculating productivity of labour as production per hours worked.
- 138y (replaces 11fw) The table presents the components of change in the volume of value added according to the growth calculation method.
- 138z (replaces 11fw) The table presents the components of change in the volume of production according to the growth calculation method.
- 139a: (replaces 11im and 12rk) The table presents growth rates of capital and labour inputs, the weights used in calculating the contributions of the inputs, the value added and output of industries and the contributions of different industries to the whole economy. The levels of productive capital stock and capital price indexes and depreciation rates are no longer published.
The productivity surveys are published twice per year starting from 2022. Preliminary data for the preceding year are published in June to May, followed by a revised publication in the February of the next year.
Further information:
New table for wage and salary indices (12 October 2021)
Statistics: Wage and salary indices
Date of change: 14 October 2021
New table:
- 12x8 Revisions in wage and salary indices monthly (2015 = 100)
Statistics Finland starts publishing data on revisions to the wages and salaries sum data in the StatFin database service. The published data allow better monitoring of the relevance of industry-specific change percentages.
The data are published as revisions to the monthly changes of the original, working day adjusted and seasonally adjusted index series. Monthly revisions are calculated as the difference between the first and latest published data. The published data start from 2020.
Further information:
New tables for the turnover of trade (12 October 2021)
Statistics: Turnover of trade
Date of change: 14 October 2021
New tables:
- 12ym Revisions in index of turnover of trade monthly (2015=100)
- 12yp Revisions in index of turnover of trade annually (2015=100)
Statistics Finland starts publishing data on revisions to the turnover and sales volume data of trade in the StatFin database service. The published data allow better monitoring of the relevance of industry-specific change percentages.
The data are published as revisions to the monthly and annual changes of the original, working day adjusted and seasonally adjusted index series. Monthly revisions are calculated as the difference between the first and latest published data. Annual revisions are presented as averages of revised months and averages of absolute values. The published data start from 2019.
Further information:
New tables for the index of turnover of construction (12 October 2021)
Statistics: Index of turnover of construction
Date of change: 14 October 2021
New tables:
- 12xl Revisions in index of turnover of construction monthly (2015=100)
- 12xp Revisions in index of turnover of construction annually (2015=100)
Statistics Finland starts publishing data on revisions to the turnover and volume data of construction industries in the StatFin database service. The published data allow better monitoring of the relevance of industry-specific change percentages.
The data are published as revisions to the monthly and annual changes of the original, working day adjusted and seasonally adjusted index series. Monthly revisions are calculated as the difference between the first and latest published data. Annual revisions are presented as averages of revised months and averages of absolute values. The published data start from 2019.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on structure of earnings (8 October 2021)
Statistics: Structure of earnings
Date of change: 11 October 2021
Change: Tables 12rw, 12rx, 12ry and 12rz are moved to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 139s (replaces Table 12rw)
- 139t (replaces table 12rx)
- 139v (replaces Table 12ry)
- 139w (replaces Table 12rz)
The Structure of Earnings statistics are not published as a time series, because it is not recommended to calculate annual changes from the statistics. The data content of the statistics changes annually as Finland’s occupational and industrial structures change, and thus the aggregate level figures of the statistics describe the change on the level of the whole country, not on the level of wage and salary earners. In addition, due to non-response, data on occupations on the most detailed level in particular are not comparable between years.
Further information:
Changes to the tables of the statistics on population projection (29 September 2021)
Statistics: Population projection
Date of change: 30 September 2021
Tables 128v, 128w, 128x, 128y, 128z , 129a and 129b are moved to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 139f (replaces Table 128v)
- 139g (replaces table 128w)
- 139h (replaces Table 128x)
- 139i (replaces Table 128y)
- 139j (replaces Table 128z)
- 139k (replaces Table 129a)
- 139l (replaces Table 129b)
In the new tables, the years in the headings have been changed to reflect the new projection (Population projection 2019 -> Population projection 2021), the suffix ‘_e19’ has been replaced by the suffix ‘_e21’ in the codes of the information variables and the suffix ‘(projection 2019)’ has been replaced by the suffix ‘(projection 2021)’ in the headings of the information variables. Otherwise the content of the tables remains unchanged.
