Statistics by alphabet
In the list of statistics you can find Statistics Finland's all statistics and a link to the statistics of other producers of Official Statistics of Finland.
If the producer of the statistics is other than Statistics Finland, it is mentioned in the link.
Statistics: A
- Access to services in specialised health care Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Accommodation statistics
- Adoptions
- Agricultural and horticultural labour forceProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Agricultural enterprise and income statisticsDiscontinued:
- Agricultural income and tax statisticsDiscontinued:
- Air emission accounts
- Air transport
- Alcohol policy opinions Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Alcoholic beverage consumptionProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Alcoholic beverage price trendsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfareDiscontinued:
- Annual national accounts
- AquacultureProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Assisted fertility treatmentsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
Statistics: B
- Balance of payments and international investment position
- BankruptciesDiscontinued:
- Bankruptcies and business restructuring proceedings
- Births
- BondsDiscontinued:
- Border Interview SurveyDiscontinued:
- Budgets of municipalities and joint municipal boardsDiscontinued:
- Building and dwelling production
- Building cost index
- Building permitsDiscontinued:
- Building stockDiscontinued:
- Building stock and new production
- Buildings and free-time residences
- Business restructuring proceedingsDiscontinued:
Statistics: C
- Capital stockDiscontinued:
- Causes of death
- Central government guaranteesDiscontinued:
- Central government monthly salaries
- Central government revenue and expenditure by regionDiscontinued:
- Changes in marital status
- Child benefitProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Child day care subsidiesProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Child maintenance allowanceProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Child maintenance and custody as well as determination of paternityProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Child welfareProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Child welfare - adequacy of personnel in social workProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Citizenships granted
- Climatological statisticsProducer:Finnish meteorological institute
- Coercive measuresDiscontinued:
- Commercial fellingsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Commercial inland fisheryProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Commercial marine fisheryProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Congenital malformationsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Conscript's allowanceProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Consumer confidence
- Consumer price index
- Consumer survey by regionDiscontinued:
- Consumption of hard coal
- Cost index for earth moversDiscontinued:
- Cost index of bus and motor-coach trafficDiscontinued:
- Cost index of civil engineering works
- Cost index of forest machinery and vehiclesDiscontinued:
- Cost index of rail transportDiscontinued:
- Cost index of road transport of goodsDiscontinued:
- Cost indices of taxi and ambulance transportDiscontinued:
- Cost-of-living indexDiscontinued:
- County elections
- Credit cardsDiscontinued:
- Crop production statisticsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Culture
- Culture satellite accounts
- CVTS, continuing vocational training
Statistics: D
- Deaths
- Debtors in enforcement
- Decisions by administrative courtsDiscontinued:
- Decisions by courts of appealDiscontinued:
- Decisions by district courts in civil casesDiscontinued:
- Decisions by district courts in criminal casesDiscontinued:
- Decisions by the prosecutorDiscontinued:
- Decisions by the Supreme Administrative CourtDiscontinued:
- Decisions by the Supreme CourtDiscontinued:
- Disability benefits and services provided by KelaProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Discontinuation of education
- Dispensed medicines reimbursable under the National Health Insurance schemeProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Domestic waterborne traffic
- Dwelling stockDiscontinued:
- Dwellings and housing conditions
Statistics: E
- Early childhood education and care
- Earnings-related pension recipients in FinlandProducer:Finnish Centre for Pensions
- Economic accounts for agriculture (EAA)
- Economy-wide material flow accounts
- Educational finances
- Educational structure of population
- Egg productionProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Employment
- Employment of studentsDiscontinued:
- Employment service statisticsProducer:KEHA Centre
- Energy accounts
- Energy consumptionDiscontinued:
- Energy consumption in households
- Energy consumption of agriculture and horticultureProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Energy prices
- Energy supply and consumption
- Energy supply, consumption and pricesDiscontinued:
- Energy use in manufacturing
- Enterprise openings and closures
- Entrance to education
- Environmental attitudesDiscontinued:
- Environmental goods and services sector
- Environmental protection expenditure accounts
- Environmental protection expenditure in industryDiscontinued:
- Environmental subsidies
- Environmental taxes
- European Parliament elections
- Expenditure on social assistanceProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfareDiscontinued:
Statistics: F
- Families
- Farm structure durveyProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Finance of housing companies
- Finances and activities of municipalities and joint municipal boardsDiscontinued:
- Financial accounts
- Financial activitiesDiscontinued:
- Financial aid for studentsProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Financial statement statistics on business servicesDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on constructionDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on credit institutionsDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on hotel and restaurant activitiesDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on information servicesDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on manufacturingDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on tradeDiscontinued:
- Financial statement statistics on transportDiscontinued:
- Financial statements of mutual funds and investment management companiesDiscontinued:
- Finnish affiliates abroad
- Finnish enterprisesDiscontinued:
- Finnish road statistics
- Finnish travel
- First registrations of motor vehicles
