Statistics by topic
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery
Statistics produced under this topic describe agriculture and horticulture, forests and forestry, fishing and game husbandry, and hunting. The statistics contain data on related production activities, prices, income, expenditure, assets and debts, as well as reserves and their use.
- Agricultural and horticultural labour force
- The statistic describes the agricultural and horticultural labour force.
- Aquaculture
- The food fish and fry production by species and area, number of fish farms and enterprises with natural food pond farmers, quantity of production facilities and the value of food fish production.
- Commercial Inland Fishery
- The statistics of commercial inland fishery contains information about the commercial inland fishery catch, the value of the catch and the number of commercial fishers.
- Commercial Marine Fishery
- Commercial marine fishery statistics comprise information on the number of commercial marine fishermen, the volume and value of the catch and the distribution of the catch and fishing effort.
- Crop Production Statistics
- The statistics contain yield data on the most important crops in Finland.
- Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA)
- Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) are published for the first time in Finland for the statistical reference year 2019.
- Egg Production
- The egg production statistics illustrate the development of egg production by production methods.
- Energy consumption of agriculture and horticulture
- The statistic describes agriculture and horticulture energy consumption.
- Fish Processing
- Amount and size of fish processing enterprises and amount of fish processed by species and product group.
- Foreign Trade in Fish
- The volume and value of foreign trade in fish and fish products by product group and country.
- Foreign Trade in Roundwood and Forest Industry Products
- Statistics on foreign trade in roundwood and forest industry products are published monthly.
- Foreign trade in agri-food products
- Foreign trade statistics for agricultural products and foodstuffs are based on Customs' foreign trade statistics and its CN 1-24 groups.
- Forest Protection
- The set of statistics related to forest protection comprises data about statutory protected areas, biodiversity conservation sites in commercial forests, and forests supporting the conservation of nature values in Finland, and the data are presented by region, by soil and protection category, and by area type.
- Forest accounts
- In forest accounts, use and mass balances are used to describe the supply of wood and forest industry products from different sources, their utilization in the forest industry and energy generation, and the flows of wood material in the national economy.
- Forest industries' wood consumption
- The statistics present annual wood consumption information on the use of wood by the forest industries; consumption of domestic and imported roundwood, and forest industry by-products and wood residues.
- Forestry as an Investment
- The statistics show calculations of return on assets (ROA) that allow comparison between ROAs from shares in forestry (timber production), housing companies, all shares and state obligations.
- Horticultural Statistics
- The statistics illustrate the structures of horticultural enterprises engaged in commercial production, cultivation in the open and in greenhouses as well as mushroom growing.
- Hunting
- Number of hunters and hunters' game bag by species and by region and the quantity of meat in the annual game bag.
- Meat Production
- The statistics contain monthly and annual information on slaughter volumes (number of carcasses and weight in kilos) and average carcass weights.
- Milk and Milkproducts Statistics
- The statistics contain monthly and annual information on milk production, the number of milk producers as well as milk product production volumes, domestic sales and inventories.
- Natural Resources Institute Finland
- The statistics contain monthly and annual information on industrial roundwood removals and on harvested energy wood volumes.
- Number of livestock
- Depending on the species, livestock numbers are recorded on 1 April or 1 May and on 1 December.
- Operating Profit in Non-Industrial Private Forestry
- The statistics present regional data on income and costs in wood production, as well as operating profit in non-industrial private forestry.
- Other entrepreneurship in agriculture and horticulture
- The statistics describe the other business activities of agricultural and horticultural enterprises and are comparable with statistics on other business activities of agricultural and horticultural enterprises in other EEA countries.
- Ownership of Forest Land
- The statistics give information on the number and forest land area of forest property entities and forest holdings owned by private persons and other groups.
- Producer Prices for Fish
- The fish price paid to fishermen for fish by species, size class, area and month in the sea area, and the price of farmed whitefish and rainbow trout by month.
- Producer Prices of Agricultural Products
- The Producer Prices for Agricultural Products statistics measure the prices received by farmers for their products.
- Recreational Fishing
- Number of recreational fishermen, fishing days and catches by species, by area and by fishing method.
- Roundwood removals and drain
- Annual data are given by forestry centre (13 regions) on commercial removals, total roundwood removals and total drain.
- Silvicultural and Forest Improvement Work
- The statistics give the annual volume of silvicultural and forest improvement works and the corresponding unit and total costs.
- Statistics on cereal purchased, used and stockpiled by industry and trade
- Quarterly statistics on the volumes of cereals, turnip rape and oilseed rape purchased directly from farmers and the volumes used by the cereal industry.
- Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
- The statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises replace the agricultural enterprise and income statistics produced from 1973 to 2004 as well as the agricultural income and tax statistics.
- Structure in Agriculture and horticulture businesses
- The farm structure statistics provide an overall view of the farm, ownership and production structures of the Finnish agriculture as well as of the number and age distribution of farmers.
- Stumpage Earnings
- The statistics show annual stumpage earnings based on roundwood removals and stumpage prices.
- Total Wood Consumption
- The statistics comprise information on total wood consumption in Finland.
- Use of Crops on Farms
- The statistics contain data on use and stocks of grain (wheat, barley, oats and rye) and potatoes on farms by crop year year.
- Utilised Agricultural Area
- The statistics contain data on the cultivated areas of the most important crops, fallow areas and other agricultural areas in Finland.
- Volumes and prices in industrial roundwood trade
- The statistics give the volumes and prices of roundwood bought by the forest industries from non-industrial, private forests.
- Wood in Energy Generation
- The statistics comprise the annual data on solid wood fuels consumed in heating and power plants.
Statistics on completed new buildings and renovations, the Building Cost Index, data on hours worked in construction, and on the finances, activity and structures of construction enterprises are produced under this topic.
- Building and dwelling production
- The statistics on building and dwelling production describe the volume of construction subject to building permits and the volume of production.
- Index of turnover of construction
- The index of turnover of construction describes monthly development in the turnover of construction companies.
- Renovation building
- The statistics on renovation building describe the renovation activity of building construction annually.
Culture and the Media
Statistics under this topic describe the mass media and culture from various perspectives: their finances, structures and use. The statistics describe the division of the population's time use into paid employment, household work, hobbies, use of the media by the population, cultural and other hobbies, physical activities, social participation and social relations.
Data for Culture is also available on the Cultural Statistics' table service.
Data for Mass media is also available on the Mass media statistics' table service.
- Culture
- Cultural statistics describe production, supply, finances, public support, labour force, education, interest and consumption in various fields of arts and culture.
- Mass media statistics
- Mass media statistics describe economy, enterprise structures, contents, consumption, audiences, internationalisation and labour force in diverse sectors of the mass media.
The statistics produced within the scope of this topic describe the entire education system from pre-primary to adult education. The Register of Completed Education and Degrees as well as student flow statistics also come under this topic.
- Adult education of educational institutions
- The statistics on adult education of educational institutions contain data on the adult education organised by vocational institutes, universities of applied sciences, liberal adult education institutions and music schools and colleges.
- CVTS, Continuing vocational training
- The statistics on continuing vocational training (CVTS) collect data on the amount, quality and costs of training offered by enterprises to their personnel and on enterprises’ training strategies.
- Discontinuation of education
- Statistics Finland has been compiling statistics on discontinuation of post-comprehensive school education from individual-based data on students and qualifications since the academic year of 2000-2001.
- Educational finances
- The statistics on educational finances contain data on the finances and costs of the entire educational system.
- Educational structure of population
- The statistics on the educational structure of the population describe the post-comprehensive school educational qualifications and degrees attained by the population aged 15 and over.
- Entrance to education
- These statistics describe entrances and admissions to post-comprehensive school education leading to a qualification or degree, and placement in further education of comprehensive school leavers and passers of the matriculation examination immediately after completing the qualification.
- Participation in adult education
- The adult education survey is an extensive interview survey on participation in education and learning among the adult population in Finland.
- Progress of studies
- These statistics describe how new entrants to post-comprehensive school education progress in their studies up to the attainment of a qualification or degree.
- Providers of education and educational institutions
- The statistics on providers of education and educational institutions describe the network of education providers and educational institutions that is administered by public authorities, changes that have taken place in it during the year, as well as contain address data for educational institutions and indicate school sizes by data on total number of students per school on 20 September.
- Students and qualifications
- The statistics describe pupils and students in pre-primary and basic education and post-comprehensive education leading to a qualification, as well as completers of qualifications or degrees.
- Subject choices of students
- The statistics on subject choices of students contain data on the subject choices in comprehensive school and upper secondary education.
- Support for learning
- Statistics Finland compiles statistics on pupils having received intensified or special support in comprehensive schools, part-time special education and special vocational education.
- Transition from school to further education and work
- These statistics examine graduates' employment and entry into further education, and their regional transition within a given time period from graduation.
The statistics produced under this topic relate to the results of general elections, persons entitled to vote, voting, candidates and the elected.
- County elections
- County elections are held every four years.
- European Parliament elections
- European Parliament elections are held every five years in all Member States of the European Union.
- Municipal elections
- Municipal elections are held in Finland every four years.