Table 128t:
In addition to the latest projection, the content has been extended to cover several old projections. New classes have been added to the information variable as follows:
New codes: vaesto_e07, vaesto_e09, vaesto_e12, vaesto_e21
New headings: Population 31 Dec (projection 2007), Population 31 Dec (projection 2009), Population 31 Dec (projection 2012), Population 31 Dec (projection 2021)
Table 139e (replaces Table 128u):
In addition to the latest projection, the content has been extended to cover several old projections. A population projection variable has been added to the table, showing the year the projection concerns. The table contains the same information as before, but there are changes to the codes and headings. The ‘_e19’ suffixes have been removed from the codes of the information variables and the ‘(projection 2019)” suffixes from the headings.
Further information:
Changes to Annual national accounts database tables (10 September 2021)
Statistics: Annual national accounts
Date of change: 17 September 2021
Table 123h
New Variable: arvon_muutos
Changes in value, %
New Variable:hinnan_muutos
Changes in price, %
Changes to Energy prices database tables (9 September 2021)
Statistics: Energy prices
Date of change: 9 September 2021
Tables 002 and, 008, are transferred to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
12ge(replaces Table 002)
Producer price indices, Appendix table 25 (replaces Table 008)
Changes to Railway Statistics database tables (19 August 2021)
Statistics: Railway Statistics
Date of change: 25 August 2021
Tables 12ib ja 12ii:
The code of the variable “Helsinki-Vantaa” changes:
Old code:i: EFHKINew code: EFHK
Corrections to the unemployment data of the Labour Force Survey for the early part of the year 2021 (21 July 2021)
Statistics: Labour Force Survey
Date of change: 27 July 2021
Change: he revision of the Labour Force Survey that entered into force at the beginning of 2021 changed the data contents of the statistics, calculation method of results and data collection considerably. A small difference in the definition of the unemployed has been detected between the data that are delivered to Eurostat and the national data, as was discovered in connection with the data revision. Corrections have been made to the data concerning the labour force, the unemployed and the inactive population at the beginning of 2021 in tables 135z, 135y, 137h and 137i.
Further information:
Change to the table of preliminary population statistics (16 June 2021)
Statistics: Preliminary population statistics
Date of change: 22 June 2021
Table 11j:
The age variable has previously been available in the table only by 5-year age group from 0 to 4-year olds until the over 90-year-old age group. Based on the customer feedback we have received, we have changed the classification so that now available are 1-year age groups until the 100-year-old age group, as well as the possibility to break down age groups by means of a number of ready-made alternatives.
Further information:
Changes to database tables on Dwellings and housing conditions (11 June 2021)
Statistics: Dwellings and housing conditions
Date of change: 20 May 2021
In connection with the publication of data for 2020, the database tables on Dwellings and housing conditions have adopted the Classification of Buildings 2018, and a new classification for type of building is introduced similarly:
- One-dwelling and two-dwelling houses (Classes 0110 One-dwelling houses and 0111 Two-dwelling houses)
- Terraced houses (Class 0112 Terraced houses)
- Blocks of flats (Classes 0120 Low-rise blocks of flats and 0121 Residential blocks of flats)
- Other buildings (Dwellings in other classes of buildings)
The new classification for type of building is applied to the database tables on Dwellings and housing conditions from statistical year 2005 onwards.
Other detached and semi-detached houses (Class 013 in the old classification of buildings) are classified as One-dwelling and two-dwelling houses in database table 116a prior to statistical year 2005. From statistical year 2005 onwards, they are classified as Terraced houses or Low-rise blocks of flats depending on their characteristics information.
Further information:
Changes to database tables on Buildings and free-time residences (7 June 2021)
Statistics: Buildings and free-time residences
Date of change: 27 May 2021
In connection with the publication of data for 2020, the Statistics on Buildings and free-time residences have adopted the Classification of Buildings 2018.
The biggest changes in the database tables regarding the building stock (116g, 116h, 116i) are that rental holiday cottages have moved from commercial and office buildings to free-time residential buildings and residences for communities and dwellings for special groups have moved to residential buildings. The changes in classification have reduced the number of buildings in the building stock in comparison to the previous statistical reference year. The changes have been applied to the whole timeseries reaching from 2005 to 2020 in database table 116i.