- Fish processingProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Flash estimate of GDP on quarterDiscontinued:
- Flows of wood materialProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Foreign affiliates in Finland
- Foreign direct investments
- Foreign shipping traffic
- Foreign trade in agri-food productsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Foreign trade in fishProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Foreign trade in roundwood and forest industry productsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Foreign trade of goodsProducer:Finnish Customs
- Forest accountsDiscontinued:
- Forest industries' wood consumptionProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Forest protectionProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Forest workers' wagesDiscontinued:
- Forestry as an investmentProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Free-time residencesDiscontinued:
Statistics: G
- General government debt by quarter
- General government deficit and debt
- General government expenditure by function
- General government financial accounts
- General government revenue and expenditure by quarter
- General housing allowanceProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Global value chains
- Goods transport by road
- Government R&D funding in the state budget
- Greenhouse gases
- Growth and productivity measures
Statistics: H
- Harmonised index of consumer pricesDiscontinued:
- Health and social services personnelProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Health care professionalsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Health expenditure and financingProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- HEX share indexDiscontinued:
- High technology foreign tradeDiscontinued:
- Hip and knee replacements Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Home care Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Horticultural statisticsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Hospital benchmarkingProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Household dwelling units and housing conditions
- Household-dwelling units and housing conditionsDiscontinued:
- Households' assets
- Households' consumption
- Housing allowance for pensionersProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Human resources of science and technologyDiscontinued:
- HuntingProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Hydrological observationsProducer:Finnish Environment Institute
Statistics: I
- In-service training statisticsDiscontinued:
- Income and expenditure of foreign sea transportDiscontinued:
- Income distribution statistics
- Indebtedness
- Index of producer prices of agricultural products
- Index of purchase prices of the means of agricultural production
- Index of real estate maintenance costs
- Index of regular earningsDiscontinued:
- Index of turnover in industry
- Index of turnover of construction
- Index of wage and salary earnings
- Indicators of regional economyDiscontinued:
- Indices of owner-occupied housing pricesDiscontinued:
- Induced abortionsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Induced abortions in the Nordic countriesProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Industrial output
- Industrial roundwood removals and labour forceProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Innovation
- Institutional care and housing services in social careProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Insurance activitiesDiscontinued:
- International mobility of health care and social welfare personnelProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- International price comparison
- International trade in goods and services
- International trade in servicesDiscontinued:
- Investment service companiesDiscontinued:
Statistics: J
Statistics: K
- Key ratio figures of credit institutionsDiscontinued:
Statistics: L
- Labour cost index
- Labour cost survey
- Labour force survey
- Liberal adult education
- Living conditions surveyDiscontinued:
- Local government financesDiscontinued:
- Local government finances by quarterDiscontinued:
- Local government financial statement estimatesDiscontinued:
- Local government sector wages and salaries
Statistics: M
- Mass media statistics
- Maternity grantProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Meat productionProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Meat Production by AreaProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Mediation in criminal and civil casesProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Merchant fleet
- Migration
- Milk and milkproducts statisticsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Milk Production by AreaProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Motor vehicle stock
- Municipal elections
- Mutual fundsDiscontinued:
Statistics: N
- Net price indexDiscontinued:
- New orders in manufacturing
- Number of livestockProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
Statistics: O
- Occupational accident statistics
- Occupational health careProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Offences known to the policeDiscontinued:
- Operating profit in non-industrial private forestryProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Other entrepreneurship in agriculture and horticultureProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Outpatient specialised health careProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfareDiscontinued:
- Outstanding creditDiscontinued:
- Ownership of forest landProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
Statistics: P
- Parenthood allowancesProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Parliamentary elections
- Participation in adult education
- Participation in leisure activities
- Passenger imports of alcoholic beveragesProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- PatentingDiscontinued:
- Pensions provided by KelaProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Perinatal statistics - parturients, deliveries and newbornsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Perinatal statistics in the Nordic countries Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Periodic survey of motor vehicle tradeDiscontinued:
- Periodical regional survey of tradeDiscontinued:
- Periodical survey of retail tradeDiscontinued:
- Periodical survey of wholesale tradeDiscontinued:
- Personnel fundsDiscontinued:
- Personnel of Social and Health Services in the Public SectorProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Persons insured for an earnings-related pension in FinlandProducer:Finnish Centre for Pensions
- Population censusesDiscontinued:
- Population projection
- Population structure