- Parliamentary elections
- Parliamentary elections are held in Finland every four years.
- Presidential elections
- Presidential elections are held in Finland every six years as direct, popular elections.
Statistics concerning the production, consumption, imports, exports and prices of energy, and investments in energy come under this topic, as well as statistics on environmental emissions from the consumption and production of energy.
- Consumption of hard coal
- The statistics describe the use of hard coal in generation of electricity and heat in Finland.
- Energy consumption in households
- Statistics on energy consumption in households describe the annual amount and structure of energy consumption related to housing and from which sources energy is acquired for heating residential buildings.
- Energy prices
- The statistics present information about energy prices and energy taxes and tax-like payments.
- Energy supply and consumption
- The statistics present information about total consumption of energy, electricity production and total consumption and imports and exports of energy.
- Energy use in manufacturing
- The statistics on energy use in manufacturing describe the use of energy in manufacturing by energy source, industry and region.
- Production of electricity and heat
- The statistics describe the production of electricity and heat and fuels consumed on production in Finland.
- Wood pellets
- The statistics cover annual data on wood pellet production, foreign trade (exports and imports) and deliveries based on domestic pellet production.
The scope of this topic extends to statistics describing the financial statements of enterprises, corporations and enterprises and their establishments, and to monthly indicators on business activity.
- Enterprise openings and closures
- These statistics are derived from data in Statistics Finland’s Business Register.
- Finnish affiliates abroad
- The statistics describe the global location of Finnish enterprises’ activities and the significance of these activities abroad.
- Foreign affiliates in Finland
- The statistics describe the activities of foreign affiliates located in Finland.
- Foreign direct investments
- Direct investments to Finland describe the capital that a foreign investor has invested directly in a unit located in Finland under the investors' control or influence.
- Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
- The regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity contain data on the establishments of enterprises operating in Finland by industry and region.
- Statistics on business subsidies
- The statistics on business subsidies contain data on business subsidies by type of subsidy.
- Structural business and financial statement statistics
- The structural business and financial statement statistics describe enterprises operating in Finland.
Environment and Natural Resources
The statistics covered by this topic concern the state of the environment and natural resources and changes in them, people's environmental attitudes, and wastes, emissions and environmental protection.
- Climatological statistics
- Annual statistics are compiled to long time-series, so called normal periods, of which the latest is 1981-2010.
- Economy-wide material flow accounts
- Economy-wide material flow accounts describe in units of mass (tonnes) the volume of materials extracted, transferred or transformed from nature.
- Emissions into air by industry
- In the statistics on emissions into air by industry, emissions are presented according to the industrial classification used in national accounts.
- Energy Accounts
- The statistics on energy accounts examine the supply and use of energy in the national economy and between the economy and the environment.
- Environmental and energy taxes
- These statistics on environment-related taxes and charges describe the amounts and shares of total tax revenues of the environmental taxes and charges collected by the public sector.
- Environmental goods and services sector
- Statistics on the environmental goods and services sector describe business activities involving the environment practised in Finland.
- Environmental protection expenditure accounts
- The statistics on environmental protection expenditure accounts describe the expenditure arising from environmental protection to industry, services and households, and central and local government.
- Greenhouse gases
- The statistics are compiled from emissions data submitted to the EU and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
- Hydrological observations
- The Hydrological Yearbook comprises annual treatises on hydrological conditions in Finland.
- Land Surveying. Year Statistics of the National Land Survey
- Surveying is a publication provided by the NLS on general statistics showing the number of yearly performances of the different operational units in the NLS regarding both real estate duties and mapping duties.
- Waste statistics
- These statistics monitor changes in the volumes of waste, waste treatment methods and proportions of hazardous waste.
Financing and Insurance
Statistics describing financing and insurance activity, including those on the structure of the financial market, supply and demand of financial instruments, and interest rates are produced under this topic. The scope also extends to key data on the activities and financial statements of units operating on the financing and insurance markets.
- Financial statement statistics on credit institutions
- Statistics Finland has been publishing harmonised statistics from the financial statements of all credit institutions in compliance with the Ministry of Finance’s decree on financial statement formulas since 1995.
- Insurance Activities
- The statistics describe the activities of non-life, life and pension insurance companies.
- Investment service companies
- Statistics Finland has been publishing quarterly and annual financial statement statistics on investment service companies since the situation at year-end 1998.
Government Finance
Statistics describing the finances and activities of general government, such as those on the financial statements of municipalities and joint municipal boards come under this topic. The scope of the topic also extends to statistics on the support and funding granted by central government and public financial corporations to non-financial corporations, on the productivity of government activities, and on general government deficit and debt.
- General government debt by quarter
- The purpose of quarterly reporting on general government debt is to follow the indebtedness of public economies in EU Member States in accordance with the Stability and Growth Pact of the EU.
- General government deficit and debt
- These statistics contain data on the deficit and debt of government finance in Finland.
- General government expenditure by function
- The statistics describe general government expenditure by function and sub-sector on the basis of national accounts data.
- General government revenue and expenditure by quarter
- The statistics describe quarterly data on the revenue and expenditure of general government.
- Taxes and tax-like payments
- The statistics on taxes and tax-like payments contain data on the taxes and compulsory social security contributions central and local governments and social security funds collect annually.
Statistics describing the population's state of health, prevalence of diseases, incapacity for work, health behaviour and causes of death come under this topic. Statistics describing health care are also presented under Social protection and data on the number of deaths under Population.
- Alcoholic Beverage Consumption
- The statistics cover both documented and undocumented consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Causes of death
- Statistics Finland annually produces statistics on causes of death and the development of mortality.
- Congenital Malformations
- The data are based on the National Institute for Health and Welfare Register of Congenital Malformations, which contains data on congenital anomalies detected in stillbirths or live births as well as in fetuses in selective terminations of pregnancy.
- Health Expenditure and Financing
- Every year, the National Institute for Health and Welfare collects data on public and private health expenditure and financing based on concepts and classifications under the OECD System of Health Accounts (SHA 2011).
- Health and social services personnel
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- Hospital benchmarking
- The data are based on the Care Register (Hilmo) data submitted to THL by hospitals every year as well as on data on the costs of hospitals and specialties collected every year separately from hospitals.
- IVF Treatments
- The IVF Treatments statistics contain information on in vitro fertilisations (IVF) from 1992 onwards and on inseminations from 2006 onwards.
- Induced Abortions
- The data are based on the Register of Induced Abortions and Sterilisations at National Institute for Health and Welfare, which receives the data from the operating physician.
- Induced abortions in the Nordic countries
- The statistics contain data on induced abortions in the Nordic countries.
- Local government health and social services personnel
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- Perinatal statistics - parturients, delivers and newborns
- The data are based on the National Institute for Health and Welfare Medical Birth Register, which contains data on mothers given birth and children born in Finland.
- Sterilisations
- The data are based on the Register of Induced Abortions and Sterilisations at National Institute for Health and Welfare, which receives the data from the operating physician.
- Tobacco statistics
- National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) compiles tobacco statistics at the commission of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
Statistics describing the building and dwelling stock, dwelling occupancy, the population's housing conditions and occupancy rates, as well as structures and stages in life of household-dwelling units are produced under this topic. Its scope also extends to statistics concerning dwelling prices and rents, and financial statements of housing corporations.
- Buildings and free-time residences
- The statistics on buildings and free-time residences are produced annually and describe the existing stock and number of buildings and free-time residences on the last day of the year.
- Dwellings and housing conditions
- The statistics on dwellings and housing conditions are produced annually and describe the existing stock, number of dwellings and housing conditions of household-dwelling units on the last day of the year.
- Finance of housing companies
- The statistics on the finance of housing corporations measure the cost of housing in housing corporations, and analyse its composition and reasons for differences in it.
- Prices of dwellings in housing companies
- The statistics on prices of dwelling in housing companies describe the development in the prices of old dwellings.
- Real estate prices
- These statistics describe the levels of the prices and changes in the prices of single-family houses and single-family house plots quarterly and annually.
- Rents of dwellings
- Statistics on rents (quarterly and annual statistics) depict the level of rents in the rental dwelling stock, and quarterly and annual changes in rents.
Income and Consumption
This topic covers statistics on the amounts, distribution and structure of the income and assets of households and income recipients, and on household consumption expenditure and its structure, ownership of consumer durables, and use of services.
- Consumer Confidence
- The statistics on Consumer Confidence express consumers’ sentiments, expectations and intentions relating to economic matters.
- Households' assets
- The wealth survey describes household’s assets: their total amount, structure and distribution among different population groups.
- Households' consumption
- Statistics Finland's Household Budget Survey produces data on changes in the consumption expenditure of households and on differences in consumption by population group.
- Income distribution statistics
- The income distribution statistics describe the distribution of the annual income of households and income differentials between different population groups.
- Indebtedness
- Statistics on indebtedness describe the debts of private persons and household-dwelling units.
Statistics under this topic describe offences recorded by the police, offences considered by courts of justices, prosecutions, sentences, punishments given and enforcement of sentences, and activities of the police, prosecutors and courts of justice, and debt matters.
- Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings
- The Statistics on bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings statistics describe the bankruptcy cases instigated and decided by district courts.
- Enforcement matters
- Statistics Finland publishes statistics on enforcement matters pending and concluded in the enforcement districts of the Ministry of Justice, and on debtors in these matters.
- Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases
- The statistics contain data on cases referred to mediation offices and the separate offences contained within the cases, as well as also on domestic violence cases and civil cases.
- Prosecutions, sentences and punishments
- These statistics contain data on the sentences issued and waived, and charges rejected by courts of first instance.
- Restructuring of debts
- Statistics Finland publishes statistics on cases concerning the restructuring of private debts handled and concluded by district courts.
- Statistics on offences and coercive measures
- The statistics on offences and coercive measures focus on describing the regional distributions of crime and the use of coercive measures by the police, customs and border guard.
Labour Market
Statistics describing the labour force, participation in it, employment and unemployment are produced under this topic. The scope of the topic also extends to statistics on job vacancies, occupational accidents and labour disputes, and to statistics describing working conditions and changes in them.
- Employment Service Statistics
- The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment compiles Employment service statistics on the clients of the employment and economic development offices: jobseekers (most unemployed jobseekers) registered at the employment and economic development offices, vacancies reported by employers and services which aim to advance the employment of the job seekers.
- Job vacancy survey
- The job vacancy survey produces quarterly information about open job vacancies in Finland.
- Labour force survey
- The Labour Force Survey collects statistical data on the participation in work, employment, unemployment and activity of persons outside the labour force among the population aged between 15 and 89.
- Occupational accident statistics
- The statistics on occupational accidents contain annual data on the occupational accidents that have occurred to wage and salary earners and own-account workers in agriculture.
- Quality of work life
- The quality of work life survey is an extensive personal interview survey conducted since 1977 to monitor employees’ working conditions and changes in them.
- Statistics on labour disputes
- The statistics on labour disputes describe the labour disputes organised in Finland by employees or employers.
Living Conditions
Statistics describing human relationships, welfare, quality of life, social participation and security come under this topic. Also included are statistics concerning the living conditions of different population groups.
- Participation in leisure activities
- The statistics on participation in leisure activities examine the population's leisure activities and social participation, their development and participation of different population groups.
- Statistics on living conditions
- The statistics on living conditions describe the living conditions of the household population from different perspectives, such as risk of poverty or social exclusion, subjective well-being and livelihood, health and housing by population group in Finland.
- Time use
- The time use survey is an interview survey in which the respondents keep an accurate diary of their time use over a two-day period.
Statistics on the activities of manufacturing establishments, such as data on their structure and commodities, and on the activity, structures and inventories of manufacturing enterprises, and indices measuring development in the volume of output are produced under this topic.
- Index of turnover in industry
- The index of turnover in industry describes development in the turnover of manufacturing enterprises.
- Industrial output
- The statistics on industrial output contain data on sold and total outputs by commodity heading.
- New orders in manufacturing
- The index of new orders in manufacturing describes development in the value of new orders received by enterprises for the commodities and services that are meant to be produced by establishments located in Finland.
- Volume index of industrial output
- The volume index of industrial output describes the change in the monthly volume of industrial output at fixed prices.
National Accounts
Statistics produced according to the system of national accounts come under this topic. National accounts are compiled in Finland in accordance with the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). The statistics comprise annual, quarterly, financial and regional accounts.
Information on this topic can also be found on the national accounts thematic pages.
- Annual national accounts
- National accounts is a statistical system that describes Finland’s national economy comprehensively, systematically and precisely.
- Balance of payments and international investment position
- The statistics on balance of payments describes the external balance of the national economy from the perspectives of both real and financial economy.
- Culture satellite accounts
- Culture Satellite Accounts are a statistical system which aims at describing the economic contribution of culture.
- Financial accounts
- Financial accounts describe the financial balance sheets and financial transactions of all sectors of the national economy.
- Input-output
- The supply tables describe by commodity group production and imports of the goods and services that are produced by different industries and used in the national economy.
- International trade in goods and services
- Statistics on international trade in goods and services describe exports and imports of goods and services with a broad classification of products and areas.
- Productivity surveys
- In growth accounts annual changes in value added, production and labour productivity are broken into components.
- Quarterly national accounts
- Quarterly national accounts describe Finland’s economy systematically and according to the same concepts and definitions as annual national accounts, but at a more aggregated level.
- Quarterly sector accounts
- Sector accounts are part of national accounts.
- Regional Accounts
- Regional accounts are an extension of national accounts from which data are available by sub-regional unit, region, major region, as well as by other regional divisions based on municipalities if required.
- Regional input-output tables
- Regional input-output statistics comprise regional supply and use tables and the input-output tables based on them.
- Trend Indicator of Output
- The Trend Indicator of Output endeavours to forecast the monthly development of the national economy.
- Value of household production
- Unpaid household work – that is, services produced by households for themselves, such as cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry and childcare – based on international agreements remains outside the production boundary of national accounts, that is, it is not included in gross domestic product, for example.
This topic covers statistics on the size and structure of the permanently resident population and related changes, such as births, deaths, marriages, migration. Statistics on employment, families and household-dwelling units, as well as population projections by area are also produced under this topic.
- Adoptions
- The statistics on adoptions contain data about children adopted from Finland or abroad by a person or persons permanently resident in Finland.
- Births
- The statistics on births contain all the children whose mother was permanently resident in Finland at the time of their birth.
- Changes in marital status
- The statistics on changes in marital status describe changes in the marital status of men and women permanently resident in Finland.
- Citizenships granted
- These statistics describe the foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland who have been granted Finnish nationality during the statistical year.
- Deaths
- The statistics on deaths cover persons permanently domiciled in Finland on the day of death.
- Employment
- Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population’s economic activity and employment.
- Families
- Families are formed at the turn of the year from persons living in the same dwelling according to the population information system of The Digital and Population data services Agency.
- Migration
- The statistics on migration describe the moving of individual persons.
- Population projection
- Population projections describe future population developments.
- Population structure
- These statistics on the structure of the population describe Finnish and foreign citizens permanently resident in Finland at the turn of the year.
- Preliminary population statistics
- The preliminary population statistics contain data on population changes and population structure.
Prices and Costs
Statistics depicting prices and the development of costs, as well as price and cost indices describing changes in them are produced under this topic.
- Alcoholic beverage price trends
- The statistics describe trends in the consumer prices of alcoholic beverages, describing price changes in relation to a chosen reference point.
- Building cost index
- The building cost index describes relative changes in the building costs of building works and buildings of essentially identical structures by monitoring developments in the prices of the basic inputs used in their building.
- Consumer price index
- The Consumer Price Index describes development in the prices of products and services purchased by households in Finland.
- Cost index of civil engineering works
- The cost index of civil engineering works describes changes in the costs incurred by civil engineering enterprises from the purchase and use of inputs.
- Index of producer prices of agricultural products
- The index of producer prices of agricultural products measures developments in the producer prices of vegetable and animal products.
- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
- The index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production measures the price developments in the cost factors of agriculture.
- Index of real estate maintenance costs
- The index of real estate maintenance costs describes average development in the prices of diverse cost items of real estate maintenance in the whole country, including administration, use and maintenance, upkeep of outdoor areas, cleaning, heating, water supply and sewage, electricity, waste management, insurance against loss or damage, and running maintenance.
- International price comparison
- The objective of international price comparing is to produce purchasing power parities.
- Price index of public expenditure
- The price indices of public expenditure (PIPE) measure the development of prices in the expenditure of central and local governments.
- Producer price indices
- The producer price indices measure the development of commodity prices from the perspective of enterprises.
- Producer price indices for services
- The Producer Price Index for Services describes the price development of services provided by enterprises to other enterprises and the public sector (Business to Business, BtoB), to households (Business to Consumers, BtoC) and to all end users (Business to All, BtoAll).
- Purchase Price Statistics of Real Estates
- The National Land Survey (NLS) maintains a register of real estate sales showing all conveyances including sales, exchanges, donations and contracts on partition an also precontracts on sale of real estate.
Science, Technology and Information Society
The topic includes statistics describing research and development activity and the resources used for its funding and research, enterprises' innovation activity and the use of information and communications technology by enterprises and individuals.
- Government R&D funding in the state budget
- The statistics describe the funding allocated in the state budget to research and development.
- Innovation
- The innovation survey carried out every second year is part of the joint project Community Innovation Survey (CIS) coordinated by Eurostat and made in all EU Member States.
- Research and development
- The statistics on research and development describe the resources used for research, and for product and process development.
- Use of information and communications technology by individuals
- The purpose of the survey on Use of information and communications technology is to produce data about ICT usage in households and by individuals.
- Use of information technology in enterprises
- These statistics describe the use of information technology in enterprises and electronic business activities.
This topic includes statistics on service sectors describing such as the activity and structures of business service and hotel and restaurant enterprises and service activities of enterprises. Statistics on international trade in services go under Trade.
- Statistics on service industry commodities
- Statistics describe the structure of turnover and services produced in certain branches of industry providing services.
- Turnover of service industries
- The index of turnover of service industries describes development in the turnover of service branch enterprises (excluding trade).
Social Protection
Statistics on social protection in Finland, effected through the payment of pensions and other income security benefits and on the provision of social and health services are produced under this topic. The statistics contain data on the expenditure and financing of social and health care, social protection benefit recipients and amounts, and social and health care services and their producers.
- Child Benefit
- The child benefit is one of the statutory public benefits aimed at defraying the cost of raising a child.
- Child Day Care Subsidies
- Statutory child day care subsidies are provided in the form of monthly benefits to families.
- Child Maintenance Allowance
- The child maintenance allowance is a Kela benefit aimed at providing economic security to children who do not receive child support from a liable parent.
- Child Welfare
- The data are based on data in the National Institute for Health and Welfare Child Welfare Register concerning children and young persons placed outside the home and on summary data that National Institute for Health and Welfare receives annually from municipalities on children and young persons receiving support in community care as part of a child welfare intervention.
- Child maintenance and custody as well as determination of paternity
- The statistics contain data collected from municipalities on maintenance agreements, paternity investigations, and agreements on child custody, residency and right of access.
- Conscript's Allowance
- The purpose of the conscript's allowance is to provide economic security for male conscripts, female volunteers and family members during military and alternative civilian service.
- Disability benefits and services provided by Kela
- The statistics on disability benefits and services provided by Kela cover the benefits paid by Kela to persons with disabilities: disability allowance for persons under 16 years, disability allowance for persons aged 16 or over, care allowance for pensioners and dietary grant and the interpreting services for the disabled.
- Earnings-related pension recipients in Finland
- The statistics on earnings-related pension recipients in Finland contain the key figures on all earnings-related pension recipients and new retirees on an earnings-related pension in Finland.
- Financial Aid for Students
- The statistics on Financial Aid for Students by Social Insurance Institution of Finland offer information about publicly funded financial assistance for students.
- General Housing Allowance
- The statistics on the general housing allowance contain data on payments of general housing allowance by Kela.
- Housing Allowance for Pensioners
- The statistics on the housing allowance for pensioners contain data on payments of housing allowance for pensioners by Kela.
- Institutional Care and Housing Services in Social Care
- The statistics are based on the Care Register for Social Welfare.
- Maternity Grant
- The maternity grant is one of the statutory public benefits aimed at defraying the cost of raising a child.
- Occupational Health Care
- The occupational health care statistics contain data on the occupational health services for which Kela provides reimbursements.
- Parenthood Allowances
- Residents of Finland are insured under the Health Insurance Act.
- Pensions Provided by Kela
- The Finnish pension system is comprised, broadly, of two statutory schemes which respectively provide national pensions and earnings-related pensions.
- Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland
- The statistics on persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland contain the key figures on all persons insured for an earnings-related pension in Finland classified by the earnings-related pension sector and pensions acts.
- Rehabilitation Benefits and Services Provided by Kela
- The statistics on the rehabilitation benefits and services provided by Kela present a general picture of the rehabilitation implemented by Kela nationwide.
- Reimbursement Entitlements in Respect of Medicines
- The statistics on reimbursement entitlements in respect of medicines are based on the National Health Insurance reimbursement system for medicine expenses.
- Reimbursements for Medical Expenses
- All permanent residents of Finland are covered under the Finnish National Health Insurance (NHI) scheme and are eligible for reimbursement of medical expenses under the Health Insurance Act.
- Reimbursements for Prescription Medicines
- The statistics on reimbursements for prescription medicines are based on the reimbursement of pharmaceutical expenses.
- School Transport Subsidies
- The school transport subsidy is one of the means for supporting participation in education.
- Sickness Allowance
- All residents of Finland are insured under the Health Insurance Act.
- Social Assistance
- The annual Social Assistance statistics are based on the National Institute for Health and Welfare Social Assistance Register, in which data are gathered from municipalities on recipient households and their size and structure and the duration and level of assistance.
- Social protection expenditure and financing
- According to the ESSPROS system, social protection encompasses all interventions from public or private bodies that are intended to relieve households and individuals of the burden of a defined set of risks or needs.
- Statistics on Pensioners in Finland
- The statistics on pensioners in Finland give a comprehensive overall picture of the pensions paid by the Finnish earnings-related and residence-based national pension schemes.
- Statistics on basic social assistance
- Statistics on basic social assistance offer details about information about the age structure among recipients, the type of household, the amount of assistance in euros and the number of recipients each moth during the calendar year.
- Total Expenditure on Pensions
- The statistic provides an overall view of the cash amounts of pensions paid in Finland.
- Unemployment Benefits Provided by Kela
- The statistics on the benefits paid by Kela in respect of unemployment present a general picture of the basic unemployment-related benefits provided by Kela.
- Unemployment Protection in Finland
- The statistics on unemployment protection in Finland provide a general picture of income replacement in the event of unemployment.
This topic covers statistics describing foreign and domestic trade. The statistics on foreign trade depict trade in goods and services between Finland and other EU countries and between Finland and third countries, that is, internal and external trade. The topic includes statistics on domestic trade that describe retail and wholesale trade. The produced statistics also include value, volume and price indices.
- International trade of goods
- Foreign Trade Statistics describes the trade in commodities between Finland and other EU Member States, and between Finland and Third Countries, i.
- Turnover of trade
- The index of turnover of trade describes development in the turnover of enterprises engaged in trade.
- Unit Value and Volume Indexes of the Foreign Trade of Goods
- These statistics describe the price and quantity development of foreign trade of goods and changes therein.
Transport and Tourism
Transport statistics describing registered vehicles, road and rail networks and traffic, goods transport by road, domestic and foreign waterborne traffic, air traffic and traffic accidents are produced within the scope of this topic. The statistics on tourism describe overnighting at accommodation establishments, domestic and foreign trips, and foreign tourism in Finland.
- Accommodation statistics
- Accommodation statistics describe the supply and use of hotel services, and provide data on the numbers of users of these services and on overnight stays.
- Air transport
- Air transport describes air traffic and transport of passengers, freight and mail at Finnish airports.
- Domestic Waterborne Traffic
- The statistics on domestic waterborne traffic describe shipborne transport of goods and passengers, departing from and arriving in Finland.
- Finnish Road Statistics
- Finnish road statistics contain data on roads in and traffic on Finland’s road network.
- Finnish Travel
- The Finnish Travel Survey contains information on trips made by Finnish residents and on persons having travelled.
- First registrations of motor vehicles
- Statistics Finland's statistics on motor vehicles are based on the traffic affairs register of the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), which contains data on all road transport vehicles liable for registration on Mainland Finland.
- Foreign Shipping Traffic
- The statistics on foreign shipping traffic comprise data on the waterborne transport of goods and passengers between Finland and foreign countries as well as on the number of vessels in international transport calling Finnish ports.
- Goods transport by road
- Statistics on goods transport by road describe the transport activity of lorries registered in Finland for both private and licensed transport in Finland and abroad.
- Merchant Fleet
- The merchant fleet statistics contain data on vessels registered in the transport register and the register of ships in terms of number, gross and net tonnage and deadweight (dwt).
- Motor vehicle stock
- Statistics Finland’s statistics on motor vehicles are based on the traffic affairs register of Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), which contains data on all road transport vehicles liable for registration on Mainland Finland.
- Railway Statistics
- The railway statistics are the basic statistics of the Finnish railways, including data on both the track network and railway traffic.
- Statistics on road traffic accidents
- The statistics on road traffic accidents contain diverse data on road traffic accidents involving personal injury and on persons killed and injured in them since 1931.
Wages, Salaries and Labour Costs
The scope of this topic extends to statistics on the levels of earnings and numbers of wage and salary earners, as well as labour costs and their structure, including the Survey of Wage and Salary Structures, Index of Wage and Salary Earnings and the Labour Cost Index.
- Central government monthly salaries
- The statistics on central government monthly salaries describe the numbers and earnings of employees remunerated within the framework of the national budget by variables like industry, occupation, education, gender and age.
- Index of wage and salary earnings
- This is an index measuring development in wage and salary earners’ earnings for regular working hours.
- Labour cost index
- The labour cost index measures the quarterly change in average labour costs per hour worked.
- Labour cost survey
- The labour cost survey describes the level and structure of labour costs at fixed intervals of years.
- Local government sector wages and salaries
- The statistics on local government sector wages and salaries describe the numbers and earnings of employees of municipalities and joint municipal boards by variables like industry, occupation, education, gender and age.
- Private sector hourly wages
- The statistics on private sector hourly wages describe the numbers and earnings levels of hourly paid employees by gender, age, occupational group and education.
- Private sector monthly salaries
- The statistics on private sector monthly salaries describe the numbers and earnings levels of the monthly paid employees of private enterprises and non-profit institutions by occupation, education of occupational group, gender and age.
- Structure of Earnings
- Structural statistics on wages and salaries describe the numbers, hourly and monthly earnings, and the formation and distribution of employees’ wages and salaries in all employer sectors.
- Wage and salary indices
- Wage and salary indices describe the monthly development of the wages and salaries sum in different industries.