The changes cause a break in time series in the database table regarding the stock of free-time residential buildings. The stock of free-time residential buildings (table 116j) is generated from the class 021 (Free-time residences) starting from the statistical reference year 2020. From that point onwards the detached houses that have been reported to be in leisure-time use are no longer included in the statistics as free-time residential buildings and rental holiday cottages earlier classified as commercial buildings are included instead.
Classification of Buildings 2018
Further information:
Changes to Labour Force Survey database tables (1 June 2021)
Statistics: Labour Force Survey
Date of change: 1 June 2021
Change: Tables 1c8, 11c9, 11d8, 11pi and 11pj are transferred to the archive database. They are replaced by tables:
- 137h (replaces Table 11c8)
- 137i (replaces Table 11c9)
- 137k (replaces Table 11d8)
- 137l (replaces Table 11pi)
- 137m (replaces Table 11pj)
Table 11c is also moved to the archive, but so far there is no table replacing it.
The data have been corrected retrospectively to correspond with the new estimation method and the renewed time series are not comparable with those for earlier years.
About the review of the Labour Force Survey (in Finnish)
Further information:
Changes to the tables of families statistics (on 28 May 2021)
Table 12c1, 12c3, 12c4, 12c5:
- The category of the family type variable changes.
Code for the old category : 05_06
Heading for the old category: Cohabiting couple with children, opposite-sex spouses
Code for the new category: 05_06_55
Heading for the new category: Cohabiting couple with children
Table 12c2:
- New category for the family type variable.
Code for the new category: 55
Heading for the new category:
Cohabiting couple with common children, same-sex spouses (biological and confirmed mother)
Table 12c7:
- The category of the family type variable changes.
Code for the old category : 05_06
Heading for the old category: Cohabiting couple with children, opposite-sex spouses
Code for the new category: 05_06_55
Heading for the new category: Cohabiting couple with children - The code for the category of the family type variable “Family of two parents with children” changes.
Old code: 02_05_06_12_22_32_42
New code: 02_05_06_12_22_32_42_55
Tables 12ca, 12cb, 12cc, 12cd:
- The category of the family type variable changes
Code for the old category : 05T07
Heading for the old category: Cohabiting couple, opposite-sex spouses
Code for the new category: 05T07_55
Heading for the new category: Cohabiting couple
The new Maternity Act entered into force on 1 April 2019, according to which a child can have two mothers, a biological mother and a confirmed mother (253/2018). In family statistics, a cohabiting couple of two women is now also regarded as a cohabiting couple if they have common children.
Further information:
Changes to Labour Force Survey database tables on 4 May 2021
The Labour Force Survey was renewed at the beginning of 2021 and the data for 2011 to 2020 have been corrected retrospectively in accordance with the new estimation method. Monthly tables 135y and 135z contain corrected time series that are not comparable with data from earlier years. The tables replace Tables 11ag and 11af that have been transferred to the archive database.
- 135y (replaces Table 11af)
- 135z (replaces Table 11ag)
Retrospectively corrected time series of the quarterly and annual Labour Force Survey tables will be published during 2021.
Further information:
Publication of Labour Force Survey database tables in the early part of 2021 (12 January 2021)
The data content, data collection and estimation method of the Labour Force Survey will be revised at the beginning of 2021, which will also cause changes to the publication of database tables.
Only the key indicators concerning the labour market are published from the data for January and February 2021 solely on the statistics pages of the Labour Force Survey, and trend figures are not published. The data concerning January and February are preliminary and they may later be revised due to the review of the estimation method. For this reason, data concerning January and February 2021 are not entered into Statistics Finland's free StatFin database or the chargeable Astika database. The data of the Labour Force Survey for the early part of 2021 are used for the estimation analysis and retrospective correction of the time series.
The database tables of the Labour Force Survey for January and February 2021 will be published in connection with the completion of the data for March during May after the release date, 4 May. The publication schedule of the database tables for the first quarter of 2021 will be specified during the early part of the year.
How and why is the Labour Force Survey renewed?
Structural changes to National Accounts’ StatFin tables 2019–2020
Changes are made to the structure of Statistics Finland's StatFin tables. The aim is more coherent contents and classifications. The changes are implemented gradually to the StatFin tables of different statistics, mainly during the first half of 2019. Read more.