- Postal and small freight deliveryDiscontinued:
- Pre-primary and comprehensive school educationDiscontinued:
- Preliminary Crop Production StatisticsProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Preliminary population statistics
- Presidential elections
- Price index of public expenditure
- Prices of dwellings in housing companies
- Primary health careProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- PrisonersDiscontinued:
- Private health care provisionProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfareDiscontinued:
- Private sector hourly wages
- Private sector monthly salaries
- Private social care provisionProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfareDiscontinued:
- Processing times in child welfareProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Processing times of social assistance Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Producer price indices
- Producer price indices for services
- Producer prices for fishProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Producer prices of agricultural productsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Production of electricity and heat
- Progress of studies
- Prosecutions, sentences and punishments
- Providers of education and educational institutions
- Public legal aidDiscontinued:
- Public sector environmental protection expenditureDiscontinued:
- Purchase price statistics of real estatesProducer:National land survey of Finland
Statistics: R
- Railway statistics
- Real estate prices
- Recreational fishingProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Regional accounts
- Regional accounts of production and employmentDiscontinued:
- Regional and industrial statistics on constructionDiscontinued:
- Regional and industrial statistics on manufacturingDiscontinued:
- Regional and industrial statistics on servicesDiscontinued:
- Regional economic agricultural accountsDiscontinued:
- Regional household accountsDiscontinued:
- Regional input-output tablesDiscontinued:
- Regional outstanding creditDiscontinued:
- Regional statistics on entrepreneurial activity
- Rehabilitation benefits and services provided by KelaProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Reimbursement entitlements in respect of medicinesProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Reimbursements for medical expensesProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Renovation building
- Rents of dwellings
- Research and development
- Restructuring of debts
- Roundwood removals and drainProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
Statistics: S
- School transport subsidiesProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Shelters for victims of domestic violence Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Sickness allowanceProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Silvicultural and forest improvement workProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Social assistanceProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Social protection expenditure and financingProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Special courtsDiscontinued:
- Specialized health care in Finland Producer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Statistics on basic social assistanceProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Statistics on business subsidies
- Statistics on central government productivityDiscontinued:
- Statistics on cereals and protein and oilseed purchased, used and stockpiledProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Statistics on labour disputes
- Statistics on living conditions
- Statistics on local government productivityDiscontinued:
- Statistics on manufacturing and trade inventoriesDiscontinued:
- Statistics on offences and coercive measures
- Statistics on pensioners in FinlandProducers:Finnish Centre for PensionsThe Social Insurance Institution
- Statistics on road traffic accidents
- Statistics on service industry commodities
- Statistics on the finances of agricultural and forestry enterprises
- Statistics on trade inventoriesDiscontinued:
- SterilisationsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Structural business and financial statement statistics
- Structure in agriculture and horticulture businessesProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Structure of earnings
- Students and qualifications
- Stumpage earningsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Subject choices of students
- Supply, use and input-output tables
- Support for learning
Statistics: T
- Taxable incomesDiscontinued:
- Taxes and tax-like paymentsDiscontinued:
- Teachers and other staffDiscontinued:
- TelecommunicationsDiscontinued:
- Time use
- Time use survey of university and polytechnic staffDiscontinued:
- Tobacco statisticsDiscontinued:
- Tobacco statisticsProducer:Finnish institute for health and welfare
- Total egg productionProducer:Information Centre of the Ministry of Agrigulture and ForestryDiscontinued:
- Total Expenditure on Pensions in FinlandProducer:The Social Insurance InstitutionDiscontinued:
- Total expenditure on pensions in FinlandProducer:Finnish Centre for Pensions
- Tourism accountDiscontinued:
- Transit transport statisticsDiscontinued:
- Transition from school to further education and work
- Trend indicator of output
- Trend indicator of renovation building
- Turnover estimate of large enterprisesDiscontinued:
- Turnover of service industries
- Turnover of trade
Statistics: U
- Unemployment benefits provided by KelaProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Unemployment protection in FinlandProducer:The Social Insurance Institution
- Unit value and volume indexes of the foreign trade of goodsProducer:Finnish Customs
- University educationDiscontinued:
- University of applied sciences educationDiscontinued:
- Upper secondary general school educationDiscontinued:
- Use of crops on farmsProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Use of information and communications technology by individuals
- Use of information technology in enterprises
- Utilised agricultural areaProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
Statistics: V
- Value of household production
- Vocational educationDiscontinued:
- Volume index of industrial output
- Volume index of newbuildingDiscontinued:
- Volume indices of constructionDiscontinued:
- Volumes and prices in industrial roundwood tradeProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
Statistics: W
- Wage and salary indices
- Waste statistics
- Wood consumptionProducer:Natural resources institute of Finland
- Wood in energy generationProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued:
- Wood pelletsProducer:Natural resources institute of FinlandDiscontinued: