Search results 2058

12-month moving total

Total for the latest twelve months.

For example, the 12-month moving total for March is obtained by adding up data from the beginning of the previous year's April until the end of the cur…

Absence from working life due to child care

In the Quality of Work Life Survey the respondents are inquired whether they have been absent from working life due to child care during their life.

This means generally a longer absence from …

Acceptances or transfers to special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, acceptances and transfers to special education in 1995 to 2010 refer to pupils who have been accepted or transferred to special educat…

Accident frequency

The variation of accident incidence risks prevailing in different industries or professional and other such groups can be measured by taking the number of accidents as a proportion to the number of h…

Accident incidence rate

The variation of accident incidence risks prevailing in different industries or occupational and other such groups can be measured by taking the number of accidents as a proportion to the number of e…

Accommodation capacity

Accommodation capacity consists of bedrooms and bed-places in accommodation establishments. A bedroom is a unit formed by one room or groups of rooms constituting an indivisible rental whole in an ac…

Accommodation establishment

An accommodation establishment is an establishment (local kind-of-activity unit) providing overnight lodging for holiday spenders and other travellers in rooms or some other units. In the accommodati…

Accounting period

A period of time, usually a calendar year, from the bookkeeping of which an enterprise's financial statements are compiled. As of the statistical year 2001, the data for a statistical year are f…

Account receivable

Credits included in the outstanding credit for which usually a promissory note is a proof. Accounts re-ceivable from an employer enterprise or a real estate company belonging to the group are not inc…

Accrued expenses and deferred income

Accrued interest and other expenses as well as deferred interest and other income, adjusted or supplemented on an accrual basis.

Accrued income and prepayments

Accrued interest and other income as well as prepaid interest and other expenses, adjusted or supplemented on an accrual basis.


A party for whom punishment is sought in a court of justice on the basis of a suspected offence. The accused person can also be called the defendant.

Activated repair costs

Activated repair costs refer to the costs arising from basic repairs or renovations that are not entered in the profit and loss account as expenditure for the accounting period. Activated repair cost…

Active audience of cultural events

Has visited the theatre and/or dance performances and/or concerts at least six times per year and/or went to see an opera at least three times and/or a movie at least once a month.

Active card accounts

Active card accounts include all accounts that have been used at least once during the year.

Active card accounts

Active card accounts include all accounts that have been used at least once during the year.

Active physical exerciser

Participates in some physical exercise hobby on at least three days per week.

Active population

The labour force (active population) comprises all persons aged 15-74 who were either employed or unemployed during the last week of the year. Participation in the labour force is determined on the b…

Active population

Persons who were employed or unemployed during the survey week belong to the active population. The concept of labour force can also be used of the active population.

Active population

All persons aged 15 to 74 who were employed or unemployed during the survey week belong to the active population. The concept of labour force can also be used of the active population.

Active population

The labour force (active population) comprises all persons who were either employed or unemployed during the last week of the year. Participation in the labour force is determined on the basis of inf…


An action recorded in the time-use diary, which has afterwards been coded into a certain activity.

Activity data

Data on the volume of human activity causing emissions or removals during a given time period. For example, in the energy sector the annual activity data for fuel combustion describe the total amount…

Activity rate

The ratio of those in the active population to the population of the same age. The concept of labour force participation rate can also be used of the activity rate.

Actual credit card

Actual credit cards usually offer flexible credit for a period of at least one month and as long as several years. Most of the retail credit cards belong to this category.

Whether a card shoul…

Actual credit card

Actual credit cards usually offer flexible credit for a period of at least one month and as long as several years. Most of the retail credit cards belong to this category.

Whether a card shoul…

Actual credit card

Actual credit cards usually offer flexible credit for a period of at least one month and as long as several years. If a card can be used both as a charge card and as a credit card, it is classified i…

Actual final consumption

Actual final consumption consists of goods or services that are acquired by households, non-profit institutions serving households and general government for the direct satisfaction of human needs, w…

Actual production

The volume of total production refers to the output manufactured by the enterprise or its establishment during the calendar year. It comprises sold production and production intended to be sold, outp…

Actual production

The volume of total production refers to the output manufactured by the enterprise or its establishment during the calendar year. It comprises sold production and production intended to be sold, outp…

Additional education

Voluntary, general education lasting one school year intended for those having attained a primary or lower secondary education certificate in the same or previous year.



Additional education

In the statistics on comprehensive school education and special education and in the statistics on adult education of educational institutions, additional education in comprehensive school refers to …

Adjustment for seasonal variation

Seasonal adjustment means the estimation of seasonal variation and the elimination of its impact from a time series. The obtained result is a seasonally adjusted time series. The trend of a time seri…

Adjustment for seasonal variation

Seasonal adjustment means the estimation of seasonal variation and the elimination of its impact from a time series. The obtained result is a seasonally adjusted time series. The trend of a time seri…

Adjustment for working days

An adjustment for working days takes into account influences arising from the number of working days. This means giving consideration to lengths of months, numbers of weekdays and public holidays. Fi…

Administrative costs

Administrative costs are costs for the management of the company, based on a contract or invoicing with separate enterprises, such as housing management, accounting, auditing, lawyer and administrati…

Administrative court

A court that hears administrative judicial matters. General administrative courts include the Supreme Administrative Court and regional administrative courts.

Administrative files

Most of the data for he Business Register are obtained from administrative files. The administrative data used by the Business Register are gathered from the administrative files of the Tax Administr…


Prior to 1997, changes in the statutory order of succession were classified as adopted children in the population statistics, although no actual adoptions were made. From the 1997 statistics, only ac…


Prior to 1997, changes in the statutory order of succession were classified as adopted children in the population statistics, although no actual adoptions were made. From the 1997 statistics, only ac…

Adult education

In the statistics on adult education of educational institutions adult education refers to education, course or training programme that is designed for adults and lasts at least six hours.

Adult education

Adult education refers to provision of instructed learning events for adults who usually act or have acted in working life after earlier terminated or interrupted education within the regular educati…

Advance polling stations

Advance polling stations include:
1) general advance polling stations in Finland laid down in a Decree
2) Finnish diplomatic missions set out by a decree
3) hospitals and prisons (institutio…

Advance votes

The valid and invalid ballots taken into account in the advance voting.

As a rule, advance votes are counted on the actual election day, Sunday, at 15.00 pm. The count may be advanced in large…

Advance voting

Advance voting is conducted in all general elections both in Finland and abroad. The Election Act (section 46, subsection 1) decrees that every enfranchised person is entitled to vote in advance in t…

Advance voting percentage

The percentage of voters who voted in advance = their share of all voters.

In Statistics Finland statistics the share is calculated from all persons who voted. On the Ministry of Justice'…


In connection with vital events, age data refer to the age on the day the event took place. Average age is obtained by adding up the ages of all persons involved in the same event at the time of the …


Age refers to a person's age in whole years as at 31 December. The data are obtained from the Population Information System.

Age is also used as an auxiliary variable. For example, only p…

Age of road vehicle

Length of time after the first registration of the road vehicle, irrespective of the registering country.

Age-specific death rate

The age-specific death rate refers to the number of deaths per 1,000 of the mean population in the age group in question.

Age-specific fertility rate

The age-specific fertility rate indicates the number of live births per 1,000 women of the mean population in the age group in question.

Age-specific marriage rate

The age-specific marriage rate indicates the number of married women per 1,000 non-married women of the mean population in the age group in question.

Age-specific remarriage rate

The age-specific remarriage rate indicates the number of second or higher order marriages contracted by women per 1,000 women that have previously been married in the age group in question.

Age-standardised mortality rate

The change in mortality is described with the comparative mortality figure (CMF), which is a ratio of the age-standardised mortality rate. The standardisation is necessary so that changes in mortalit…

Agricultural income

Agricultural income is the sum of earned income and capital income from agriculture plus shares in business partnerships' earned income and capital income from agriculture.

Agricultural input

Agricultural environmental taxes in Finland comprise pesticide charge and fertiliser tax which was levied until 1994.

Agri-environmental aid (subsidy)

Agri-environmental aid is an environmental subsidy system funded by the government and the EU for reducing environmental burdening from agriculture, and promoting biodiversity and taking care of the …


An aircraft is a vehicle moving in the atmosphere, such as an airplane, helicopter and hot-air balloon.


An airplane is a fixed-wing aircraft with a weight greater than the air.


A defined area which is entirely or partly intended for commercial air traffic activities.

Airport terminal

A self-contained facility for handling of air traffic freight and passenger transport.

Air traffic performance

The total number of flown kilometres during a specific unit of time, usually one year.

Air traffic transport performance

Volume of transported passengers, freight and mail in tonnes multiplied by the number of flown kilometres.

Alcohol-related case

An accident in which the driver of the vehicle of some party or a pedestrian has been proven (by a blood test reading of at least 0.5 per mille or a breathalyser test result of exhalation containing …

Alcohol-related case

An accident in which the driver of the vehicle of some party or a pedestrian has been proven (by a blood test or breathalyser reading exceeding 0.5 per mille) or is suspected on strong grounds to hav…

Alcohol-related causes of death

Alcohol-related diseases include all diseases in the classification of diseases that are caused by alcohol (categories F10, G312, G4051, G621, G721, I426, K292, K70, K852, K860, O354, P043, Q860 in t…

Alternative fuel/energy

A type of motor energy other than the conventional fuels, petrol and diesel.

Ambient energy

Ambient energy refers to energy extracted with heat pumps from the environment (ground, air or water) for space heating. Ambient energy is the difference between the heat produced by heat pumps and t…

Ammonia (NH3)

Ammonia is primarily generated from using fertilisers in agriculture. Ammonia causes eutrophication and acidification.


Activities of multinational enterprises. Measures describing the activity and role of multinational enterprises in general, irrespective of whether it is financed by a foreign investor or not (cf. di…

Ancillary establishment

An ancillary establishment is located separately from the actual production activity of an enterprise and only produces services (not goods) for the enterprise itself. Examples of ancillary establish…

Ancillary establishment

An ancillary establishment produces services (in exceptional cases also goods such as additives and materials) mainly for the enterprise or an enterprise-type unit itself. Ancillary activities are ne…

Annex I parties

The industrialised countries listed in Annex I to the UNFCCC which committed themselves to returning their greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level by the year 2000 in accordance with Article 4.2 (…

Annual change

Annual change is the relative change of the index in comparison with the corresponding time period one year ago (e.g. annual change of total index of consumer prices, i.e. inflation).

Annual contribution margin

Annual contribution margin indicates the income financing available for investments and the paying of loan instalments after running costs have been covered. It is a key figure when evaluating the ad…

Annual expenditure

Annual expenditure comprises all expenditure items, i.e. operating costs and finance costs, in the profit and loss account before the annual contribution margin.

Annual profit - annual expendi…

Annual hours actually worked per employed

Annual hours actually worked per employed are a mathematical concept, derived by dividing the number of all hours worked in a year by the annual average of employed persons. Thus is obtained the aver…

Annual hours worked

See annual hours actually worked per employed

Annual profit

Annual profit comprises all profit, i.e. operating profit, production for own use, inventory of finished products, tax revenue, state subsidies and financing income, in the profit and loss account be…

Annual repair

Foreseen repair based on the annual repair plan. The annual repair plan usually includes an annual assessment of repair needs. Unforeseen repairs can also be made in connection with annual repairs. A…

Annual repairs

Annual repairs refer to costs entered as expenditure in the profit and loss accounts of housing companies.

Annual volume index of industrial output

The sample-based monthly volume index is adjusted retrospectively (currently after about 18 months) against an annual volume index of industrial output. The annual volume index of industrial output i…


Mode of appeal against a decision of a court or an administrative authority that is not yet final.


An appellant, where the mode of seeking reconsideration is by way of regular appeal.

Applicant for education

A learner who has submitted an application for admission to education or teaching.

Applicant for enforcement

Applicant refers to a person who has applied for enforcement in order to recover a receivable. A receivable refers to the capital established in the grounds for enforcement, the interest to be calcul…

Applicants to education

Applicants to education within the joint application procedure system: in the joint application procedure of upper secondary general school and vocational education, applicants during the calendar ye…

Application for re-trial

Application for re-trial is a mode of appeal against a judgment by default. A defendant against whom a judgment by default has been issued has the right to appeal against the decision within 30 days …

Apprenticeship training

In the statistics on vocational education, apprenticeship training refers to apprenticeship training leading to a vocational qualification. Apprenticeship training is a work-dominated form of studyin…

Apprenticeship training

In the statistics on vocational education, apprenticeship training refers to apprenticeship training leading to a vocational qualification. Apprenticeship training is mainly training organised at the…

Apprenticeship training

Apprenticeship training refers to both apprenticeship training leading to a qualification and apprenticeship training not leading to a qualification. Apprenticeship training is a work-dominated form …


A housing company may have a residential building provision as a voluntary provision. The purpose of the residential building provision is to collect funds for future repairs and renovations. Residen…


Increases/decreases in the accumulated depreciation difference to be considered in determining taxable income, and increases/decreases in voluntary provisions deductible for tax purposes.

Arrangement of teaching in special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, the arrangement of teaching for pupils accepted or transferred to special education was in 2001 to 2010 as follows:
1. Teaching is …

Arrival in accommodation establishment

In tourism statistics, an "arrival" is a statistical unit used to measure the volume of tourist/visitor flows. In accommodation statistics, arrivals refer to guest arrivals in accommodatio…

Articulated vehicle

Road tractor coupled to a semi-trailer.

Articulated vehicle

Goods road motor vehicle with trailer or trailers.

Asset/liability principle

According to the asset/liability principle, financial transactions included in direct investments are presented according to the data given in the balance sheet of the reporting entities either as as…

Assets covering technical provision

Assets covering technical provision is the result for the financial period in the insurance technical calculation of the insurance company. The main items in the calculation of assets covering techni…

Assets subject to taxation

With certain exceptions, taxpayers' monetary property is assets subject to taxation. Assets subject to taxation include real estate and means of transport, shares and certificates of participati…

Assigned amount

Each party listed in Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol has been assigned maximum amounts of emissions which the party concerned must not exceed during the first commitment period of 2008-2012. The assign…

Associated company

An associated company is an enterprise in which the group head of an enterprise group holds direct or indirect 20 to 50 per cent of voting rights.

Associated company

In the Enterprise Group Register, an associated company refers to an enterprise in which another institutional unit holds 10 to 20 per cent of voting rights direct or indirect.

At current prices

At nominal prices prevailing at each point.

At fixed prices

At prices prevailing in the base year or the reference year. It is a question of a volume series or a real series adjusted for price changes.

Attribute data

Attribute data is data whole that identify, position, time and describe a spatial object. Characteristics data can be, for example, a building identifier, street address, year of construction and pur…

Audience of cultural events

Has visited one of the following cultural events at least once during a year: theatre, concert, opera, dance performance, film, festival.

Audiovisual services

Audiovisual and related services comprise services related to the production of motion pictures on film or video, the production of radio and television programmes and musical recordings, fees receiv…

Average area

The area of one-dwelling houses refers to floor area (m²) and the area of one-dwelling house plots to the total area of the plot.

Average daily traffic

The number of motor vehicles bypassing a certain point per year divided by 365.

Average maturity

The average maturity of new credits granted during the quarter, days.
The arithmetic mean of original maturities (agreed at the time of borrowing) of new credits granted during the quarter.

Average number of staff during the accounting period

Staff is classified into upper-level employees, lower-level employees and manual workers in accordance with the wage statistics nomenclatures of the Central Union of Business Employers and Statistics…

Average repayment term

Average (in days) of maturities agreed at the time of granting of credits granted by small loan companies during a quarter weighted by the number of credits granted during the quarter.

Average size of dwelling

The average size of dwellings is obtained by dividing the total floor area of dwellings by their number.

Bachelor’s degree

Lowest degree attained at a university of applied sciences.

Bachelor’s degree

Lowest degree completed at university.

Background country

During 2012, Statistics Finland has adopted a new origin classification. A similar classification is already used in the other Nordic countries. The origin and background country are determined based…

Background to unemployment

The activity of an unemployed person prior to unemployment: was at work or outside the labour force. Information is also obtained on those seeking permanent employment for the first time.

Background to unemployment

The background to unemployment refers to the activity of an unemployed person prior to unemployment: a) whether he or she was at work or outside the labour force, b) whether the job was permanent or …

Balance figure

The response distribution of each qualitative question is expressed in the balance figure in the statistics on consumer confidence. The balance figures are obtained by deducting the weighted proporti…

Balance figure

The response distribution of each qualitative question is expressed in the balance figure in the statistics on consumer confidence. The balance figures are obtained by deducting the weighted proporti…

Balance of payments

The balance of payments (BOP) statistics describe the external stability of the economy in terms of both real and financial transactions and is part of the system of national accounts. The balance of…

Balance of payments

The balance of payments (BOP) statistics describe the external stability of the economy in terms of both real and financial transactions and is part of the system of national accounts. The balance of…


In statistics, the term bankrupt refers to enterprises, corporations or natural persons for whom a bankruptcy petition has been filed.


Bankruptcy is an insolvency proceeding covering all the liabilities of the debtor, where the assets of the debtor are used in payment of the claims in bankruptcy. At the beginning of the bankruptcy t…

Bankruptcy petitioner

The court shall make the order of bankruptcy. The bankruptcy petition can be made by a creditor or the debtor. In statistics, the bankruptcies where the petitioner is a shareholder of a decedent'…

Bankruptcy proceedings closed with a final decree

In Statistics Finland's statistics on bankruptcies, bankruptcy proceedings closed with a final decree refer to bankruptcy proceedings which have been concluded in a district court with a final d…

Bankrupt's estate

This legal form is used if a bankrupt's estate requests and is given a Business ID. Otherwise the legal form of an enterprise does not change in connection with a bankruptcy.

Ban on animal keeping

The ban on the keeping of animals can be imposed on an aggravated animal welfare offence (Criminal Code, Chapter 17, 14a), animal welfare offence (Criminal Code, Chapter 17, 14), and petty animal wel…


A barge type vessel regardless of size, excluding pusher lighter combinations, which are included in the regular merchant fleet.

Base index

In the base index the price of the calculation period is always compared with the base period. In the base index weights are usually changed less often than yearly, for example, at intervals of five …

Base year

The normal base period in national accounts is one year. Constant price data are expressed in base year prices. The base year can either be fixed (i.e. changed every five years) or variable, meaning …

Base year

Base year refers to the base point in time of a time series. Mainly years divisible by five are used as a base year but other years can exceptionally be used as a base year. In releases base year is…

Basic heading

Basic heading means the lowest level of aggregation of items in the GDP breakdown for which purchasing power parities are calculated.

Basic pay

Basic pay describes task-specific minimum pay, taking into consideration any related additional responsibilities, cost-of-living category of the location of workplace or possible deductions for lack …

Basic price

Basic price is a price concept in the national accounts. The basic price is the price receivable by the producers from the purchaser for a unit of a good or service produced as output, minus any tax …

Basic price index for domestic supply

The basic price index for domestic supply measures development in the prices of goods used in Finland as they enter the market. The index includes both domestic and imported goods. The price for dome…

Basic renovation

Basic renovation refers to making a building or the condition of a building as good as when new. Partitioning of flats, insulation of walls, renewal of floor structures, and refitting of kitchens and…

Basis for an investigation of the cause of death

The basis for an investigation of the cause of death is the information on the death certificate. The basis in law for an investigation of the cause of death is the Act on the Investigation of the Ca…


The number of bed-places in an establishment or dwelling is determined by the number of persons who can stay overnight in beds set up in the establishment, ignoring any extra beds that may be set up …

Bed-place occupancy rate

The net occupancy rate of bed-places in one month is obtained by dividing the total overnight stays by the number of bed-places on offer and the number of days when the bed-places are actually availa…


A road vehicle which has two or more wheels and generally is propelled solely by the muscular energy of the persons on that vehicle, in particular by means of a pedal system, lever or handle (e.g. bi…

Bill of exchange

A bill of exchange is a payment order issued by the drawer, or a debt instrument signed by the drawee. This category includes the balance of bills receivable granted from own assets or intermediated …

Bill of exchange

A bill of exchange is a payment order issued by the drawer, or a debt instrument signed by the drawee. This category includes the balance of bills receivable granted from own assets or intermediated …

Biomass-based carbon dioxide (CO2-bio)

Biomass CO2 emissions are caused by biomass burning, such as wood, biogas, sewage sludge and renewable fraction of waste. One half of the total amount of biomass CO2 derives from the wood industry an…

Biomass-based carbon dioxide (CO2-bio)

Biomass-based carbon dioxide emissions are generated from biomass burning. Biodegradation, for example at landfills and in wastewater treatment, also causes biomass-based CO2 emissions but they are …

Birth order

The birth order is determined in two ways: either all births to the mother are taken into account, or only the live births during the present marriage are included.


'Liveborn' is the term for a newborn who breathes or shows other signs of life after birth.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition, 'stillborn' is the…


Employees of an enterprise direct labour dispute measures to some third party. They refuse to handle the transportations of a specific enterprise, for example.

Body governed by public law

Public corporations comprise state agencies subject to special law (e.g. the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Bank of Finland and the University of Helsinki) and other legal persons subject t…


Bonds belong to capital market claims (original maturity of over 12 months) such as ordinary bonds (reference loans/benchmark loans), debentures, warrant bonds of bond format, convertible bonds and p…

Bonds classified as investments

Bonds classified as investments (to be held to maturity), e.g. bonds, debentures and other bond loans, such as corporate loans, convertible bonds and bonds with equity warrant.

MFI (monetary f…

Bonds other than financial assets

Other bonds than bonds classified as investments (i.e. as being held to maturity) in the bond holder's annual accounts.

Bonds other than financial assets

Bonds other than financial assets = bonds reported at nominal values under current assets or investments

Bond with equity warrants

A bond with equity warrants is a bond that involves warrants. A bond with an equity warrant is sold on the primary market with its warrant attached. However, the two components have separate secondar…

Bonuses and allowances not paid in each pay period

Bonuses and allowances not paid in each pay period are such as performance-based bonuses, holiday bonus and holiday supplement and seniority increments paid in some hourly paid fields. Payment of one…


Book is a non-periodical printed publication that is available to the public. There is no page limit, but publications having 4-48 pages form a group of their own, ephemera. In addition to books dist…


Branches are local units without separate legal identity, which are dependent on foreign-owned enterprises. A branch is treated as a quasi-enterprise and has a fixed establishment (cf. foreign corpor…


Branches are local units without separate legal identity, which are dependent on foreign owned enterprises. They are treated as quasi-enterprises.


Broadband means a telecommunications connection with a capacity of at least 256 Kbps.

In the statistics on the use of information technology in enterprises, broadband has in practice been defi…


General term denoting a high-speed (i.e. high data transmission capacity) telecommunications link. The connection speed is greater than that of standard telephone and ISDN modems. Most broadband acce…


A budget is the plan for the financial administration of the municipality or joint municipal board. The budget for the budgetary year is approved before the end of the previous year by the council of…

Budget deficit

Budget deficit in Finland refers to the net financing requirement of the state budget, calculated on cash basis as the difference between state income and expenditure before borrowing and amortisatio…


A building refers to any independent structure permanently constructed or erected on its site. It has its own entrance and contains covered space intended for different purposes, usually enclosed wit…

Building cost index

The building cost index is an index of input prices that describes development in the prices of factors of production, materials, wages and salaries and other inputs of building trade relative to the…

Building material

The building material refers to the material from which the vertical supporting structures of the building are mainly made. The classification is as follows:
- concrete, light concrete
- brick<…

Building trade

Building trade refers to commercial building against payment. Cf. Independent building.


Theft, aggravated theft or petty theft committed by means of unlawful intrusion.


Theft, aggravated theft or petty theft committed by means of unlawful intrusion

Business enterprise

A business enterprise is an economic unit that covers its expenditure fully or at least mainly with income from sales, interests, dividends or insurance premiums. The principal objective of a busines…

Business ID (Identity code)

Business ID, or business and organisation code, is an identifying code given by authorities to all legal units.

The Business ID consists of seven numbers, a hyphen and a control number.

Business ID (Identity code)

A Business ID, or business and organisation code, is a code that is assigned by authorities to all parties liable to register and by which the party can be identified. The code comprises a consecutiv…

Business ID register

A register containing the data decreed in the Business Information Act as having to be entered into a Business Information System.

Business loans

Business loans (loans to enterprises and households of own-account workers) include all lending to sectors S.1111-S.1112 (Public and private non-financial corporations) and S.141 (Households of emplo…

Business prohibition

A business prohibition can be imposed on a private practitioner of trade, whose business involves the accounting obligation decreed in the Accounting Act (655/1973), on a partner in a general partner…

Business Register operational database

The operational database of the Business Register is a database where the units of the Register of Enterprises and Establishments and data concerning them are maintained. The Business Register servic…

Business register service database

The Business Register service database is a service database formed from the units in the Register of Enterprises and Establishments, and contains data for customer service purposes on enterprises, s…

Business register surveys

Data on all multiple-establishment enterprises employing at least 10 persons and on large, single-establishment enterprises are collected annually with the Business Register's own surveys. Units…

Business restructuring

A new Act on Business Restructuring entered into force on 8 February 1993. The purpose of the Act is to ameliorate the situation of enterprises in financial difficulties.

Business restructurin…

Business services

1) Legal services, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, administrative and public relations services:

Legal services cover all legal advisory and representation services in any legal, judicial a…

Business trip

The category of business and professional trips comprises all business and professional activities outside the usual environment. The visitor takes the professional trip because of requirements relat…

Cabotage transport

Transport within one country with a vehicle registered in another country.

Calculatory pay adjustment

Pay adjustments are used to estimate the effect of an entrepreneur's unpaid work input on the enterprise's profitability. The purpose of the pay adjustment is to provide a more accurate pic…

Camping vehicle

A camping vehicle is a passenger car or coach designed for a special purpose and equipped with an accommodation compartment with the following firmly attached minimum equipment:
- seats and a tabl…

Cancelled orders

An order is cancelled, when the producer of a commodity or service considers that a previously made agreement is no longer in force. Cancelled orders are not taken into account ex post in the calcula…

Capacity utilisation rate in manufacturing

Percentage of the production capacity of manufacturing that is in use during a statistical reference month. The statistics are based on data collected monthly from establishments.

Capital account

The capital account covers capital transfers and the acquisition/disposal of non-produced non-financial assets.

Capital cost

Capital costs refer to the costs of capital tied to real estate, comprising interests and calculated depreciations. The interest is comprised of the return requirement set on tied capital. Capital co…

Capital inflow/outflow

In inward foreign direct investments, the capital invested on net by a foreign direct investor in Finnish direct investment enterprises in a given period. Correspondingly, in outward investments, the…

Capital market claim (excl. shares)

Of bonds: reference loans (benchmark loans), debentures, bonds with equity warrants, convertible bonds, perpetuals and other capital market claims (excl. shares).

Capital taxes

Capital taxes (D.91) consist of taxes levied at irregular and very infrequent intervals on the values of the assets or net worth owned by institutional units or on the values of assets transferred be…

Capital transfers

Capital transfers are composed of investment subsidies and other capital transfers (eg transfers of ownership of fixed assets and debt forgiveness). The bulk of capital transfers in Finland's ba…

Capital transfers

Capital transfers are different from current transfers in that they involve the acquisition or disposal of an asset, or assets, by at least one of the parties to the transaction. Regardless of wheth…


A car is a car without own engine attached to a train intended for the transport of either persons or goods by rail.


Towed vehicle built for touring purposes.

(NB. Data on the Region of Åland are not included as of 1990.)

Caravan pitch

Camp sites let pitches for tents, caravans, mobile homes and similar shelter to tourists who want to stay on a "touring" pitch for only a couple of consecutive days or weeks, as well as to …

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most significant greenhouse gas produced by humankind. Most carbon dioxide produced by humankind originates from the use of fossil fuels (including oil, coal and natural g…

Carbon dioxide equivalent

A joint measure of greenhouse gas emissions by which to sum up the effect of various greenhouse gas emissions on the acceleration of the greenhouse effect.

Carbon monoxide (CO)

Carbon monoxide has an indirect radiative forcing effect by elevating con-centrations of methane and tropospheric ozone. Carbon monoxide is pro-duced from the partial oxidation of carbon-containing c…

Case lapsed

A case lapses when the prosecutor or complainant withdraws the charges. The charges can be withdrawn, for example, if in the light of new evidence, there are no longer grounds for accusing the accuse…

Case processing time

Case processing time refers to the time elapsed until the case has been decided. The time is counted from the day the case was filed to the day of the decision.

Case processing time

Case processing time refers to the time elapsed until the case has been processed. The time is counted from the day the case was filed to the day of the decision.

Cash balance

Financial asset securities + cash and bank deposits from the balance sheet of the municipality/joint municipal board.

Category of activity

A name and the corresponding code given to each activity.

Central bank reserve assets

Central bank reserve assets are statistically compiled in accordance with the instructions of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the European Central Bank (ECB). The reserve assets comprise mo…

Central government expenditure

Central government expenditure refers to central government budget expenditure as reported in the final central government accounts. The appropriations transferred to the next year are included accor…

Central government guarantees

Central government guarantee data include such guarantees for which the state is liable.
Guarantees are arrangements whereby the guarantor undertakes to a lender that if a borrower defaults, the …

Central government guarantees

Guarantees granted by state institutions and Finnvera. Guarantees granted by Finnvera on its own risk do not constitute state guarantees. The State guarantees e.g. student loans and housing loans.

Central government tax revenue

Central government tax revenue refers to the accruals-based tax revenue presented in the final central government accounts.

The tax is calculated according to the national accounts accounting …

Centre-based early education

An early education centre is an early childhood education and care site where early childhood education and care is provided by employees meeting statutory qualification requirements. Centre-based ea…


The classification of environmental protection activities. For example waste water management, waste management, air protection, nature conservation, and administration and other environmental protec…

Certificate of deposit

A certificate of deposit is a zero-interest negotiable bearer instrument issued by the Bank of Finland or deposit banks. Certificate of deposit bearer instruments issued abroad are included in certif…

Cessation date

A business enterprise is deemed to have ceased when it stops being an employer, is no longer liable to pay value added tax or included in the preliminary tax withholding register. Information about c…

Cessation date

Cessation date is the cessation date of the Business ID of a unit. The data are obtained from the Tax Administration.

Cessation form

Cessation form describes how the activity of an enterprise has finished. Cessation forms include death, change of legal form, merger and division.

Chain index

In the chain index the comparison takes place always between successive calculation periods. In the chain index the change in two calculation periods is used to take forward the index point figure of…

Change in labour input

In statistics on central government productivity the change in labour input is the change in the amount of work (staff-years, working days or working hours)

Change in labour productivity

In statistics on central government productivity labour productivity is obtained by dividing the output volume indicator with the labour input volume indicator.

Change in the provision for outstanding claims

The change in the provision for outstanding claims is the difference of the provision for outstanding claims at the beginning and end of the financial period. The change in the provision for outstand…

Change in the provision for unearned premiums

Calculated as the difference of the provision for unearned premiums at the beginning and end of the financial period. The change in the provision for unearned premiums is visible in the profit and lo…

Change in total input

In statistics on central government productivity the change in total input equals the deflated change of the total operating expenditure item in central government commercial accounting. Personnel co…

Change in total productivity

In statistics on local government productivity the change in total productivity is the quotient of the change in productivity and the change in total input.

Change of population

Change of population is defined as increase of population added up with register corrections.

Changes in inventories

Changes in inventories are measured by the value of the entries into inventories less the value of withdrawals and the value of any recurrent losses of goods held in inventories. Inventories can cons…


Charcoal is a solid fossil fuel with an effective thermal value of more than 24MJ/kg in ashless substance. Coal is mainly graded according to the amount of volatile matter it contains and its thermal…


Charges must be brought if there is probable cause to suspect that a person is guilty of an offence. After the pre-trial investigation the matter is transferred to the prosecutor who considers whethe…

Charge card

Charge cards usually offer interest free credit of up to two months (e.g. Visa, and customer cards provided by petroleum companies).

Whether a card should be categorised as a charge card or a …

Charge card

Charge cards usually offer interest free credit of up to two months (e.g. Visa, and customer cards provided by petroleum companies). If a card can be used both as a charge card and as a credit card, …

Charge card

Charge cards usually offer interest free credit of up to two months (e.g. Visa, and customer cards provided by petroleum companies).

Whether a card should be categorised as a charge card or a …

Charged dismissed

A charge is dismissed when the court deems that no offence took place or the court considers there was not sufficient evidence of guilt so that the accused could be sentenced.

Charge for common capital expenditure

Part of the charge for common expenses covering the dwelling’s share of liabilities of long-term expenses, such as expenses arising from the acquisition, construction, renovation and renewal of real …

Charge for common capital expenditures

The charge for common capital expenditures is used to pay the dwelling’s share of liabilities of the housing company loan.

Charge for common expenses

Charge for common expenses consists of the maintenance charge and the charge for common capital expenditures.

Charge for common expenses

Compensation paid by a shareholder to a housing company or a mutual real estate company in accordance with the articles of association to cover the company's expenses. The charge for common expe…


In the family statistics children comprise the following persons living with their parents:
- biological children,
- adopted children,
- biological children and adopted children of one of th…


In the family statistics children comprise the following persons living with their parents:
- biological children,
- adopted children,
- biological children, adopted children and confirmed c…

CIF-FOB conversion

Finnish Customs compiles statistics on imports of goods at CIF value. In balance of payments, imports of goods are at FOB value. To attain the FOB value, freight and insurance costs between the ports…

CIF price

The price inclusive of cost, insurance and freight. The seller pays the sea freight to the agreed port of destination and takes out marine insurance for the goods in the buyer's favour.

CIF price

The price includes costs, insurance and freight between the ports of loading and destination. The seller pays the sea freight to the agreed port of destination and takes out marine insurance for the …

Civil matter

Civil matters are disputes between private persons or enterprises which are settled impartially in a court of justice. Civil matters may deal with compensation for damages, annulment of purchase or v…

Claims incurred

Claims incurred consist of claims paid and changes in the provision for outstanding claims, from which reinsurers' shares are deducted. The part of claims to be paid is allocated to claims incur…

Claims in respect of credit cards

Claims of the reporting credit institution in respect of overdrafts of customers who have entered into a credit card agreement.

Claims in respect of credit cards

Claims of the reporting credit institution in respect of overdrafts of customers who have entered into a credit card agreement.

Claims in respect of credit cards

Claims of the credit institution in respect of overdrafts of customers who have entered into a credit card agreement.

Convenience credit card credit:
Convenience credit card credit is defin…

Claims in respect of hire purchase contracts

This category includes claims in respect of hire purchase contracts, financial services of hire purchase transactions, financing of hire purchase sales, financing of acquisitions, and other financing…

Claims paid

Claims paid are recorded as expenses for the period when the benefits are paid before the reinsurers' share. The recording of claims paid is thus made on accrual basis. In addition to benefits, …

Cleaning costs

Cleaning costs are real estate cleaning costs based on contracts or invoicing with separate enterprises.

Closed bankruptcy

In Statistics Finland's statistics on bankruptcies, a closed bankruptcy refers to bankruptcy proceedings that have been finalised in a District Court.


A vehicle manufactured for the transportation of people. Space for 8 or more persons in addition to the driver.


Coal has been formed from plant residues hundreds of millions of years ago. In energy statistics coal refers to the energy sources of charcoal (1211,1212), lignite (1221), other coal (1222,1228,122…

Coefficient for specific annual consumption

In these statistics, the coefficient for specific annual consumption describes the consumption of different energy sources per cubic metre built (kWh/m3).

Coercive measure

Coercive measures are often divided into tree groups: those against a person, those against property and coercive measures ordered by a court of justice. Statistics on coercive measures classify thes…

Coercive measure

Coercive measures are often divided into three groups: those against a person, those against property and coercive measures ordered by a court of justice. Coercive measures ordered by a court of just…

Cohabiting couple

A cohabiting couple is defined as two spouseless adults of different sex aged 18 and over and occupying the same dwelling on a permanent basis, provided their age difference is less than 16 years and…

Cohabiting couple

A cohabiting couple is defined as two spouseless adults of different sex aged 18 and over and occupying the same dwelling on a permanent basis, provided their age difference is less than 16 years and…

Collective agreement sector

Collective agreement sector is determined in the collective labour agreement applied in the employment relationship concerned. In the municipal sector the collective agreement sectors are specified i…

Combined heat and power production

This refers to combined heat and power production where backpressure or bled steam is utilised as district or process heat, and to electricity generation in engine or gas turbine-operated production …

Commencement of proceedings

Proceedings in a civil matter or a criminal matter commence and the case becomes pending in a general court when the application for a summons is filed with the registry of the court. In administrati…

Commercial aviation

Commercial aviation is commercial air traffic, in which passengers, freight or mail are transported in exchange for a fee or rent. Commercial air traffic comprises scheduled and chartered flights and…

Commercial paper

A commercial paper is a zero-interest negotiable bearer instrument issued by a company.

Commercial paper

A commercial paper is a zero-interest negotiable bearer instrument issued by a company or a credit institution. Commercial papers and euronotes (bearer instruments) issued abroad are included in com…

Commission income

Commission income (finrep -reporting)
The item includes commission income from security brokering, clearing and settlement, asset management, custody services, administrative service to institutio…

Commitment period

The time period within which the targets assigned in the Kyoto Protocol on emission limitations and reductions must be reached. The first commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol runs from 1 Januar…


Commodities refer to tangible or intangible instruments that directly (consumables) or indirectly (capital goods) satisfy people's needs.

Tangible assets comprise both goods, as well a…

Community service

Community service is a punishment imposed in place of unconditional sentence of at most eight months. Community service can be sentenced unless unconditional sentences of imprisonment, earlier commun…


Commuting refers to going to work outside the area where a person is resident. Net commuting refers to the difference between the numbers working outside the area and the numbers coming into the area…

Comparative index

Parliamentary elections, European Parliamentary elections, municipal elections and county elections:

The order of candidates belonging to a party that is not in an electoral alliance or to a j…

Compensation of employees

Compensation of employees is recorded when the employer (the producing unit) and the employee are resident in different economies. For the economy where the producing units are resident, compensation…

Compensation of employees

Compensation of employees (D.1) is defined as the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to an employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period.

Compensation of employees

Compensation of employees is defined as the total remuneration, in cash or in kind, payable by an employer to the employee in return for work done by the latter during the accounting period. In regio…

Compensations of capital and labour

The compensation of labour force, i.e. wage and salaries, is the price of labour input from the perspective of the producer. When examining the effect of the change in the quality of labour force to …


In the statistics on coercive measures, the complainant is not necessarily the actual victim of the offence. A person deceased as a result of an offence or an event leading to an investigation is rec…

Completers of comprehensive school

In the statistics on comprehensive school education and on entrance to education completers of comprehensive education refer to pupils who have satisfactorily completed the full comprehensive school…

Completers of comprehensive school

In the statistics on comprehensive school education, on entrance to education and on transition from school to further education and work completers of comprehensive education refer to pupils who hav…

Completers of full upper secondary general school syllabus

In the statistics on upper secondary general education a completer of full upper secondary general school curriculum refers to a student who has completed satisfactorily the national syllabi containe…

Comprehensive education

General education intended for everyone, with a statutory extent of the syllabus of nine years.


Comprehensive education is provided in comprehensive schools. In addition, it ca…

Comprehensive education for adults

Education aiming at a primary and lower secondary education certificate intended for persons over the compulsory school age who have not completed the comprehensive education syllabus.


Comprehensive school

An educational institution providing basic general education to an entire age cohort.

Comprehensive school

In the statistics on pre-primary and comprehensive school education, subject choices of students, special education, and students and qualifications of educational institutions comprehensive schools …

Comprehensive school leaver

Pupils in compulsory school age who have satisfactorily completed the full syllabus of comprehensive school education and received a school-leaving certificate from comprehensive school education.

Computer services

Computer services consist of development, designing and management of information systems and customised software. Included are development and production of applications, and their maintenance and i…

Computer services

Computer services include hardware, software and data processing services. The item comprises hardware and software consultancy and implementation services; maintenance and repair of computers and pe…

Condensing power

Electric energy produced by cooling down steam with water without using the heat energy of the steam.

Conditional discharge

A prisoner serving a fixed-term imprisonment sentence can be discharged conditionally before the end of the term of punishment.

Conditional driving ban

The district court may also issue a driving ban as conditional if the right to drive is necessary for the person for whom the driving ban is imposed due to profession or other weighty reason, and the…

Conditional imprisonment

A sentence of imprisonment of no more than two years can be imposed as a conditional sentence as long as there are no reasons, such as previous offences, on the basis of which the court must impose a…

Confinement to barracks

Confinement to barracks is a disciplinary punishment for a soldier or other person subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1). Confinement to barracks is ordered…

Confirming (accounts payable funding)

Financing of the accounts payable of a company that have originated from acquisitions of current assets and fixed assets based on a financing agreement between the company and the credit institution.…

Conscientious objector

Conscientious objectors are defined as people who according to the data of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy have been doing their non-military service during the survey week.


Conscientious objector

Conscientious objectors are defined as people who according to the data of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy have been doing their non-military service during the survey week.



Conscripts include men and women not in the labour force who are presently in military service. Those in non-military service are also included.


Conscripts are defined as persons who according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces have been doing their military service during the last week of the year. Persons taking part in refresher cour…

Consideration of charges

When considering the charges the prosecutor decides, on the basis of the material compiled during the pre-trial investigation, whether prosecution is warranted. The prosecutor must evaluate if an act…

Consolidated financial balance/flows

Financial assets and liabilities can be presented in consolidated form, i.e., after elimination of intra-sectorial transactions within sub-sectors (e.g. debts between municipalities) and between sub-…


The division into constituencies refers to the regional division of seats to be filled in the election.

County elections:
In county elections the constituency is the wellbeing services coun…

Constituency association

The basic unit (in addition to political parties) for nominating candidates in parliamentary elections, European Parliamentary elections, the Presidential election, municipal elections and county ele…


Construction covers the creation, management, renovation, repair or extension of fixed assets in the form of real estate, land improvements of civil engineering nature and other constructions such as…

Construction services

1) Construction abroad

From the point of view of foreign trade in services, construction abroad refers to short-term (recommendation under 12 months) construction or installation projects perf…


When a piece of real estate is used, materials and supplies are consumed, such as water and electricity, and these are referred to as consumables.

Consumer confidence indicator

The consumer confidence indicator is the mean value of a balance figure based on four questions measuring consumers' expectations over the next 12 months regarding the development of their own e…

Consumer Confidence Indicator

The Consumer Confidence Indicator (CCI) expresses consumers’ views and expectations concerning economic development. The Consumer Confidence Indicator is the average of the balance figures for the CC…

Consumer credit

Loans granted to households for the purchase of consumer goods and services intended for personal use.
The item includes all bank account overdrafts and credit card credits, including those on che…

Consumer price

The real price paid by consumers for a good or service (including taxes, in retail trade).

Consumer price statistics

A monthly release made on the Consumer Price index material, which contains average prices for certain daily consumer goods and some other simple commodities by major region.

Consumers’ intentions of buying

The statistics on consumer confidence explore consumers’ intentions to use money by target. The measurement unit is ‘per cent of consumers’:

-Buying a new or used passenger car within 12 month…

Consumers’ intentions of taking out a loan

The statistics on consumer confidence examine consumers’ intentions of taking out a loan within 12 months. The measurement unit is ‘per cent of consumers’.

Consumers’ views on the economy

The statistics on consumer confidence explore consumers’ personal views and expectations concerning the economy. The measurement unit is ‘per cent of consumers’:

-Consumer’s own economy now an…

Consumption expenditure by government

Consumption expenditure by government includes 'other non-market output' and income transfers in kind. 'Other non-market output' is derived by subtracting production for own final…

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions is comprised of the consumption expenditure of comprehensive education, upper secondary general education, vocational education, polytechnic educat…

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions is comprised of the consumption expenditure of comprehensive education, upper secondary general education, vocational education, university of appl…

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions is comprised of the consumption expenditure of comprehensive education, upper secondary general education, vocational education, university of appl…

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions is comprised of the consumption expenditure of comprehensive education, upper secondary general education, vocational education, university of appl…

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions

Consumption expenditure of educational institutions is comprised of the consumption expenditure of comprehensive education, upper secondary general education, vocational education, university of appl…

Consumption expenditure of the educational school system

The consumption expenditure of the educational school system comprises consumption expenditure of educational institutions (see separate definition), as well as consumption expenditure of pre-primary…

Consumption expenditure of the educational school system

The consumption expenditure of the educational school system comprises consumption expenditure of educational institutions (see separate definition), as well as consumption expenditure of pre-primary…

Consumption expenditure of the educational school system

The consumption expenditure of the educational school system comprises consumption expenditure of educational institutions (see separate definition), as well as consumption expenditure of pre-primary…

Consumption expenditure per household

The average number of persons in a household has a fundamental effect on the expenditure averages per household of different population groups. The expenditure of families with children per household…

Consumption of fixed capital

Consumption of fixed capital (P.51C) represents the amount of fixed assets used up, during the period under consideration. Consumption is the result of normal wear and tear and foreseeable obsolescen…

Consumption of heating energy in residential buildings

Consumption of heating energy in residential buildings comprises the consumption of fuels, electricity, district heating, and ambient energy. Heating energy comprises the energy of the main heating s…

Consumption of heating energy in spaces

Consumption of heating energy in spaces comprises the consumption of fuels, electricity, district heating, and ambient energy. Heating energy comprises the energy of the main heating system and those…

Consumption unit

Income and consumption expenditure calculated per consumption unit can be used to compare households of different sizes and structures with each other. There are several different ways of calculating…

Consumption unit (OECD)

The size of the consumption unit represented by the household-dwelling unit is indicated as the sum of the weights of its members. In accordance with international recommendations the value of each m…

Contract-based weekly working hours

The employees’ contract-based weekly working hours are based on a written or oral employment contract. Working hours can also be defined in the general collective agreement. If the employment contrac…

Contributing cause of death

The contributing cause of death is recorded in the death certificate. The doctor will report in part II of the death certificate as contributing causes of death the reasons which have adversely affec…

Contribution of capital intensity

The effect of changes in capital intensity (volume of capital services/hour worked) on the change in productivity of labour.

Contribution of labour composition

The labour composition refers to changes occurring in labour input. In productivity surveys, hours worked and labour compensations are cross classified according to employees’ age, educational level …


Control means the ability to determine the general policy of an enterprise by choosing appropriate directors as needed. Enterprise A is deemed to be controlled by institutional unit B when B controls…


Unconditional imprisonment is deemed to be convertible to community service if it is at most eight months long and it has not been passed for the following offences: refusing military service (1438/2…

Convertible bond

Convertible bonds are bonds that the holder may convert into a specified number of the issuer's shares within a specific period. Convertible bonds differ from bonds with equity warrants in that …

Convict prisoner

A convict prisoner has been placed in a penal institution to serve a sentence of unconditional imprisonment, a sentence of conditional imprisonment he/she has been ordered to serve in a penal institu…

Co-operative society

A community engaged in economic activity to benefit its members, whose number of members and capital are varying. The members participate in the activity by exploiting the services of the community. …

Corporate fine

A corporation may be sentenced to a corporate fine if a person who is part of its statutory organ or other management or who exercises actual decision-making authority therein has been an accomplice …

Corporation subject to taxation

Corporations subject to taxation include: 1) corporations subject to taxation, 2) bodies jointly and severally liable for tax withholding, such as unregistered companies, foundations or association, …

Cost index

The cost index describes cost changes caused to entrepreneurs from acquisition of inputs for a contract or an assignment.

Costs are accrued by own labour input and various products and service…

Cost index of rail transport

The cost index of rail transport describes changes in the cost factors of prices of tram and metro transport. The index is a Laspeyres type index.

Costs of new credits

Costs arising from credits granted by a small loan company during a quarter. Such costs incurred by clients include one-off handling fee, hire-purchase surcharge, costs arising from postponement of m…

Costs of training

Costs of training refer to indirect and direct costs of training in total. Indirect costs include labour costs of employees who took part in training during the training period and direct costs are f…

Costs of training

Costs of training refer to indirect and direct costs of training in total. Indirect costs include labour costs of employees who took part in training during the training period and direct costs are f…

Council (council seats)

The number of seats in the council depends on the size of the municipality (population). The smallest number of councillors is 17 (maximum population 2,000) and the highest 85 (population of over 400…

Councillor (elected)

A candidate in his/her home municipality who has been elected from among the municipal election candidates on the basis of the votes cast.

Country of birth

All persons entered in the Population Register are indicated a country of birth, which is determined on the basis of the mother's permanent home country at the time of birth. This means, for exa…

Country of consignment

The country of consignment for imports refers to a member country from which the good was originally sent to be exported to Finland either directly or through a second country.

Country of destination

The country of destination for exports refers to the latest known member country to which the good has meant to be exported from Finland.

Country of location

Country of location is the country of registration of an institutional unit. The country of location is often, but not always, the same as the nationality of an institutional unit.

Country of origin

The country of origin is the country where the good was produced or manufactured. If the good was manufactured in two or several countries, the country of origin is the country where the latest signi…

Country of residence

County of residence is defined as the country where a person has or will have lived continuously for more than 12 months. The person must have a dwelling in the country concerned. A person may have s…

Country of residence

For the purpose of tourism statistics, country of residence is defined as the country where a person has lived for most of the past 12 months. Tourists are defined as non-residents/residents accordin…

Course (course training)

In the CVTS, the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, course training refers to all pre-planned formal training, which is arranged separately (not taking place besides work). Training has a program…

Course (course training)

In the report "Results of the Lifelong Learning Ad Hoc module 2003", course training refers to participation in other than education and training leading to a qualification according to the…

Creative pursuit as a hobby

Has one of the following as a hobby: handicraft, writing, dancing, photography, gardening, fine arts, playing an instrument, singing, cooking, video photography, creating music (composing), recitatio…

Credit card credit

The unpaid capital of actual credit card credits (extended credit card credits) and convenience credits at the end of the quarter.

Credit card debt

Unpaid portion of the credit card debt at the end of the year. Includes unpaid interests added to the debt capital by the credit card company.

Credit card debt

Unpaid portion of the credit card debt at the end of the year. Includes unpaid interests added to the debt capital by the credit card company.

Credit losses

Allocated credit loss reserves are removed from the outstanding credit only when they are directed to the customer and the credit loss is recorded.

Credit losses and other adjustment items

The credit loss adjusts the income of the real estate by the amount of revenue lost during the financial year. These include, for example, unpaid rents which have been considered to be lost forever. …

CRF tables

The Common Reporting Format tables used in the national greenhouse gas inventory and accepted by the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC. The actual emission data according to the Climate Convent…

CRF tables

Tables of specified format (Common Reporting Format) used in national greenhouse gas inventory systems.

CRF tables

The Common Reporting Format tables used in the national greenhouse gas inventory and accepted by the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC.

Criminal Sanctions Agency

The Criminal Sanctions Agency belongs to the administrative field of the Ministry of Justice and is responsible for managing and developing the implementation of community service and imprisonment se…

Cross-trade transport

Transport performed by a road motor vehicle registered in one country between a place of loading in a second country and a place of unloading in a third country. Such transport may involve transit th…

Crude birth rate

The crude birth rate refers to the number of births per 1,000 persons of the mean population.

Crude divorce rate

The crude divorce rate refers to the number of divorces per 1,000 persons of the mean population.

Crude fertility rate

The general fertility rate indicates the number of liveborn children per 1,000 women of the mean population aged 15 to 49.

Crude marriage rate

The crude marriage rate refers to married women per 1,000 of the mean population.

Crude remarriage rate

The crude remarriage rate refers to the number of second or higher order marriages contracted by women per 1,000 previously married women of the mean population.


In the Finnish Travel survey, a cruise usually refers to a round trip by boat/ferry outside the territorial waters of Finland. A cruise usually includes an overnight on board (overnight cruise). If a…

Cubic capacity of a building

The cubic capacity of a building is calculated in accordance with the Finnish Standards Association's standard SFS 2460, RT 120.12.

Cubic capacity of residential buildings

For buildings completed after the beginning of 1980, data on cubic capacity of residential buildings are available from a register. For buildings completed prior to this, missing data on cubic capaci…

Cultural and recreational services

Cultural and recreational services include training of employees and related payments, diverse cultural and recreational services, such as library, museum, archiving and other cultural and sports ser…

Cultural audience

Has visited one of the following at least once during a year: theatre, concert, opera, dance performance, film, festival, art exhibition, museum.

In addition to the audience of cultural events…

Current account

The current account shows flows of goods, services, primary and secondary income between residents and non-residents.

Current transfers paid

The household's current transfers paid are mainly formed of direct taxes and social security contributions. In addition, current transfers paid include compulsory pension contributions and unemp…

Current transfers received

Current transfers received by households and persons are formed of earnings-related and national pensions and other social security benefits, social allowances and other current transfers received.

Curriculum-based basic vocational education

In the statistics on vocational education, curriculum-based basic vocational education refers to education for which a curriculum has been specified (targets, entity and scope of studies, core conten…

Custody period

The custody period is the period of time a person is apprehended, arrested or remanded on the basis of a coercive measure. The days of apprehension or arrest are counted in hours and the days of rema…

Custody period

The custody period is the period of time a person is detained, arrested or imprisoned on the basis of a coercive measure. The days of detention or arrest are counted in hours and the days of imprison…

Daily wage earner

Daily wage earners come under the scope of the forest industry collective agreement. The earnings of a daily wage earner are mainly based on the actual working days. A daily wage earner can perform b…

Dangerous goods

Dangerous goods are substances that may cause damage to people, property or the environment due to their corrosive, flammable, explosive, spontaneously combustible, toxic, oxidising, radioactive, bio…

Data supplier unit

Data supply units are enterprises or their establishments where the principal activity is industry (C Mining and quarrying or D Manufacturing). Therefore establishments of non-manufacturing enterpris…

Data supplier unit

The data supplier unit in the statistics on manufacturing commodities is an enterprise or an establishment of an enterprise, whose main activity is manufacturing (B Mining and quarrying or C Manufact…

Date of first registration of motor vehicle

The date of first registration of a motor vehicle is the first-time registration of the vehicle as new in a Motor Vehicle Register, irrespective of the nationality of the register.

Day cruise

In the Finnish Travel survey, a day cruise usually refers to a round trip by boat/ferry outside the territorial waters of Finland cross the Gulf of Finland in the direction of Estonia, or cross the G…

Days of participation

The days on which the respondent had been participating in adult education and training (i.e. receiving instruction, etc.) during the preceding 12 months are counted as his/her days of participation.…

Day work

The working time starts and ends between 6 am and 6 pm.


Persons permanently resident in Finland on the day of their death are recorded in the statistics as deaths. Data on deaths are obtained from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s Populati…


Statistics on deaths are based on data derived from the Population Register Centre's Population Information System maintained by local register offices. People who lived permanently in Finland a…


Debentures are bonds with a lower priority than that of the issuer's other commitments.

Debtor in enforcement

Debtor in enforcement refers to the respondent in the enforcement of a payment obligation. The debtor in enforcement can be a natural or legal person.

Debts charged on a source of income

Debts charged on a source of income include debts attributable to farming and forestry as well as to trade and business activities.

Debt securities

Debt securities comprise all marketable debt instruments, such as Treasury bills, securities issued by municipalities, bank certificates of deposit, commercial papers, bonds and convertible bonds.

Debt securities

Debt securities comprise all marketable debt instruments, such as Treasury bills, securities issued by municipalities, bank certificates of deposit, commercial papers, bonds and convertible bonds.

Debt securities issued to the public

Bonds and other comparable marketable bearer bonds and promissory notes made out to order and issued by an investment firm.

Debt securities issued to the public

Bonds, certificates of deposit and other comparable marketable bearer bonds and promissory notes made out to order and issued by a credit institution.

Decedent's estate

A decedent's estate refers to the assets and liabilities of a deceased person prior to the division of the estate. Heirs, meaning parties to the estate, belong to the same legal form.

Deductible agricultural expenses

All expenses incurred in acquiring or maintaining agricultural income are deductible, inter alia:
- cash wages paid to those who work on the farm;
- expenses for acquisition of seeds, fertilize…

Default prisoner

A default prisoner is a person serving a conversion sentence in lieu of an unpaid fine. A conversion sentence is passed for a person sentenced to a fine if efforts to collect the fine have been unsuc…

Default prisoner

A default prisoner is a person serving a conversion sentence in lieu of an unpaid fine. A conversion sentence is passed for a person sentenced to a fine if efforts to collect the fine have been unsuc…

Default prisoner

A default prisoner is a person serving a conversion sentence in lieu of an unpaid fine. A conversion sentence is passed for a person sentenced to a fine if efforts to collect the fine have been unsuc…


The party against whom a case is brought. The Finnish term "vastaaja" (defendant) was earlier used only in civil matters and in criminal matters concerning minor offences, but it can now be…



Degree of urbanisation

Degree of urbanisation refers to the proportion of people living in localities or urban settlements among the population of a municipality whose place of residence can be defined by coordinates. Befo…

Delivered driving licence

A driving licence is delivered to a person who fulfils the set age and health criteria and has a certificate that is no more than three months old from a passes driving test. The right to drive start…

Delivered orders

The value of commodities and services delivered during one month.

Delivery of goods to vessels

Deliveries of vessel spare parts and supplies, vessel fuel and lubricants, goods meant to be sold to passengers on vessels and to be consumed there by passengers or the crew for vessels and aircraft …

Dependency ratio (economic)

Population structure is measured with the so-called economic dependency ratio which gives the numbers of persons unemployed or outside the labour force per one employed persons.

Dependency ratio (economic)

The economic dependency ratio describes the total number of unemployed persons and those in the inactive population relative to the number of employed persons. Employment statistics calculate the num…


Deposits are fixed-term or redeemable immediately on demand. They can be used to make payments, with no charges or limitations related to their use. Receivables in cash also belong to deposits. Infor…


Depreciation means that a commodity is removed from the financial statement for the duration of its financial effect.

Depreciation rate

The depreciation rate describes how much of the capital stock is used up during the year. In productivity surveys, consumption rates are specific for industries and capital good types. Consumption o…

Derivative instruments

Premiums paid for derivative instruments, including positive fair values of derivative instruments included among assets.

Derived gases

Manufactured gases excl. biogas


Detention is a disciplinary punishment for a soldier or other person subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1). Detention can be passed only by a court in a pro…

Direct foreign owner

Direct foreign owner is a non-resident enterprise with a direct holding of over 50 per cent of the voting rights of a resident enterprise. Cf. Direct foreign parent.

Direct foreign parent

Direct foreign parent is a non-resident enterprise with a direct holding of over 50 per cent of the voting rights of a resident parent enterprise. Cf. Direct foreign owner.

Direct insurance

Insurance business received by the insurance company directly from the policy holder. In direct insurance the policy holder is a customer that is not another insurance company

Direct investment

Direct investment is defined as investment by a resident entity in one economy in an enterprise resident in another country with the objective of obtaining a lasting interest in the enterprise and an…

Direct investment

A direct investment relation exists between an investor and an object resident in another country when the investor has control (over 50% of the voting power) or influence (from 10% to 50%) over the …

Directional principle

Financial assets and liabilities are netted in direct investments data according to the directional principle by the direction of the control//influence between the direct investor and direct investm…

Direct leasing

Leasing based on an agreement where the lessee gets the user right but where the risks and benefits of ownership are not transferred to the lessee. Also includes leasing (rental) and charter of ships…

Direct leasing

Operational leasing covers leasing (rental) and charter of ships, aircraft, and transport equipment such as cars, containers and railway carriages without crew.

Direct leasing

A short term contract, closely resembling a rental contract, that can be revoked by the lessee before the end of contract period if he so wishes. The asset can be leased to several successive lessees…

Direct leasing

A short term contract, closely resembling a rental contract, that can be revoked by the lessee before the end of contract period if he so wishes. The asset can be leased to several successive lessees…

Direct material input (DMI)

Direct material input (DMI) includes materials extracted from Finland and materials imported to Finland from abroad.


Direct relationship

In the Enterprise Group Register, direct relationship describes the direct ownership and/or control relationship between two enterprises belonging to the same group.

Direct training costs

Fees and payments to outside training providers, payments or subsistence allowances for travel, accommodation, meals and allowances, labour costs of trainers, costs of premises, equipment and materia…


Disabled include persons aged 15 to 64 not in the labour force who due to long- term illness or disability are not working or studying. Those on disability pensions not belonging to the labour force …

Disciplinary fine

A disciplinary fine is a disciplinary punishment for a soldier or other person subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1). A disciplinary fine is imposed for at …

Discipliniary punishments

Disciplinary punishments for soldiers and other persons subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code are reprimand, extra duties, warning, confinement to barracks, disciplinary fine and detention. Whe…

Discontinuation of education

In the statistics on discontinuation of education discontinuation refers to discontinuation of post-comprehensive school education leading to a qualification.

Data concerning discontinuation o…

Disguised unemployment

Persons outside the labour force who would like gainful work and would be available for work within a fortnight, but who have not looked for work actively in the past four weeks are counted as person…

Dismissal from office

Dismissal from office is a special penalty for a public official. A public official can be dismissed from office if he or she is sentenced to life imprisonment or to imprisonment for a fixed period o…

Disposable income

In the income distribution statistics and in the Household Budget Survey, households' disposable income included all salaries and wages, entrepreneurial income and property income (including imp…

Disposable income

Disposable income is the balancing item of the current income in the redistribution of income account. It is obtained for each sector by adding current transfers receivable to primary income and by d…

Disposable money income

Households' disposable money income includes monetary income items and benefits in kind connected to employment relationships. Money income does not include imputed income items, of which the ma…

Distance work

Distance work refers to paid work that is done outside the actual workplace - such as at home, summer cottage or when travelling on the train - so that it has been agreed upon with the employer. Dist…

District heat

Heat generated by power plants, heating boilers or heating plants that is transmitted through a district heating network to heat buildings and produce hot water.


The divorce statistics are based on data on granted decrees of divorce transmitted to the Population Register Centre by courts of law. The statistics also include cases where a permanent resident of …


The divorce statistics are based on data on granted decrees of divorce transmitted to the Digital and Population Services Agency (former Population Register Centre) by courts of law. The statistics a…


The divorce statistics are based on data on granted decrees of divorce transmitted to the Population Register Centre by courts of law. The statistics also include cases where a permanent resident of …

Doctoral degree

Highest third-cycle degree obtained at university.

Domestic extraction (DE)

Domestic extraction (DE) refers to materials extracted from domestic nature for further processing in the economy. They can be divided into biomass, metal ores, non-metallic minerals and fossil energ…

Domestic film

Statistics compiled on domestic films include films made as wholly Finnish productions, as well as international co-productions having a Finnish majority producer. International co-productions having…

Domestic hidden flows / Unused domestic extraction

Domestic hidden flows / Unused domestic extraction refer to moves and transformations of natural materials that are made in connection with their extraction from nature or construction. Examples of t…

Domestic material consumption (DMC)

Domestic material consumption (DMC) takes into account not only direct domestic inputs, i.e. materials extracted from domestic nature, but also materials imported from abroad as raw materials or proc…

Domestic sales

Value index of sales of goods and services produced and sold in Finland.

Domestic tourism

Domestic tourism comprises the activities of residents of a given country travelling to and staying in places inside their residential country, but outside their usual environment for not more than 1…

Domestic trip

A domestic trip is a trip made by a resident of a given country within his/her residential country, and outside his/her usual environment. The maximum duration of trip is 12 consecutive months.

Domestic turnover

Domestic turnover refers to the volume of domestic taxable sales in the payment control data of the Tax Administration. In addition to domestic sales, the volume of taxable sales includes own use of …

Domestic waste (Household waste)

Waste originating from the consumption of households. Waste generated outside the dwelling or its surrounds but produced by the household, such as waste motor oil left at the garage in connection wit…

Drink-driving case

An accident in which the driver of a motor vehicle has been proven (by a blood test reading of at least 0.5 per mille or a breathalyser test result of exhalation containing at least 0.22 milligrams o…

Drink-driving case

An accident in which the driver of a motor vehicle has been proven (by a blood test or breathalyser reading exceeding 0.5 per mille) or is suspected on strong grounds to have been under the influence…

Driving ban

A driving ban is issued by the police or district court. A driving ban issued by the district court is almost without exception preceded by a temporary driving ban ordered by a police officer.

Driving licence

The driver of a motor vehicle must possess a driving licence issued by the police. The granting of the licence is subject to approved pass of a driving test and fulfilment of set age and health requi…

Drug-related deaths

In calculating drug-related deaths, use is made of a classification compiled by the EU's European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) (Selection B). According to it, cases wh…

Dry cargo ship

Ro-ro cargo ships, bulk carriers, container ships and other dry cargo ships included in the merchant fleet.

Duration of trip

Duration of trip refers to the time spent during a visit measured from the standpoint of the generating country or place. A trip begins when leaving home and ends when returning home. By duration tri…


A dwelling refers to a room or a suite of rooms which is intended for year-round habitation; is furnished with a kitchen, kitchenette or cooking area; and has a floor area of at least 7 square metres…


AN.1111. Buildings that are used entirely or primarily as residences, including any associated structures, such as garages, and all permanent fixtures customarily installed in residences. Houseboats,…

Dwelling density

Dwelling density is the ratio between the size of the dwelling and the number of persons living in it. Dwelling size is expressed either as the number of rooms or as the floor area of the dwelling.

Dwelling occupancy

Dwelling units are classified according to their occupancy status into dwellings permanently occupied, dwellings temporarily occupied and dwellings not in residential use:

- A dwelling is cons…

Dwelling population

The dwelling population comprises those persons who according to the Population Information System of the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (The Finnish Digital Agency) resided permanently …

Early business restructuring

Early business restructuring is a form of business restructuring, for which petitions can filed when there is risk of insolvency.

If an enterprise is found to be insolvent in the middle of the…

Early childhood education and care

Systematic and goal-oriented activity consisting of upbringing, education and care for children, with special emphasis on pedagogy. Early childhood education and care is provided as centre-based earl…

Early childhood education and care actor

An organisation or person that organises or provides early childhood education and care under the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. An early childhood education and care actor may be a munic…

Early childhood education and care site

A set of premises where a provider of early childhood education and care operates under the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care. An early childhood education and care site may be an early educa…

Early neonatal mortality

Early neonatal mortality refers to the number of deaths during the first week of life relative to the live births during the statistical year.

Earned income

Earned income is the sum of earned and entrepreneurial income received by households and income recipients during the year.

Earned premium

Earned premium consists of the sum of premium income and change in premium income, from which the reinsurers’ shares are deducted. Earned premium is income allocated from premium income directed to t…

Economic activity

This item indicates whether a person has been in the economically active population for most of the year. The economically active population is defined as comprising all persons aged betweeen 15 and …

Economic association

A community whose purpose is acquisition of profit or other direct economic benefit to its members or whose purpose or type of activity is otherwise mainly economic. The Associations Act does not app…

Economic territory

The term economic territory means
a) the geographic territory administered by a government within which persons, goods, services and capital move freely
b) any free zones, including bonded ware…

Economy-wide material flow accounts (EW-MFA)

Economy-wide material flow accounts describe the volumes of materials extracted, transferred or transformed from domestic nature, raw materials and processed products imported from abroad, and export…


EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is a procedure by which information located in an enterprise's data system is used to produce a specified data flow that is transmitted electronically to a rece…

EDI commerce

EDI commerce is electronic commerce that takes place between enterprises through the medium of EDI.

EDI invoice

An EDI invoice is an electronic invoice in machine code according to the EDI structure standards. EDI invoices are often sent via a telecommunications service provider.


An organised activity, the aim of which is to produce competence based on teaching.

Education can be divided into education and training leading to a qualification or degree and no…

Educational institution

An educational institution refers to an administrative unit with a principal or other head, which has teachers and other personnel in its service (role of employers), and which is liable to keep book…

Educational institution group

In the Standard Industrial Classification (TOL 2002) polytechnics are placed in the group of higher education. In the statistics on teachers groups of educational institutions have been formed where …

Educational institution of the school system

As a rule, educational institutions regulated by a decree concerning teaching activity or whose activity can be regarded as comparable to that of educational institutions regulated by such a decree a…

Educational level

The data on education are based on Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees.

Six categories are used for the level of education in vital statistics: basic level, u…

Educational structure of the population

Educational structure of the population describes distribution of the population aged 15 and over to attainers of primary, secondary and tertiary level qualifications and degrees. Attainers of tertia…

Educational system

The Finnish educational system is comprised of the following:

Pre-primary education is provided in Finland to 6-year-old children, usually at children's day care homes. Some 6-year-old ch…

Effect list of price changes

The list that shows the changes of commodities and/or aggregate level indices and the effects of the changes on the total index. The review periods are changes from the previous month, from the previ…


An e-invoice is an electronic invoice constructed according to a generally used message format, whose data can be handled and interpreted automatically. E-invoices are transmitted via a telecommunica…

Elderly household-dwelling unit

An elderly household-dwelling unit is one in which there is at least one person over 65 years.

Election Act

The new comprehensive Election Act was approved in the Presidential Session of 2 October 1998. The Act contains both the common procedural provisions on different elections and the specific provision…


Statistics on the use of electricity in manufacturing are produced in two ways. Total energy consumption in manufacturing is calculated from data on net purchases (purchased/received - sold/delivered…

Electricity and gas costs

Electricity costs consist of electricity tariffs and energy charges based on the consumption measurement of electricity and gas supplied by the energy plant, meter rents, etc.

Electricity intensity

Electricity intensity is defined as the ratio of total consumption of electricity to gross domestic product.

Electricity supply

Electricity supply refers to the total combined volume of produced electricity and net imports of electricity. Net imports refer to imports of electricity less exports of electricity.

Electronic commerce

Electronic commerce or Internet commerce refers to buying or ordering goods via the Internet for a consumer's personal consumption or a household's consumption, regardless of whether the in…

Electronic invoice

An electronic invoice is an invoice transmitted in electronic form: an EDI invoice, an e-invoice, an e-mail invoice or some other electronic invoice. Payments entered by a customer into an online ban…


The general preconditions of eligibility are mostly identical with the preconditions for being entitled to vote in elections. In municipal elections the preconditions of eligibility and being entitle…

E-mail invoice

An e-mail invoice is an invoice sent as a pdf-file attached to an e-mail.


Persons emigrating from the country must submit a notice of change of address in the same way as persons who migrate within the country (Acts 661/2009, 201/1994).
Persons who move abroad for more …

Emission factor

The quantity of a selected emission relative to a specified quantity, often this quantity is a production input, e.g. carbon dioxide equivalent tonne per fuel used.

Emission intensity

Total quantity of a selected emission, expressed as a proportion of a specified quantity. E.g. carbon dioxide equivalent tonnes per value added.


A person is employed if he/she during the survey week has been in employment at least one hour for pay or entrepreneurial income or has worked without pay in an enterprise or on a farm owned by a fam…


A person is employed if he/she has during the survey week been in gainful employment at least one hour against wages or salary or fringe benefits, or to make profit. Employees temporarily absent from…


The employed labour force comprises all persons between 15-74 who were employed during the reference week and were neither registered as unemployed jobseekers at the labour exhange office nor undergo…


A person is employed if he/she has during the survey week been in gainful employment at least one hour against wages or salary or fringe benefits, or to make profit. Employees temporarily absent from…


The employed labour force includes all persons aged 18 to 74 who were in gainful employment in the last week of the year and were not registered as unemployed job seekers in the job seeker register o…


Employed persons are those who during the survey week have been gainfully employed for at least an hour for a pay or benefit in kind or for gaining profit. Those temporarily absent from work due to h…


A person is employed if he/she has been in employment at least one hour for pay or entrepreneurial income during the survey week. Persons temporarily absent from work during the survey week are also …


The employed labour force comprises all persons between 18-74 who were employed during the reference week and were neither registered as unemployed jobseekers at the labour exhange office nor undergo…


A person is employed if he/she during the survey week has been in employment at least one hour for pay or entrepreneurial income or has worked without pay in an enterprise or on a farm owned by a fam…

Employed labour force resident in the area

Employed labour force resident in the area refers to all employed persons in the area concerned irrespective of the location of their workplaces. Employed labour force resident in the area forms the …


Wage and salary earners (employees) are defined as persons aged betweeen 18 and 74 who according to the employment register of a pension insurance scheme are in an employment relationship during the …


Employees are defined as all persons who, by agreement, work for another resident institutional unit and receive a remuneration.

Employees are classified here if they are not also in self-empl…


A wage and salary earner (employee) is a person, who has an employment relationship with an employer and who is compensated for work performed. Wage and salary earners are either salaried employees o…


An employee is a person who works and receives pay or compensation for it. Employees are classified into workers and salaried employees.


Wage and salary earners (employees) are defined as persons aged between 18 and 74 who, according to the register data of employment statistics, have a valid employment relationship or employment pens…


Wage and salary earners (employees) are defined as persons aged betweeen 15 and 74 who according to the employment register of a pension insurance scheme are in an employment relationship during the …

Employees (FTE)

Employees refer to wage and salary earners and self-employed persons. Employees are converted to annual full-time employees (FTEs) so that, for example, an employees working half-time represents one …


A natural or legal person who uses outside labour against financial compensation. An employer is entered into the register of employers maintained by the Tax Administration.

Employers' actual social contributions

Employers' actual social contributions (D611). Employers pay employers' ac-tual social contributions to social security funds and pension funds that maintain the social security system in o…

Employer sector

Employed persons are classified by employer into public and private sectors. The public sector is further divided into central government and local government. The employer sector is determined on th…

Employer sector

The classification of employer sectors describes the ownership and corporate form of the workplace. It can be used for distinguishing between the public and private sector.

The classification …

Employer sector

Employer sector describes the structure of the labour market and is determined by the decision-making unit. The classification of employer sectors used in statistics on wages and salaries and in stat…

Employer sector

The employed are divided according to the employer into public and private sectors. The public sector is sub-divided into state and municipalities. In the Labour Force Survey the employer sector is d…

Employer-sponsored training

In the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, CVTS, continuing vocational training is training measures or activities, which the enterprises finance, partly or wholly. Continuing vocational training …

Employer-sponsored training

In statistics on in-service training, in-service training refers to any employee training, paid for by the employer, which relates to an employee's occupation or profession or trade union activi…

Employer-sponsored training

In the report "Results of the Lifelong Learning Ad Hoc module 2003", employer-sponsored training refers to such training in which an employee has been able to participate using at least to …

Employer-sponsored training

In the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, CVTS, continuing vocational training is training measures or activities, which the enterprises finance, partly or wholly. Continuing vocational training …

Employer-sponsored training

In the Adult Education Survey all adult education partly or wholly paid for by the respondent's employer was considered to be employer-sponsored training regardless of its content. This may have…


Employment covers all persons – both employees and self-employed – engaged in some productive activity that falls within the production boundary of the system.

Employment rate

The ratio of employed persons to the population of the same age. The employment rate of the total population is calculated as the ratio of 15 to 64-year-old employed persons to the population of the …

Employment rate

The ratio of employed persons to the same-age population. In the employment statistics, the employment rate is calculated from the population aged 18 to 64.

Employment rate

The employment rate is calculated as the ratio of employed persons to the population of the same age.

Energy balance sheet

Energy balance sheet describes the conversion of primary energy to final consumption. The balance sheet contains separate entries for primary energy supply, stock changes, energy production and tran…

Energy consumption in households

Includes consumption of energy needed for heating spaces in residential buildings and domestic water, and electricity used for household appliances. The use of natural gas and liquid gas in cooking a…

Energy consumption in households

Includes consumption of energy needed for heating residential buildings and domestic water, and electricity used for household appliances. The use of natural gas and liquid gas in cooking as well as …

Energy consumption of cooking

Calculations of energy consumption of cooking take into consideration stoves, ovens, microwave ovens, and coffee makers and kettles. The main energy source used in cooking is electricity, to some deg…

Energy consumption of cooking

Calculations of energy consumption of cooking take into consideration stoves and ovens. The main energy source used in cooking is electricity, to some degree town gas and liquid gas, wood and charcoa…

Energy consumption of domestic water heating

Energy consumption of domestic water heating comprises the energy used for heating water. The majority of residential buildings in Finland have central heating system by water circulation in which ca…

Energy consumption of electrical equipment

Energy consumption of electrical equipment comprises the energy used by pieces of electrical equipment in dwellings and real estate properties. Electrical equipment include e.g. microwave ovens, coff…

Energy consumption of electrical equipment

Energy consumption of electrical equipment comprises the energy used by pieces of electrical equipment in dwellings and real estate properties. Electrical equipment include e.g. refrigeration equipme…

Energy consumption of lighting

Energy consumption of lighting comprises the energy used for lighting residential buildings and their surrounding grounds. Some of the electricity used by housing companies in residential buildings i…

Energy consumption of sauna heating

Energy consumption of sauna heating comprises the energy used for heating sauna stoves. Sauna stoves are usually heated with wood or electricity. In addition to detached house and apartment-specific …

Energy intensity

Energy intensity is defined as the ratio of total energy consumption to gross domestic product.

Energy losses

Energy losses all kinds of (during extraction, distribution, storage and transformation, and dissipative heat from end use).

Energy recovery

Incineration of waste to recover the energy it contains.

Energy sources / heat sources

Energy sources for residential buildings comprise fuels, electricity, district heat and ambient energy. Electricity includes grid electricity only; self-produced electricity in the form of e.g. solar…

Energy tax

An energy tax is an environmental tax levied on energy products, and on the production and consumption of energy. Energy taxes in Finland comprise taxes and surtaxes on motor fuels, light and heavy f…


An enterprise is a unit with decision-making autonomy, which produces goods and/or services to be sold on the market.

Enterprise corresponds to legal unit, if the legal unit is not part of an …


An enterprise refers to an economic activity carried on by one or more persons for profit-making purposes. These include:
- persons carrying on a business, trade or profession in their own name or…


An enterprise refers to an economic activity carried on by one or more persons for profit-making purposes. These include:
- persons carrying on a business, trade or profession in their own name or…

Enterprise group

An enterprise group is an economic entity formed by two or more enterprises, in which the group head has either alone or together with other enterprises belonging to the same group the right of contr…

Enterprise group

An enterprise group is an economic entity formed by two or more enterprises, in which the group head has either alone or together with other enterprises belonging to the same group the right of contr…

Enterprise Group Register

The largest enterprise groups operating in Finland are entered into the Enterprise Group Register. Data on an enterprise groups' turnover, balance sheet total and number of employees are entered…

Enterprise with several local kind of activity units

An enterprise that operates at several addresses within one or more industries or an enterprise that operates at only one address but within more than one industries.

Entirely voluntary vocational adult education and training

This term is used to denote adult education and training connected with the respondent's work or occupation which takes place entirely outside working time and involves no financial contribution…

Entitled to vote

In parliamentary elections, the Presidential election and European Parliamentary elections, every Finnish citizen is entitled to vote provided the person has reached the age of 18 no later than on th…


Entrepreneurs are defined as persons aged 18-74 who during the last week of the year had a self-employed person's pension insurance and who were not unemployed on the last working day of the ye…


Entrepreneurs are defined as persons aged 15-74 who during the last week of the year had a self-employed person's pension insurance and who were not unemployed on the last working day of the ye…

Entrepreneurial income

In national accounts, entrepreneurial income corresponds to the operating surplus or mixed income:
- property income receivable in connection with financial and other assets belonging to the ente…

Entrepreneurial income

Entrepreneurial income includes income from agriculture and forestry, business activity and business group and copyright fees. Entrepreneurial income in agriculture also contains various subsidies an…


The concept of environment refers to the physical, social and cultural factors that are present in the natural or built environment and with which humans have an interactive relationship. The environ…

Environmental goods and services sector

Environmental goods and services sector involves production which is based on environmental pollution prevention or the saving of natural resources. Environmental technology is part of environmental …

Environmentally-related charges

Environmentally-related charges in Finland comprise municipal water and waste water charges and waste management charges.

Environmentally-related taxes and fees

Environmentally-related taxes and fees is a common term for environmental taxes, tax-like charges and environmentally-related service charges collected by the central government.

Environmental protection

Activity aimed at looking after the environment and protecting it from environmental harm caused by human activity. Environmental protection includes actions taken by society, enterprises and ordinar…

Environmental protection

Measures taken by an enterprise whose primary aim is to collect, process, reduce, prevent or eliminate the emissions, waste or other environmental hazards caused by its activity.

Environmental protection expenditure

Environmental protection expenditure of the public sector refers to the sum of the operating costs and investments arising from environmental protection measures, and paid investment and other subsid…

Environmental protection expenditure

Environmental protection expenditure refers to the total of investments and operating costs arising from environmental protection measures.

Environmental protection investments

Environmental protection investments refer to the capital an enterprise spends on the environmental protection measures whose primary aim is to collect, process, reduce, prevent or eliminate the emis…

Environmental subsidy

An environmental subsidy is a subsidy paid by the public sector to help economic actors switch to activities that are less environmentally damaging or that regulate natural resources. The definition …

Environmental tax

The point of departure in defining an environmental tax is that it must be levied on such measurable physical quantity that has a harmful effect on the environment. The essential criterion in the def…

Equalisation provision

Nowadays only concerns non-life insurance companies. The equalisation provisions equalises the effect of random variations of claims paid on assets covering technical provision. The average of a long…


Equi-representativity means a property required of the composition of the item list for a basic heading, each Member State being able to price that number of representative
products which is comme…

Equivalent carbondioxide

Common measure for greenhouse gas emissions with which the combined effects from different greenhouse gases on the acceleration of the greenhouse effect can be added together.

The name of the …

Equivalent income

Equivalent income is an income concept by which incomes of households of different types are made comparable by taking account of shared consumption benefits.

Equivalent income = the household…

Errors and omissions

The errors and omissions in the balance of payments are the net of all biases and missing data. The errors and omissions are calculated as the difference between the sum of the current and capital ac…

ESA 2010

ESA 2010 = European System of Accounts 2010, the EU's revised Regulation that steers the compilation of economic statistics.


ESA95 manual on government deficit and debt, the updated manual on the European system of national and regional accounts.

Euro lending

Euro lending = loans and advances in euro + loans granted from central government funds + bonds and debentures in euro classified as investments.

Euro lending

Euro lending = loans and advances in euro + loans granted from central government funds + bonds and debentures in euro classified as investments.

European Parliamentary elections

The European Parliament consists of officials and political representatives elected from all European Union member states. Since 1979 the members of the European Parliament are elected in a direct el…


Nimi on tarkistettu 12/06. SY

Evening work

Evening work is work made between 6 and 11 pm.

Excess of births

The excess of births, that is, the natural population increase, refers to the
difference between livebirths and deaths.

Exchange rate changes

To calculate the exchange rate change, the amount of outstanding credit on the date of reporting is first translated into euros at end-of-term mid-market prices of both the present and the preceding …

Expenditure of foreign sea transport

Expenditure paid to abroad by enterprises engaged in foreign sea transport. The expenditure comprises fuel costs, port charges, purchases of supplies for on-board restaurants and shops, repair costs,…

Expired guarantees

A guarantee expires as the underlying credit is repaid. Repayment (in full or in part) is normally effected by the debtor. In some instances the guarantor of a loan is required to repay the loan in f…


An enterprise whose exports exceed the value of EUR 16,000 per year. The data are obtained from the National Board of Customs.


An enterprise whose exports threshold value is EUR 12,000 and has trading transactions in at least two months per year or the value of trading exceeds EUR 120,000 (in which case one trading transacti…

Export price index

Export price index 1995=100. Measures developments in fob prices of exported goods. Foreign-currency export prices are converted into Finnish markka/euro according to the mid-month rate of the statis…

Export price index

The export price index measures development in the f.o.b. prices of export goods. Foreign-currency export prices are converted to euro using the mean rate for the statistical reference month. The ind…

Exports (EXP)

Exports (EXP) comprise of raw materials and processed products exported abroad.

Exports of goods and services

Exports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, gifts or grants) from residents to non-residents.

Export turnover

Value index of goods and services sold abroad.

Extra duties

Extra duties are a disciplinary punishment for a soldier or other person subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1). Extra duties are ordered or sentenced at lea…

Extramural research and development

Extramural R&D means R&D projects or services which have been acquired outside of the unit and which from the point of view of the service provider are its intramural R&D. Extramural R&am…


Private network service linking an enterprise and customer or business partner and based on Internet technology.

Extraregio territory

The economic territory of a country can be broken down into regional and extraregio territory.

The extraregio territory is made up of parts of the economic territory of a country which cannot …


Data on the facilities of dwellings and buildings are derived from the dwelling and building data of the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre.

Facilities in a dwelli…

Factor income

In the income distribution statistics, factor income is monetary compensations received by households for participation in the production activity as wages and salaries, entrepreneurial income and pr…

Factoring (accounts receivable funding)

In factoring, a firm converts its accounts receivable into cash by turning them over to a credit institu-tion/financing company in exchange for working capital. The capital given to enterprises as fi…

Factoryless production

In factoryless production, an enterprise located in Finland (factoryless producer) has outsourced all its production, but its other activities, such as the head office, sales and research and develop…


A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a m…


A family consists of a married or cohabiting couple or persons in a registered partnership and their children living together; or either of the parents and his or her children living together; or a m…

Family-based day care

Family day care premises are an early childhood education and care site where early childhood education and care is provided by a person meeting statutory qualification requirements and where the num…

Family status

Family members are grouped by family status as follows:
- spouse, no children
- spouse with children
- cohabiting partner, no children
- cohabiting partner with children
- partner in…

Family status

Family members are grouped by family status as follows:
- spouse, no children
- spouse with children
- cohabiting partner, no children
- cohabiting partner with children
- partner in…

Family with underage children

A family with underage children is a family comprising at least one child aged under 18 living at home.


The Farm Register defines a farm as an "active holding" with agricultural production and at least one hectare of arable land in use. A holding with less than one hectare of arable land in u…


A holding on which independent farming can be practised. Farms with a size exceeding 5 hectares are classified as business enterprises. However, only farms that act as employers or pay value added ta…

Farmer household

Households where the cultivated area of the farm is over two hectare are counted as farmer households. A household is not considered a farmer household if the main source of income reported is rentin…

Farmer price

Tax-free prices paid by farmers for their means of production when arriving on farms.


Farming comprises all agricultural and forestry activities of a farm. Agriculture includes agriculture proper as well as special farming and other activities associated with agriculture or forestry t…

Fatal accident

An accident in which a person involved has died within 30 days from the accident as a consequence of the accident, excluding deaths from acute fits of illness.


The acronym FATS comes from the words Foreign Affiliate Statistics and refers to statistics on foreign affiliates. This may mean either foreign affiliates abroad controlled by the compiling economy (…

FATS, Inward

Inward Statistics on Foreign Affiliates. Statistics describing the activity of foreign affiliates resident in the economy.

FATS, Inward

The concept of Inward FATS comes from the words Inward Statistics on Foreign Affiliates. In Finland, these statistics go by the name Foreign-owned Enterprises and they describe the activities of fore…

FATS, Outward

The concept of Outward FATS comes from the words Outward Statistics on Foreign Affiliates. The concept refers to statistics describing the activity of Finnish-owned enterprises abroad.

FATS, Outward

Outward statistics on foreign affiliates. Statistics describing the activity abroad of foreign affiliates of domestic enterprises.

Fees and commission expenses

Fees and commission expenses (statements)
Fee and commission expenses include clearing and settlement expenses, custody expenses, servicing fees from securitisation activities, loan commitments re…

Fellow enterprise

Fellow enterprises are connected to one another through a shared parent company. Fellow enterprises cannot have a direct investment relationship with each other.

F gases

General term for HFC compounds (hydrofluorocarbons), PFC compounds (perfluorinated carbons) and sulphur hexafluoride, whose emissions the Kyoto Protocol endeavours to limit or reduce.

Final consumption expenditure

Final consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of individual needs or wants, or the coll…

Final consumption expenditure

Final consumption expenditure of households includes all goods and services acquired by the household from Finland and abroad for its private consumption during the survey period, including own and r…

Final consumption of environmental protection services

According to ESA 2010 (§ 3.94) final consumption expenditure (P.3) consists of expenditure incurred by resident institutional units on goods or services that are used for the direct satisfaction of i…

Final disposal

Locating of waste permanently on a designated site reserved for it, such as a landfill.

Final energy consumption

Final energy consumption measures the consumption of electricity and heat, fuels for space heating, transport fuels and fuels for industrial processes. It differs from total consumption in that energ…

Financial account

The financial account describes how the surplus or the deficit in the current account is invested or financed to and from abroad, respectively. The financial account comprises changes in foreign dire…

Financial account

The financial account describes how the surplus or the deficit in the current account is invested or financed to and from abroad, respectively. The financial account comprises changes in foreign dire…

Financial account

Financial balance sheets show intersectorial lending and borrowing relationships, i.e. each sector's debts to other sectors, as well as its receivables from other sectors. One sector's debt…

Financial accounts

The system of financial accounts (i.e. the financial accounting system) shows the financial assets and liabilities of the different sectors of the economy, as well as financial transactions that have…

Financial assets

Financial assets are economic assets, comprising means of payment, financial claims and economic assets which are close to financial claims in nature.

Financial claims entitle their owners, th…

Financial assets category

The financial assets category includes all financial instruments that are described in the financial accounts.

The main classification criteria are the asset's liquidity and the laws that…

Financial corporations

The financial corporations sector includes the sub-sectors: the central bank, other monetary financial institutions and other financial intermediaries.

The central bank's function is to i…

Financial derivatives

Financial derivatives are financial instruments the price of which is determined by the value of another asset. Such an asset, ie the underlying asset, can in principle be any other product, such as …

Financial leasing

The parties of financial leasing are the seller of the object, the financing enterprise and the lessee.

An arrangement whereby a finance company acquires an asset that the lessee needs, and le…

Financial leasing acquisition

The acquisition takes place when the financing enterprise acquires possession of the object required by the lessee in its operations from the seller of the product.
The lessee independently selec…

Financial leasing rent

The rent of the leasing object paid by the lessee that includes both the interest calculated on the object's acquisition price and the handling fee, as well as the amortisation of the object…

Financial leasing sales

Selling takes place when the financier of the leasing object sells the product at the end of the leasing period to the lessee or some other party.
At the end of the leasing period, the lessee has …

Financial liabilities

Financial liabilities are economic liabilities that are categorised in the same manner as financial assets. Liabilities represent the counterpart of assets, i.e., an asset of one sector is always rec…

Financial services

Financial intermediation services refer to service fees connected with the intermediation of finances and with investment (incl. issuance of securities), such as commission, brokerage, consultation, …

Financial services

As a rule, financial services cover financial intermediation of banks and other financial corporations and support activities for them except insurance and pension services.

Financial statement estimate

The financial statement estimate is an estimate collected by Statistics Finland and the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities annually in January from all municipalities and joint mun…

Financial statements

A statutory document to be prepared within a prescribed period, which should give a true and adequate view of the financial position on the financial statement date of the company obliged to keep boo…

Financial statements

Financial statements of a limited liability company and a housing company consist of at least the profit and loss account, balance sheet and the board of directors’ report.

Financial transactions

Financial transactions are transactions in financial assets and liabilities be-tween institutional units, and between them and the rest of the world.

The item shows which sectors are net lende…

Financial transactions, net

Finansiella nettotransaktioner utgör differensen mellan nettoanskaffningen av finansiella tillgångar och nettoanskaffningen av finansiella skulder. En sektor är nettoutlånare under perioden, om sekto…


A fine is passed as day fines, the minimum number of which is one and the maximum number is 120. (Criminal Code, Chapter 2a, Section 1). A joint fine may be at most 240 day fines. (Criminal Code, Ch…

Finished goods

Goods that have been produced by an enterprise and are ready to be sold as such.

Finnish background

All persons who have at least one parent who was born in Finland are considered to be persons with Finnish background. People born in Finland before 1970, whose parents' background is not known,…

Finnish origin

All persons who have at least one parent who was born in Finland are considered to be persons with Finnish background. People born in Finland before 1970, whose parents' background is not known,…

Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi

Finnish Transport Safety Agency Trafi provides vehicle information services for private citizens, state authorities and companies. Trafi operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Transport and Comm…

Finnish vessel

A vessel with a length of at least 15 metres registered in Finland.

First registration

First registration is the initial time the vehicle is registered in Finland.

First-time homebuyer

First-time dwelling transactions include those that are entitled to the exemption from asset transfer tax for first-time homebuyers (

Fixed telephone network

A fixed telephone network is essentially a communication network using a local communications system in which the terminal equipment is linked to the communications network by a cable or other fixed …

Fixed-term imprisonment

Fixed-term imprisonment refers to unconditional or conditional imprisonment, a monitoring sentence and community service.

Fixed-term job

Employees with an employment contract for a fixed term or for carrying out certain tasks are considered as being in temporary employment.

Fixed-term job

A job vacancy is classified as fixed-term when an ordinary employment contract or a public sector employment contract has a predetermined termination date. An ordinary employment contract or a public…

Floor area

In statistics on the finance of housing corporations floor area refers to the total surface area of the living, business and office spaces owned by a housing corporation and its shareholders.

Floor area

In connection with housing price statistics the floor area refers to the livinga area of a dwelling.

Floor area

The floor area of a dwelling is measured from the inner surfaces of its walls. The figure includes the floor areas of the utility room, walk-in cupboard, bathroom, hobby room, sauna, washroom and dre…

Floor area of residential buildings

The floor area of residential buildings is obtained as gross floor area from the building stock. Gross floor area is the combined floor area of the storeys of buildings. Gross floor area includes the…

Floor area within vehicle body

Maximum floor area within the vehicle body (e.g. measured in square metres) available for the carriage of goods.

FOB price

Price free on board a vessel. Value of goods at basic price inclusive of transport and delivery to the designated border location and possible taxes on export goods less subsidies.

FOB price

The value of goods at basic prices. The seller delivers the goods to the buyer in the port of loading.

Foreign affiliate

Foreign affiliate means an enterprise resident in the compiling country over which an institutional unit not resident in the compiling country has control, or an enterprise not resident in the compil…

Foreign background

Persons whose both parents or the only known parent have been born abroad are considered to be persons with foreign background. Persons who have been born abroad and whose parents' data are not …

Foreign control

Foreign control means that the controlling institutional unit is resident in a different country from the one where the institutional unit over which it has control is resident.
Control means the …

Foreign corporation

A foreign corporation is a unit which is registered in Finland in order to declare its sales including VAT but which does not have a permanent establishment in Finland. These units are not included i…

Foreign direct investment

A direct investment relationship exists between a resident enterprise in one economy (direct investor) and an enterprise (direct investment enterprise) that is resident in an economy other than that …

Foreign-owned enterprise

Foreign-owned enterprises are enterprises where more than 50 per cent of equity or voting shares are directly or indirectly held by one foreign party.

Foreign road vehicle

A road vehicle registered in a country other than the reporting country and bearing registration plates of that foreign country.

Foreign student

In the statistics on students and qualifications of educational institution, university of applied sciences education and university education foreign students refer to persons registered in educatio…

Foreign trade in services

Foreign trade in services takes place when an economic actor (e.g. a business enterprise) resident in Finland and an economic actor resident abroad conduct trade in services. The exports of services …

Forest accounting

Forest accounts are statistics that describe changes and flows in wood resources and their related economic values in the national economy. Apart from wood, forest accounting also extends to some oth…

Formal education

Formal education refers to participation in education provided by the regular education system with the aim to complete a qualification. Education leading to a qualification according to the regular …

Fossil carbon dioxide (CO2-fos)

Carbon dioxide is the most prevalent greenhouse gas, the emissions of which are primarily connected to the use of fossil fuels. Peat is regarded as a fossil fuel in the statistics on emissions into a…

Fossil carbon dioxide (CO2-fos)

Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas. CO2 emissions are mostly caused by burning fossil fuels. In emissions into air by industry statistics, peat is included into fossil fuels. A major…

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels refer to fuels that have been formed of biomass and stored underground millions of years ago. Fossil fuels include coal, lignite, natural gas and fuel oils refined from crude oil. In int…


A foundation refers to assets set aside for a certain purpose and administered by the board of the foundation. A foundation can be established with a charter of foundation, last will and testament or…

Four-wheel vehicle

Four-wheel vehicle (L7e) is a power-driven four-wheeled vehicle with unladen mass of no more than 400 kg when used for passenger transport or no more than 550 kg when used for goods transport, in bot…

Free-time residence

A free-time residence refers to a recreational building constructed permanently on the site of its location or to a residential building that is used as a holiday dwelling. Holiday cottages serving b…

Freight charges

Freight charges of transport services contain all compensations for transport services paid by Finnish enterprises to foreign enterprises if the transport has taken place as road haulage. The usage o…


Fuels used as energy sources for residential buildings here include wood, peat, coal, light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil, natural gas and liquid gas.


Structural statistics on wages and salaries:
In structural statistics on wages and salaries, the division into full-time and part-time employment is based on regular weekly working hours. In these…


Structural statistics on wages and salaries:

In structural statistics on wages and salaries, the division into full-time and part-time employment is based on regular weekly working hours. In t…

Full-time and part-time student

In the statistics on university and tertiary education, the statistical definition of full-time and part-time students is based on the number of completed credits. The data on numbers of completed cr…

Full-time and part-time student

In the statistics on university and tertiary education, the statistical definition of full-time and part-time students is based on the number of completed credits. The data on numbers of completed cr…

Full-time equivalent

Person years (full-time equivalent FTE) describe employees’ work input converted into full-time employees. A person that has worked permanently or temporarily for the establishment and whose input ha…

Full-time producers of environmental protection services

Industrial activities 37 (Sewerage), 38 (Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery) and 39 (Remediation activities and other waste management services) can be called ful…

Full-time work

Employees or self-employed persons who report they work full-time in their main job are classified as full-time workers. The definition is not based on any hour limits, but on the respondent's o…

Full-time work

A person whose normal weekly working hours are 30 hours or more per week is working full-time.

Fund management company

A limited liability company which primarily engages in fund management.

A fund management company usually manages and operates several investment funds. Establishment of a fund management comp…

Fund value

The fund's total market value minus any debts.

Further vocational education

Further vocational education refers to education leading to a further of specialist vocational qualification. Further and specialist vocational qualifications are obtained with skills examinations, t…

Further vocational qualification

A vocational qualification demonstrating professional competence tailored to the needs of working life, which is more advanced than an initial vocational qualification or targeted at more limited ta…

General credit cards

General credit cards are usually issued by bank-owned financial companies and are accepted by nearly all retailers.

General credit cards

General credit cards are usually issued by bank-owned financial companies and are accepted by nearly all retailers. The category is based on the classification used by the Finnish Bankers' Assoc…

General credit cards

General credit cards are usually issued by bank-owned financial companies and are accepted by nearly all retailers. The category is based on the classification used by the Finnish Bankers' Assoc…

General death rate

General death rate indicates the number of deaths per 1,000 or 100,000 persons of the mean population.

General education

Education intended to provide information and skills which facilitate functioning and influencing in society.

General education comprises pre-primary education, comprehensive educa…

General government debt

General government debt is general government sector consolidated gross debt valued at nominal value, and it is also known as EDP debt (= Excessive Deficit Proce-dure).

It comprises bonds, sh…

General government deficit

General government deficit also called EDP deficit (= Excessive Deficit Procedure), corresponds with the general government net lending/borrowing in the national accounts.

General government finances

The general government sector consists of state budget economy (on-budget activities) and extra-budgetary funds (off-budget activities).

General government total expenditure

General government total expenditure describes the sum of general government's expenditure type. Consolidated expenditure excludes property expenditure, income transfers and capital transfers be…

General merchandise on a balance of payments (BOP) basis

The item General merchandise on a balance of payments (BOP) basis includes goods whose ownership is transferred between a domestic and foreign unit and that do not belong to another special category,…

General partnership

A general partnership must have at least two founders who may be either natural or legal persons. Each partner in a general partnership is responsible for the partnership's liabilities to their …

Geographic information

Geographic information is information of an object, whose location is known and it always contains a reference to a particular place or area. Geographic information can also describe any activity or …

GEP-deviation indicator

GEP: Gross value added (GVA), Employment and Population.

The GEP-deviation indicator is calculated from the three above mentioned components by comparing regional growth percentages to those o…

Gigawatt hour

Gigawatt hour (GWh) is a unit of energy used to express the amount of energy, i.e. electricity and heat. 1 GWh = 1,000 MWh = 1,000,000 kWh = 1 GWh = 3.6 TJ

GINI co-efficient

The Gini coefficient is the most common indicator describing income differences. The higher value the Gini coefficient gets, the more unequally is income distributed. The biggest possible value for t…

Global manufacturing services

When goods are sent abroad for processing, the producer owns the raw materials and the finished product and carries the risk for the whole production process. Economic ownership lies with the foreign…

Global production

Global production covers goods sent to Finland for processing charged to a foreign unit, goods sent abroad for processing charged to a Finnish unit, merchanting and factoryless production.

Gold, non-monetary

Non-monetary gold covers all gold other than monetary gold. Monetary gold is owned by monetary authorities and held as a reserve asset. Non-monetary gold can be in the form of bullion (i.e. coins, in…


This component covers moveable goods for which a change of ownership occurs between residents and non-residents. It includes the item general merchandise on a balance of payments (BOP) basis, net exp…

Goods for resale

Goods for resale are goods acquired by an enterprise for the purpose of reselling them without further processing. Also raw materials acquired by an enterprise for the purpose of reselling them as su…

Goods for resale

All materials, goods and supplies an enterprise has bought for the purpose of selling them on as they are.

Goods road motor vehicle

Any single road motor vehicle designed to carry goods (e.g. a lorry), or any coupled combination of road vehicles designed to carry goods, (i.e. lorry with trailer(s), or road tractor with semi-trail…

Goods road vehicle

Road vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods.

Included are:
a) Light goods road vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of not more than 3 500 kg, designed exclusively or pr…

Goods sent abroad for processing charged to a Finnish producer

When goods are sent abroad for processing, the Finnish producer owns the raw materials and the finished product and carries the risk for the whole production process. Economic ownership is in Finland…

Goods trade in balance of payment terms

Goods trade in balance of payments terms includes goods whose ownership changes between a domestic and foreign unit, and which are not parts of a service. Usual merchandise is recorded at market valu…

Goods trade in customs terms

Finnish Customs produces statistics on goods trade across Finnish borders. Data on Finland's trade with countries outside the EU are derived from the customs clearance system. Statistical data a…

Government authority

Government authorities comprise the state and its agencies and institutions, municipalities, joint municipal boards and the Region of Åland and its agencies.

Government enterprise

This category includes enterprises owned by the state, municipalities, joint municipal boards and the Region of Åland. State-owned enterprises are governed by the Act on State Enterprises (1987/627).…

Government enterprise

This category includes enterprises owned by the state, municipalities, joint municipal boards and the Region of Åland. State-owned enterprises are governed by the Act on State Enterprises (1987/627/)…

Government-subsidised dwelling

A government-subsidised dwelling is a dwelling produced with government ARAVA loans, in which the rent is determined by the cost correlation principle. Most of government-subsidised dwellings are own…


In the statistics on comprehensive school education, subject choices of students and special education, comprehensive school education is divided into nine grades from one to nine. In addition to the…


Pupils at the same stage of education.


Comprehensive school is divided into grades 1 to 9.

Additional education, i.e., the 10th grade, is also considered part of compr…

Greenhouse gas

Greenhouse gases reported in the greenhouse gas inventory are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorinated greenhouse gases or F-gases (HFC compounds (hydrofluorocarbons),…

Greenhouse gas inventory

The greenhouse gas inventory is an annual calculation of the greenhouse gas emissions and removals generated in each country's territory in accordance with the IPCC methodological guidelines and…

Greenhouse gas inventory

The greenhouse gas inventory is an annual calculation of the greenhouse gas emissions and removals generated in each country's territory in accordance with the IPCC methodological guidelines and…

Greenhouse gas inventory reporting sector

In the greenhouse gas inventory, emissions are reported for the following sectors:


energy use of fuels, and evaporative and fugitive emissions related to the production, distrib…

Gross capital stock

Gross capital stock describes the value of producers' assets still in use, valued at prices payable for 'corresponding new' assets regardless of their age and actual condition. Gross c…

Gross debt

Financial assets have no impact on total gross debt.

Gross domestic product

GDP, gross domestic product at market prices is the final result of the production activity of resident producer units. It can be defined in three ways: as the sum of gross value added of the various…

Gross fixed capital formation

Gross fixed capital formation consists of resident producers' acquisitions, less disposals, of fixed assets. Fixed assets are tangible or intangible assets produced as outputs from processes of …

Gross floor area

The gross floor area of a building comprises the floor areas of the different storeys and the area of attic or basement storeys in which there are dwelling or working rooms or other space conforming …

Gross income

The household's gross income is obtained when current transfers received by the household are added to the household's factor income (wages and salaries, entrepreneurial and property income…

Gross income from freight

In foreign sea transport refers to the income an enterprise receives from the transport of goods and passengers in foreign sea transport, proceeds from sales of on-board restaurants and shops, other …

Gross investments in tangible assets

Gross investments include all additions, alterations, improvements and renovations which prolong the service life or increase the productive capacity of capital goods. Goods acquired through company …

Gross national income

Gross national income represents total primary income receivable by resident institutional units: compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports less subsidies, gross operating surplus, g…

Gross reproduction rate

The reproduction of the population refers to a change of a generation into a new one. Reproduction is measured by gross reproduction rates or net reproduction rates that generally indicate the ratio …

Gross tonne-kilometres

Total gross weight of the locomotive and the carrying stock of a train in tonnes X corresponding train-kilometres.

Gross tonne-kilometres hauled

Gross weight of the carrying stock of a train in tonnes X corresponding train-kilometres.

Gross value of production

The gross value of production measures the actual production output of an establishment. Operating activities include all production output, also production for own use and production for the enterpr…

Gross vehicle weight

Total of the weight of the vehicle (or combination of vehicles) including its load when stationary and ready for the road declared permissible by the competent authority of the country of registratio…

Ground heat

Ground heat comprises the heat extracted from a bored well and collection pipework. Heat extracted from water bodies is also included in ground heat in this examination. The electricity consumed by g…

Grounds for non-prosecution

Grounds on which a prosecutor may decide not to prosecute include the following:
- The act is not an offence; the act does not fulfil the essential elements of an offence and the law provides no p…

Grounds for special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, the grounds for acceptance or transfer to special education were in 2001 to 2010 as follows:

1. Severely delayed development <…

Group family day care

Group family day care premises are an early childhood education and care site where early childhood education and care is provided by personnel meeting statutory qualification requirements in premise…

Group head

The group head of an enterprise group is an enterprise that has at least one subsidiary company and in which no company holds more than 50 per cent of voting rights.

Group nationality

In the Enterprise Group Register, group nationality is determined by the country of residence of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). If the UBO of an enterprise group is resident in Finland the grou…

Group relationship

In the Enterprise Group Register, group relationship describes the relationship between a resident group head and an enterprise belonging to the group. Cf. Direct relationship.

Growth accounting method

The name of growth accounting method comes from that annual changes in value added are broken into growth components, whereby it is possible to examine from which factors growth has derived. Let’s as…

Growth review

Growth reviews are analyses that provide information in the form of figures, tables and written descriptions about the breakdown of growth in, say, turnover, sum of wages and salaries or number of em…

GWP factors

GWP (Global Warming Potential) factors used in commensurating different greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gas inventory uses the factors of the IPCC Assessment Reports decided under the UNFCCC and the…

GWP factors

GWP (Global Warming Potential) factors used in commensurating different greenhouse gases. The greenhouse gas inventory uses the factors of the IPCC Assessment Reports decided under the UNFCCC and the…

Hard-to-fill vacancy

A hard-to-fill vacancy is an open job vacancy during the reference period, that an employer has had difficulty in filling (subjective opinion). For example, despite active measures there have been no…

Hazardous waste

Hazardous waste refers to waste whose chemical or other properties deviate from those of other waste so that it can endanger or cause harm to health or the environment and therefore has to be made ha…

Headmasters/ headmistresses

In the statistics on teachers occupational category 12291 Education managers and headmasters and headmistresses includes only headmasters and headmistresses (not school directors).


Total energy consumption in manufacturing is calculated from data on net purchases (purchased/received - sold/delivered) of district heat and heat/steam used in industrial processes, i.e. heat obtain…

Heating costs

Heating costs include a basic charge and an energy charge for houses connected to district heating. In buildings where heating is carried out by their own heating station, heating costs consist of th…

Heating degree day (HDD)

Figures describing the annual heating requirement in different localities have been calculated for indoor temperature of 17°C assuming that heating is stopped in spring when outdoor temperature rises…

Heating fuel/ source of heat

Heating fuel or source of heat refers to the main fuel or energy source used in heating a building. There are also data on the heating fuel of dwellings. Data on the heating fuel have been obtained f…

Heating system

Heating system refers to the main method of heating used in the heating of a building. There are also data on the heating fuel of dwellings. Data on the heating fuel have been obtained from the Popul…

Heavy goods road vehicle

Goods road vehicle with a gross vehicle weight above 3 500 kg, designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods.

Heritage ship

A heritage ship is a vessel of cultural historical value included in the Finnish Heritage Agency register of heritage ships.

Hidden crime

An offence which is not reported to the police and hence not registered as an offence.

Hidden crime

An offence not reported to the police and hence not registered as crime.

Hidden flows of imports

Hidden flows of imports are comprised of the direct inputs and hidden flows which are used abroad to produce imported goods, but which do not show in the weight of imported raw materials or products.…

High-technology product

High-technology products are products for which research and development accounts for at least four per cent of industry turnover. The main product categories are as follows:
- Aerospace
- Comp…


A public road maintained by the state. Highways are classified according to their importance into class I main roads, class II main roads, regional roads and connecting roads.

Hired work/Temporary agency work

An employment relationship in which the employee works through an agency providing or hiring labour force.

Hitas dwelling

Hitas is a regulation system for the price and quality level of dwellings built on rented plots owned by the City of Helsinki. Hitas dwellings refer to the dwellings subject to the regulation system …

Holding corporation

Holding corporations are institutional units whose main function is to control and direct a group of subsidiaries.

Holding gain and loss

Holding gains and losses result from changes in the prices of assets. They occur on all kinds of financial and non-financial assets, and on liabilities. Holding gains and losses accrue to the owners …

Holiday and day off

An employed person's holiday, weekend, mid-day holiday and other days off during the survey week.

Holiday resident

The number of holiday residents by municipality has been counted from the total number of persons in the household-dwelling units of the free-time residence owners. If the same person owns more than …


Homeless people include those living out of doors, in various temporary shelters and night shelters and institutions due to lack of a dwelling (e.g. shelters, nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, in…


Home-makers are those outside the labour force who are looking after their own household. Homemaking refers to unpaid work at one's own home, such as child care, food preparation or cleaning.

Home municipality

The municipality registered as the municipality of domicile or an enterprise.


A homepage here is defined as an enterprise's own Internet homepages or its section in the homepages of a group. Homepages do not refer for example to publication of an enterprise's contact…

Hotel room

A bedroom is a unit formed by one room or group of rooms constituting an indivisible rental whole in an accommodation establishment (e.g. a hotel) or dwelling. Rooms may be single, double or multiple…

Hourly wage earner

The earnings of an hourly wage earner are mainly based on the hours actually worked. In addition, an hourly wage earner may have earnings for working time not worked. Compensation for hours worked an…

Hours actually worked per week

Hours actually worked per week are the number of hours worked in the survey week by an employee, self-employed or unpaid family worker who has been at work during the survey week. Hours actually work…

Hours actually worked per week

Hours actually worked per week are the number of hours worked by an employee, self-employed or unpaid family worker in the survey week. Hours actually worked per week are inquired separately on main …

Hours actually worked per year

Hours actually worked per year are the sum of hours worked by all employed persons, or the actual work input. It can be calculated by month, quarter or year. Hours actually worked include hours at ma…

Hours actually worked per year

Hours actually worked per year are the sum of hours worked by all employed persons, or the actual work input. They are calculated on the basis of hours actually worked per week. Hours actually worked…

Hours paid

Hours paid refer to those hours of total working time for which wage and salary earners are paid. Hours paid can be hours worked or not worked, or absences (annual leaves, sick leaves, public holiday…

Hours worked

Sum of hours actually worked by wage and salary earners during the financial year. The hours are determined methodologically from information available from the Labour Cost Index.

Hours worked

Hours worked refer to the number of hours worked by the person (or persons) during the survey week. Hours actually worked comprise all hours worked, including (paid and unpaid) overtime and hours wor…

Hours worked

Statistics on wages and salaries:

In statistics on wages and salaries, statistics on earnings in the industries which pay hourly wages are compiled for hours actually worked. Hours actually wo…


A household is formed of all those persons who live together and have meals together or otherwise use their income together. The concept of household is only used in interview surveys.


Household-dwelling unit

A household-dwelling unit consists of the permanent occupants of a dwelling. Persons who according to the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre are institutionalised, or ar…

Households' borrowing plans

The Consumer Barometer includes questions about if and why households intend to raise loans. The indicator's statistical unit is the household, and the measurement unit is "percentage of ho…

Households' indebtedness ratio

Households' indebtedness ratio is calculated as the ratio of their loan debts at end of a quarter to their total disposable income during the preceding four quarters

Household's reference person

The person with the highest personal income is chosen as the household's reference person. The reference person is defined according to interview data. Income is mainly the criterion determining…

Household's reference person

The household reference person is usually the member of the household with the highest income. If more than one member of a household have the same income, or no member of the household has income, t…

Households' saving plans

The Consumer Barometer includes questions about households' plans to save money, their reasons for saving, and how they intend to use their savings. The indicator's statistical unit is the …

Households' spending plans

The Consumer Barometer includes questions about major purchases that the households intend to make. The indicator's statistical unit is the household, and the measurement unit is "percentag…


In these statistics, housing refers to energy consumption in households. Housing covers residential buildings in housing use inclusive of their saunas and surrounding yards. For surrounding yards, th…

Housing company

A limited liability company is considered to be a housing company if its purpose is the ownership and possession of one or more buildings in which ( not necessarily) over half of the total floor area…

Housing consumption

In the Household Budget Survey housing consumption is calculated by the so-called gross rent principle. There an imputed rent is determined for households living in their own dwelling or in a dwellin…

Housing credit

Loans granted for the development or purchase of residential buildings or shares or equity in housing companies or co-operatives, or residential real estate companies. In addition, the category inclu…

Housing credit for free-time residences

Loans granted for the purchase or renovation of new or old free-time residences, including loans for refurbishments of lesser scope than basic renovation.

Housing expenditure

Housing expenditure includes operating expenditure, interests on and amortisations of housing loans, capital charges, and real estate tax for the household's actual dwelling.

Housing loan

A housing loan is debt incurred by a taxpayer in acquiring or renovating his/her own or family's permanent dwelling.

HRSTE personnel

HRSTE personnel (human resources in science and technology - education, highly educated) comprise employees who have at least the lowest level of tertiary degree.

Tertiary degrees refer to deg…

Hunting prohibition

A hunting prohibition is imposed on a person convicted of an aggravated hunting offence (Criminal Code, Chapter 48a, Section 1a) for at least three years and at most ten years. A hunting prohibition …

ICT product

ICT product = product of information and communications technology

The OECD recommended definition of 2003 is based on the international customs nomenclature (HS) (…

ICT sector


ICT sector

OECD recommendation of 1998, based on the UN classification of industrial activities (ISIC Rev. 3). (

The products of an industry must enable th…

Immediate cause of death

Immediate cause of death refers to the disease, failure of injury whose symptoms cause the person to die. However, the actual mechanism of death, e.g. cardiac arrest, are not regarded as immediate ca…

Immediate direct investor

The institutional unit located abroad that is first in the enterprise's control and influence chain.


Persons who have moved to Finland and who intend to reside in Finland for more than twelve months or have resided in Finland over three months without interruption must notify the register office of …


Persons who have moved to Finland and who intend to reside in Finland for more than twelve months or have resided in Finland over three months without interruption must notify the authorities of thei…

Immigration and emigration

Persons who have moved to Finland and intend to reside or have resided one whole year without interruption in Finland shall inform the register office of their place of residence (Population Data Act…

Impairment losses from other financial assets

Record here the impairment losses from held-to-maturity financial assets (debt securities) and from shares and equity of subsidiaries and holding companies valued at acquisition price.

Impairment losses on loans and other commitments

Impairment losses on receivables from credit institutions and on loans and advances to the public and general government, as well as impairment losses from off-balance sheet commitments.


An enterprise whose imports exceed the value of EUR 16,000 per year. The data are obtained from the National Board of Customs.


An enterprise whose imports threshold value is EUR 12,000 and has trading transactions in at least two months per year or the value of trading exceeds EUR 120,000 (in which case one trading transacti…

Import price index

Import price index 1995=100. Measures developments in cif prices of imported goods. Foreign-currency import prices are converted into Finnish markka/euro according to the mid-month rate of the statis…

Import price index

The import price index measures development in the c.i.f. prices of imported goods. Foreign-currency import prices are converted to euro using the mean rate for the statistical reference month. The i…

Imports (IMP)

Imports (IMP) consist of foreign imports of manufactured products and raw materials.

Imports of goods and services

Imports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter, gifts or grants) from non-residents to residents.

Imputed rent

Dwelling income or imputed net rent describes the benefit gained by the household for the owner-occupied dwelling it lives in compared with a corresponding household living in a rental dwelling with …

Imputed rent

Dwelling income or imputed net rent describes the benefit gained by the household for the owner-occupied dwelling it lives in compared with a corresponding household living in a rental dwelling with …

Imputed rent

Imputed rent describes the benefit gained by the household compared with a corresponding household living in a rental dwelling with market rent. Imputed rent is formed also when people live in a dwel…

Inactive population

The inactive population refers to persons who were not employed or unemployed at the end of the year.

Inactive population

The economically inactive population consists of persons who are not employed or unemployed during the survey week. The concept of persons not in labour force can also be used of the inactive populat…

Inappropriate treatment

According to Section 28 of the Occupation Safety and Health Act that entered into force in January 2003, if harassment or other inappropriate treatment of an employee occurs at work and causes hazard…

Inbound tourism

Inbound tourism is defined as comprising the activities of non-residents travelling to a given country that is outside their usual environment, and staying there no longer than 12 consecutive months …

Incentive stock option inquiry

The data collection of the incentive stock option inquiry divides into two parts: basic inquiry and inquiry of monthly data. The basic inquiry studies which enterprises have an incentive stock option…

Incentive stock options

Conventional incentive stock options refer to a normal stock option arrangement in which an employee has a right based on his/her employment relationship to subscribe in future for the company's…

Income deciles

The income distribution is described by means of tenths or deciles. Sometimes fifths or quintiles are also used, formed in the corresponding way as deciles.

An example of how income deciles a…

Income from equity investments

Dividends, income from mutual fund units and similar income paid from a company's distributable funds.

Income from real estate

Part of the profit and loss account specifying how the income from the real estate is formed.

Income from time charter

Income obtained when a vessel is chartered to a carrier for a specified time period. In foreign sea transport, the income a Finnish enterprise receives for time chartering, or hiring, its vessel abro…

Income of foreign sea transport

Income which an enterprise receives for transporting goods and passengers in foreign sea transport, as sales proceeds from on-board restaurants and shops, other income (incl. those of the purser'…

Income recipient

In the statistics on taxable income the statistical unit is private person. Included are all recipients of taxable income. Income recipients living abroad with a limited tax liability are included in…

Income share of housing costs

Housing costs include operating expenditure, interests on housing loans and real estate tax paid by the household for its actual dwelling. Depending on its tenure status, the dwelling's operatin…

Income subject to state taxation

The information is based on data in the tax files of the National Board of Inland Revenue concerning income subject to state taxation.

Average income refers to income calculated per income ear…

Increase of population

Increase of population is the sum of excess of births over deaths and net immigration.


The indebtedness of a household-dwelling unit is the share of debts of the annual disposable income as percentages.

Indebtedness = (total debts of the household-dwelling unit/total income of t…

Independent building

Independent building refers to building projects undertaken by households themselves, which include new and renovation building of single-family houses, free-time residences, agricultural buildings a…


An index is a ratio describing the relative change in a variable (e.g. price, volume or value) compared to a certain base period (e.g. one year). The index point figure for each point in time tells w…

Index formula

Index formula is a mathematical function by means of which an individual key figure describing change is calculated from observation values (e.g. Fischer, Laspeyres and Paasche index formulas).

Index of new orders

A value index for the commodities and services that are meant to be produced by establishments located in Finland and are either delivered to Finland or exported.

Index of producer prices of agricultural products

The index of producer prices of agricultural products measures developments in the producer prices of vegetable and animal products. The index shows by how much the producer prices of agricultural pr…

Index of total wages and salaries of construction

The index of total wages and salaries of construction companies describes development in the total wages and salaries of enterprises paying employer's contributions. Indices of total wages and s…

Index of turnover of construction companies

The index of turnover of construction enterprises describes development in the turnover of enterprises liable to pay value added tax in the construction industry. Sub-indices of turnover are calculat…

Index of wage costs

The index of wage costs,
The wage and salary index, which is part of the labour cost index, measures the change in wage and salary costs calculated per hour worked. Wage and salary costs include …

Index real estate

An index estate is a real estate included in the index from whose weighted averages an overall index is calculated. The types of index real estates in the index of real estate maintenance costs are r…

Indirect control

Indirect control means that enterprise X has control in enterprise A through another affiliate B which has control over enterprise A.

Indirect greenhouse gases

Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and other non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) have an indirect impact on the greenhouse effect through e.g. ozone (O3) formation. Emissions of t…

Indirect training costs

Labour costs of employees participating in continuing vocational training courses during the time of the training.

Individual consumption expenditure

Individual consumption expenditure is the sum of households' final consumption and final consumption expenditure of non-profit institutions serving households.

Industrial heat/steam

Industrial steam or heat produced by power plants of heating boilers which is utilised in industrial production processes (such as drying or heating). Includes the heat produced for heating own indus…

Industrial waste

Production waste generated in manufacturing industries. Wastes from energy supply and mining and quarrying are also sometimes regarded as industrial waste.


The industry is defined for the main and secondary jobs of employed persons according to the employer's establishment or the industry of one's own enterprise. Statistics Finland's Stan…


The industrial classification divides units into industry classes based on their main economic activity. The main economic activity is the one that produces a majority of the unit's value added.…

Infant mortality

Infant mortality is calculated by dividing the number of deaths of infants under one year of age by the number of live births during the statistical year. Multiplying the result by 1,000 gives the fi…

Informal learning

Informal learning is activity practised for the purpose of learning, which is less organised and structured than other education. Informal learning is not institutionalised, in other words, not the r…

Information sector

In Finland the concept of the information sector is used in addition to the OECD recommended concept of the ICT sector. This includes content production in addition to the ICT (information and commun…

Information services

Information services cover news agency services and database services. News agency services include the provision of news, photographs and feature articles to the media. Database services include dat…

Information services

Provision of news, photographs and background information to the media, database services, optical or printed media and web search portals, non-bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, other…

Initial vocational education

Initial vocational education refers to vocational education leading to a qualification. Qualifications obtained in initial vocational education are initial vocational qualifications, which are based …

Initial vocational education

Initial vocational education refers to vocational education leading to a qualification. Qualifications obtained in initial vocational education are initial vocational qualifications for which the req…

Initial vocational qualification

A vocational qualification demonstrating broad-based basic vocational skills for different tasks in the field, as well as more specialised skills and professional competence required in working life …


An innovation is a new or significantly improved product (goods or services) brought to market by an enterprise or a new or significantly improved process, a new marketing method, or a new organisati…


A business innovation is a new or improved product or business process (or combination thereof) that differs significantly from the firm's previous products or business processes and that has be…


Innovation is a new or substantially improved product (good or service) brought to market by an enterprise. Innovations are also defined as new or substantially improved production methods introduced…

Innovation-active enterprise

An innovation-active enterprise is an enterprise that during last three years has brought a product innovation to market or started using a new production method, or which has been working towards ac…

Innovation-active enterprise, broad definition

An innovation-active enterprise is one that during the period under review, i.e. during the last three years, has brought a product innovation to market or implemented a process innovation or which h…

Innovation activity

Innovation activity is understood to mean all operations that produce, or whose purpose is to produce, new or improved products and processes.

Innovation activity

Innovation activity includes all developmental, financial and commercial activities, undertaken by a firm, which are intended to or result in an innovation.

Innovation activity

Innovative activity is understood to mean all operations that produce, or whose purpose is to produce, technologically new or improved products and processes.

Innovation activity, broad definition

Innovation activities mean all operations and steps which lead, or are intended to lead, to the implementation of innovations.

Innovation expenditure

Innovation expenditure includes the following items of both current expenditure and investment.

Research and development is understood as systematic work to increase knowledge and use of exist…

Input of supplies

Inputs of supplies describe development in the prices of supplies and material used in the construction industry relative to the price level of a base year. The prices are monitored with an inquiry c…

Input of supplies

Inputs of supplies describe development in the prices of supplies and materials used in the construction industry. The price data are primarily obtained from the suppliers of these goods. They are co…

Instigated bankruptcy case

In Statistics Finland statistics on bankruptcies, instigated bankruptcy cases refer to bankruptcy petitions filed during the calendar year by enterprises, corporations, estates of deceased persons or…

Institutional unit

The institutional unit is an elementary economic decision-making centre. A resident unit is regarded as constituting an institutional unit if it has decision-making autonomy in respect of its princip…

Insurance and pension services

Insurance and pension services comprise direct insurance, reinsurance, activities auxiliary to insurance services and pension and standardised guarantee services. Direct insurance can be classified i…

Insurance costs

Insurance costs include insurance premiums for the full value of the real estate, real estate, fire, water damage, burglary, theft, equipment, glass, movables, liability, etc.

Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes

Insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes items include

a) non-life insurance technical reserve;
b) life insurance and annuity entitlements;
c) pension entitlements, claims…

Intangible assets

Intangible rights and assets acquired against a consideration (e.g. concessions, patents, licenses and trademarks). Intangible assets generated through internal development activities can be included…

Intended use of building

The intended use of a building is determined according to the purpose for which the largest part of the gross floor area of the building is used. The categories are as follows:
- residential build…

Intended use of building

The intended use of a building is determined according to the purpose for which the largest part of the gross floor area of the building is used. The categories are as follows:
- residential build…

Intensified support

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools and in the statistics on pre-primary and comprehensive school education, intensified support refers to support to pupils on which a lea…

Interest expenses

Interest expenses in housing companies include long-term and short-term loans, the credit used for the account with credit facility, accounts payable and interests on overdue payments.

Interest expenses

Interest expenses include interest, penalty interest, and commissions for loan arrangement and other commissions calculated on a time basis or by reference to the loan principal. Also included are is…

Interest expenses

Interest expenses (statements)
The interest expenses item includes, e.g. interests, penalty interests, and loan arrangement and other commissions that are determined based on the passing of time a…

Interest income

Interest income (statements)
The interest income items includes, for example,
- Interests and interest subsidies, penalty interests, and loan arrangement and other commissions that are determi…

Interest income

Interest income includes interest, penalty interest, and commissions for loan arrangement and other commissions calculated on a time basis or by reference to the amount of principal.

Also incl…

Interest income

Interest income in housing companies is mainly generated by the delay in payment of maintenance charges and utility charges.

Intermediate cause of death

Intermediate cause of death refers to the condition which leads from the underlying cause of death to the immediate cause of death. The intermediate cause of death is recorded in the death certificat…

Intermediate consumption

Intermediate consumption consists of the value of the goods and services consumed as inputs by a process of production, excluding fixed assets whose consumption is recorded as consumption of fixed ca…

Intermediate parent

An enterprise that is a subsidiary company of an enterprise group and at the same time has one or more subsidiary companies.

Intermunicipal in-migration

Persons having moved from one municipality to another reported to the Population Information System. One person may have several moves during the year in the statistics. Students' moves to the l…

Intermunicipal net migration

Intermunicipal net migration is the difference between intermunicipal in-migration and intermunicipal out-migration.

Intermunicipal out-migration

Persons having moved from one municipality to another reported to the Population Information System. One person may have several moves during the year in the statistics. Students' moves to the l…

Internal migration

Those changing place of domicile are expected within one week of the move to report on the change of address, specifying all family members involved in the move. The notice is delivered to the regist…

Internal rate of return

The internal rate of return refers to the cost of capital, i.e. internal interest. It is part of the user cost of capital goods. It can be calculated as a residual when capital compensations, capital…

Internal tourism

Internal tourism comprises "domestic tourism" of residents of a given country and "inbound tourism" of non-residents to that country.

International investment position

The international investment position (IIP) statistics illustrate the foreign asset and liability stocks accumulated as a result of financial account capital flows. The statistics are recorded at the…

International investment position

The international investment position (IIP) statistics illustrate the foreign asset and liability stocks accumulated as a result of financial account capital flows. The statistics are recorded at the…

International road transport

Transport from Finland to abroad and from abroad to Finland, between third countries, and cabotage.

International tourism

International tourism comprises "inbound tourism" (non-residents' visits to a given country) and "outbound tourism" of residents of a given country (residents' visits ab…

International tourism expenditure

International tourism expenditure is defined (by the World Tourism Organization, WTO) as expenditure of outbound visitors in other countries including their payments to foreign carriers for internati…

International tourism receipts

International tourism receipts are defined (by WTO) as expenditure of international inbound visitors including their payments to national carriers for international transport. They also include any o…

Internet sales

Internet sales are communication between a person and a data system. Online shopping as defined here means an order placed by completing and sending a ready-made electronic form on the Internet and s…

Intramunicipal migration

Statistics Finland receives information on the changes in place of residence that involve a permanent change of domicile. These changes in domicile are classified at Statistics Finland into intramuni…


A network service based on Internet technology, limited to and reserved for the use of an enterprise's staff.


Collection of data on foreign trade is divided into two parts in the European Union. Statistical data on trade between member states of the European Union (internal trade) are collected with a specia…


Collection of data on foreign trade is divided into two parts in the European Union. Statistical data on trade between member states of the European Union (internal trade) are collected with a specia…

Invalid ballots

The provisions on invalid ballots are in section 85 of the Election Act. Grounds for invalidity are
1) the ballot envelope contains something else or more than one ballot paper
2) the ballot en…


Current assets refer to commodities intended for assignment or consumption as such or after further processing. Current assets are divided into materials and supplies, work in progress, finished good…

Inventory inquiry

In the inventory inquiry approximate 300 enterprises are asked quarterly for the value of their inventories at the end of the quarter concerned. The values are requested by type of inventory: materia…

Investment firm

Investment firms are business enterprises that have been granted a concession to act as investment firms by the Financial Supervision Authority FIN-FSA. Investment firms are allowed to engage in the …

Investment firm

Concession to act as an investment firm is granted by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority. Investment firms are allowed to engage in securities brokerage, market-making, securities dealing, u…

Investment fund

A fund management company raises capital from private and corporate customers and invests it in the securities which make up the investment fund.

Investment income

Investment income is derived from a resident's ownership of an external financial asset (credit) and symmetrically, income derived from a non-resident's ownership of a domestic financial as…

Investment income

Investment income is derived from a resident's ownership of an external financial asset (credit) and symmetrically, income derived from a non-resident's ownership of a domestic financial as…

Investments in fixed assets

Investments in fixed assets comprise the acquisition and capital improvement of tangible fixed assets, of which the sales and transfers of fixed assets are deducted.

Tangible fixed assets incl…


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) prepares scientific assessment reports on the progress of climate change, its mitigation and adaptation to it for national and international decis…


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) prepares scientific assessment reports on the progress of climate change, its mitigation and adaptation to it for national and international decis…

Irrevocable commitments given in favour of a customer

Securities sale contracts which include a put option whereby the buyer may sell the securities back to the credit institution if he so wishes. Includes forward deposits, the unpaid amount of partly-p…

Ischaemic heart disease

Deaths from ischaemic heart diseases include deaths from coronary thrombosis and other ischaemic heart diseases (category 27 in the national classification of diseases with 54 categories; categories…

IT and media sector qualification

This concept is based on the list drawn up jointly by Statistics Finland, the Ministry of Education and the National Board of Education of qualifications at any level or in any field of education whi…

IT professional

An IT professional refers to a person with the capability to specify, design, develop, install, use, support, maintain, administer, assess or research information technology or information systems. I…

IT user skills

IT user skills refer to the ability to use efficiently the provided software, such as office programs or other programs required in the work concerned.

Work requiring IT user skill refers to w…

Job endangered by bankruptcy

Jobs endangered by bankruptcy refer to the number of jobs in enterprises or corporations for which a bankruptcy petition has been filed during the calendar year.

If the personnel number is unk…

Job vacancy

A job vacancy is a completely new job or an existing workplace for which an employer actively seeks an employee. The job must be open for application also to those not working in that establishment, …

Job vacancy

A job vacancy is a completely new job or an existing workplace for which an employer actively seeks an employee. The job must be open for application also to those not working in that establishment, …

Joint company

A joint company is an enterprise of which the group head or a subsidiary company owns one half while an enterprise outside the group owns the other half.

Joint municipal authority

Joint municipal authorities were introduced as a form of intermunicipal cooperation in connection with the revision of the Local Government Act in 1993. They replaced the earlier inter-municipal asso…

Joint municipal authority

Joint municipal boards were introduced as a form of intermunicipal cooperation in connection with the revision of the Local Government Act in 1993. They replaced the earlier inter-municipal associati…

Joint venture

A joint venture is a business arrangement, in which at least two parties commit to undertake a clearly defined financial action together. Enterprises use joint ventures widely also to gain access to …

Judgment by default

A judgment by default, or a biased judgment, must be issued in a case in which settlement is allowed if the defendant is absent from the hearing or has not provided the requested written response det…

Judgment phase

The court procedure in civil law cases is divided into two phases, preparation and main hearing. Preparation is further divided into written preparation and oral preparation during a preparatory sess…

Juvenile punishment

A person aged under 18 can be sentenced to a juvenile punishment if a fine is considered to be insufficient punishment and there are no weighty reasons requiring the imposing of an unconditional sent…

Key category

The emission category to be prioritised in the national greenhouse gas inventory because it has a significant effect on the country's total greenhouse gas emissions, the volume and/or trend of e…

Kind of activity unit

A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise or part of an enterprise that mainly operates within one industry. It is not limited to one site but includes all establishments of an enterprise that operate…

Kind of activity unit

A kind-of-activity unit is an enterprise or part of an enterprise that mainly operates within one industry. It is not limited to one site but includes all establishments of an enterprise that operate…


A kitchen is a room furnished for cooking. A space furnished for cooking measuring less than 7 square metres is a kitchenette or cooking area.

Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol under the UNFCCC was the first legally binding convention with which emissions have been reduced internationally. The Protocol obligated the industrialised countries mentioned in i…

Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol under the UNFCCC is the first legally binding convention with which emissions have been reduced internationally. The Protocol obligated the industrialised countries mentioned in it…

Kyoto Protocol

A legally binding Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change which was adopted at the third sessions of the Conference Parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan, in 1997. The European Unio…

Labour costs

Labour costs describe all costs incurred by an employer from the employment of labour. Labour costs are usually presented as costs for an hour worked. Costs arising from work premises, commuting or u…

Labour dispute

Temporary intentional interruption of work by the employee or employer party, refusal to work, slow down or other pressure measures in order to attain some objective.

Labour input

Labour inputs used as a variable of labour costs to describe development in the average hourly wages and actually paid wages in the construction industry. Statutory and agreement-based social costs a…

Labour input

Labour input describes development in the cost of labour in the construction industry relative to a base year. It is monitored against average hourly earnings for regular working hours in the constru…

Labour productivity

Labour productivity is calculated by dividing gross domestic product (i.e. value added) or output by the number of hours worked to achieve it. According to the neoclassical economic theory, economic …

Laid off

In the Labour Force Survey, a person is defined as laid off if he or she has been completely absent from work in the survey week (also from a secondary job) and in the interview reports temporary lay…


A landfill is a waste treatment site for the final disposal of municipal waste, hazardous waste or other waste, such as waste stone. At the decision of public authorities, a site for long-term storag…

Land use category

Land areas are classified by their use, as well as according to what happens on them either naturally or as a result of human activity. A certain area can belong to only one land use category. The us…

Land use category

The land use category is determined by the primary (principal) or economically most significant mode of land use prevailing above ground level. Land areas are classified by their use and according to…


Information on language is obtained from the Population Information System. At the same time as parents register the name of their new-born, they also indicate the child's mother tongue. That la…

Language of teaching of an educational institution

In the statistics on providers of education and educational institution the language of teaching is based on a public authority's decision about it. An educational institution may also provide t…

Late neonatal mortality

Late neonatal mortality refers to the number of deaths which occur at the age of 7 to 27 days relative to the live births during the statistical year.

Leasing assets

The undepreciated balance of the acquisition cost of the assets subject to lease, including any advance payments made in respect of the assets.

Leasing assets

The undepreciated balance of the acquisition cost of the assets subject to lease, including any advance payments made in respect of the assets.

Leave to appeal

Permission from the court of final appeal to appeal against the decision of a lower court.

Legal aid

Legal aid gives individuals the possibility to obtain assistance for legal matters fully or partially at the expense of the state. Legal aid covers all legal matters.

Legal form

Legal form identifies the legal status of a legal person. The classification of legal forms is based on the company forms of the Trade Register and on the requirements of taxation legislation. The le…

Legal local unit

A legal local unit is a part of a legal unit that is located at a certain address. A legal local unit can operate in several different industries. In practice, a legal local unit is the same as a loc…

Legal unit

A unit for which a Business ID has been assigned in the Businesses Information System. Apart from business enterprises, such units also include public corporations and non-profit organisations. A sta…

Legal unit

A legal unit is a corporation, or an organisation registered for conducting business. A legal unit is identified with a Business ID.

Legal units are, for example, limited companies, private pr…

Leisure trip

A leisure trip refers to the purpose and motive of a visit. Trips (visits) for leisure, recreation and holiday purposes outside the usual environment are mainly undertaken for relaxation. It is the v…

Leisure trip

Leisure trip refers to the purpose and motive of trip. A leisure trip is a trip made to outside the usual environment for the main purpose of entertainment, holiday, recreation, relaxation, hobby, et…


Lending I:
Overdrafts on current accounts
Bills of exchange
Promissory note loans
Lending II:
Claims in respect to hire purchase contracts
Factoring (accounts receivable funding)


Lending includes overdrafts (on current accounts), bills of exchange, promissory notes and other loans.

Length of line

Total length of main and secondary lines excluding sidings.

Level of education

In the statistics on the educational structure of the population, the population's level of education is measured with the average length of the highest level of completed education per capita. …

Level of education

The category in which education leading to a qualification or degree is divided on the basis of the requirement level.

Note 1: selection to education on a particular level of education often …

Level of education

Category into which programmes leading to a qualification or degree are divided on the basis of the requirement level.

Selection to education on a particular level of education oft…

Level of housing

The occupancy rate and standard of equipment of the dwelling together describe the level of housing of the household-dwelling unit.

The classification of occupancy rate:
- Spacious: a house…


Liabilities is capital that external parties invest in the enterprise. A liability always involves a repayment obligation. The repayment period for current liabilities is at most one year and that of…

Liabilities (Debts)

Liabilities (Debts) describe the amount of debt per person in a household-dwelling unit at the end of the year (31.12.) Included are loans and credits granted by credit institutions and financial cor…

Licensed transport

Transportation of people or goods against a fee (for hire or reward). Practising of the transportation is subject to a permission from a licensing authority.

Licentiate degree

Lower third-cycle degree obtained at university.
A licentiate degree is the second highest university degree as an intermediate qualification in third-cycle education. Exceptions are t…

Life expectancy

The number of years that a person of a given age would live provided that the rate of mortality remains unchanged.

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning (LLL) is defined as encompassing all learning activity undertaken throughout life, with the aim of improving knowledge, skills and competences, within a personal, civic, social and/…

Light four-wheel vehicle

Light four-wheel vehicle (L6e) is a power-driven four-wheeled vehicle with unladen mass of no more than 350 kg disregarding the mass of batteries of an electrically-powered vehicle and with the maxim…

Light goods road vehicle

Goods road vehicle with a gross vehicle weight of not more than 3 500 kg, designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods.

Included are vans designed for and used primarily for transport of…

Liguid assets

This item comprises Finnish and foreign notes and coins, cheques and bankers' drafts as well as other similar payment instruments. The item also comprises claims on central banks repayable on de…

Limited company

A limited company can be founded by one or more natural or legal persons. The share capital of a private limited company must be at least EUR 2,500 and that of a public limited company EUR 80,000. Th…

Limited company

A limited company can be founded by one or more natural or legal persons. The share capital of a private limited company must be at least EUR 8,000 and that of a public limited company EUR 80,000. Th…

Limited partnership

A limited partnership has both a liable and a silent partner. There may be one or more of each. Silent partners are only responsible for the partnership's liabilities up to the amount of capital…


Liveborn is the term for a newborn who breaths or shows other signs of life after birth. Only liveborn children of women living permanently in Finland are taken into account in the population statist…

Load capacity

Maximum weight of goods declared permissible by the competent authority of the country of registration of the vehicle (difference between gross weight and own weight).

Loading ratio

Weight of load relative to the load capacity of a lorry.

Load volume

Maximum volume available in the vehicle (e.g. measured in cubic metres) for the carriage of goods.


Loans are bilateral credit agreements between the lender and the borrower and are non-marketable. Long-term leases are also included in loans. This type of financial leasing is a normal procedure in …

Loans and advances to the public and general government

Credits extended to the public and general government, as well as receivables of a similar nature.

The public includes households, enterprises, non-profit corporations, insurance corporations …

Loans and other receivables

Loans and other receivables (finrep - reporting)
The item includes loans, deposits between financial institutions and advance payments. The data are reported as nominal values.

Loans granted from government funds

Loans granted from government funds for specific purposes, such as farm loans, loans for the utilisation of land, loans for rural industries, loans for small industries, etc.

Loans receivable

The investment item "Other loans receivable" + the items short- and long-term loans receivable under current assets from the balance sheet of the municipality/joint municipal board.

Loans taken up for the purpose of acquiring income

Loans taken up for the purpose of acquiring income are debts incurred in gaining taxable income. The income may be regular income, such as rental, interest or dividend income. The income may also be …

Loan stock

Liabilities - (Advances received + Accounts payable + Adjusting entries for liabilities + Other liabilities) from the balance sheet of the municipality/joint municipal board.

The loan stock of…

Loans to the public

Loans to the public equals total lending minus loans to foreign borrowers and overlapping credits (loans between financial institutions, central government and social security funds as well as loans …

Loans to the public

Loans to the public include the outstanding amount of credit other than bonds, marketable debt instruments, loans to financial institutions, insurance corporations, central government and social secu…

Local enterprise group

Enterprises in the same country owned by the same controlling enterprise belong to a local enterprise group. Foreign affiliates and those domestic affiliates where the ownership chain goes through fo…

Local government paper

A marketable money market promissory note issued by local government.


All clusters of buildings with at least 200 inhabitants where the distance between buildings does not exceed 200 metres are defined as localities or urban settlements. In defining localities, not onl…


An urban settlement is a cluster of buildings with at least 200 inhabitants. The delimitation is based on the population information of the previous year. Urban settlements are defined and delimited …

Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

An establishment is a production unit:

- owned by one enterprise or quasicorporate unit,
- located on one site, and
- producing goods or services of mainly one particular type.


Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

Establishment refers to an economic unit which under one ownership or control produces commodities of mainly one particular type usually at one location.

An ancillary establishment is located …

Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

A local kind-of-activity unit is a production unit that is owned by one enterprise, is located on one site and operates within one industry, in other words, produces goods and services of mainly one …

Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

An establishment, or local kind-of-activity unit, is a production unit owned by one enterprise or quasicorporate unit, located on one site, and producing goods or services of mainly one particular ty…

Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

A local kind-of-activity unit is a production unit that is owned by one enterprise, is located on one site and operates within one industry, in other words, produces goods and services of mainly one …

Local kind of activity unit (Establishment)

An establishment refers to an economic unit, which under one ownership or control produces commodities of mainly one particular type usually at one location. The establishment code used in the statis…

Local kind-of-activity unit (Establishment)

A local kind-of-activity unit is a sub-unit of a legal local unit, and is derived by breaking down the legal local unit according to its industries. Thus, a local kind-of-activity unit only operates …

Local kind of activity unit ID

The local kind-of-activity unit ID identifies a local kind-of-activity unit. The ID is assigned in Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments. It is a 9-digit number in whic…

Local unit

A local unit is a sub-unit of an enterprise which is derived by dividing the enterprise into its activities located at different addresses. An enterprise's activities located at a certain addres…

Local unit

A local unit is a sub-unit of an enterprise which is derived by dividing the enterprise into its activities located at different addresses. An enterprise's activities located at a certain addres…

Location address

Location address is the address that discloses the geographic location of an enterprise's establishment. A location address is comprised of a street address (name and number of street/road) and …

Location address

The location address of a building is formed of the street name, street number with possible specifiers and municipality of location.

Statistics Finland's building data are based on the B…

Location municipality

Location municipality discloses the municipality in which an enterprise's establishment is geographically located.


The employer locks out the workplace and interrupts payment of wages and salaries.


A railway vehicle with own engine for traction and pushing of trains.


Distance of one kilometre covered by the locomotive.

Long-term illness

Illnesses for which the respondent receives regular care or for which he or she is monitored by a physician or the health care in general. It can also be a question of allergy.

Long-term here …

Long-term low-income

Long-term low-income earners are those who have belonged to low-income households in two years within the three previous years in addition to the statistical year (see the definition of low income). …

Long-term unemployed

Long-term unemployed is a person who has been continuously unemployed during the survey time for 12 months or longer.

Long trip

In the tourism statistics of the EU (Eurostat) trips are broken down by duration into two main categories: short trips and long trips. Short trips consist of 1-3 nights and long trips of four or more…

Lorry / truck

Rigid road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry goods. Gross weight in excess of 3,500 kg.

Low income

Low-income earners (persons at risk of poverty) are considered those whose household's disposable money income per consumption unit (so-called equivalent income) is lower than 60 per cent of the…

Low work intensity

Persons with low work intensity are persons who belong to a household whose working-age members worked under 20 per cent of their possible total labour input during the year. In the calculation, the …


Land use, land-use change and forestry sector in the national greenhouse gas inventory.

Changes in carbon stocks, such as the growing stock and soil, and methane and nitrous oxide emissions fr…

Main activity

The main activity recorded by a respondent in a time-use diary.

Main destination of trip

Main destination of trip in Finland is the destination a non-resident visitor reports as his/her main destination. There may be several main destinations but no more than two of them are recorded. In…

Main job

The main job is the only or principal job of an employed person. Where several jobs exist, the main job is usually the job on which the respondent spends the most time or from which the highest incom…

Main job

The main job is the only or primary job of an employed person. If there are several jobs, the main job is the one on which the person spends most time. The division of main and secondary jobs is base…


Activity related to the maintenance of real estate in which the aim is retention of the properties of the real estate by renewing or repairing faulty or worn parts without changing its relative level…

Maintenance and repair services n.i.e.

Maintenance and repair services n.i.e. cover repairs made to keep the good in operation, improve the functionality or capacity of the product or extend its service life, excluding cleaning of transpo…

Maintenance charge

The purpose of the maintenance charge is to cover recurrent day-to-day expenses of the housing company.

Maintenance charge

Part of the charge for common expenses with which the company’s expenses not covered by the charge for common capital expenditure are covered, or the company’s total expenses if there is no charge fo…

Maintenance cost

Maintenance costs include expenditure arising from the management and maintenance of real estate, such as all its service, electricity, heating, water consumption and waste management costs.

Maintenance costs of outdoor areas

Maintenance costs of outdoor areas include payments made to real estate management companies for cleaning the outside areas, managing green areas and planting, snow removal and anti-skid treatment.

Main type of activity

The concept of main type of activity describes the nature of a person's economic activity. The population is divided into people in the labour force and those outside the labour force. These cat…


Manufacturing is understood as the processing of mechanical or chemical organic or inorganic substances into new products regardless of whether the processing is mechanical or manual and performed in…

Manufacturing services

Manufacturing services comprise processing, assembly, marking, packaging and so forth, by an enterprise that does not own the goods in question. The manufacturing service is performed by a unit that …

Map co-ordinate

Map co-ordinates are numerical co-ordinate values indicating the location of an object on globe or in the national grid co-ordinate system. Map co-ordinates are given either as geographical or horizo…

Map co-ordinate

In the Register of Enterprises and Establishments the location address of an establishment has map co-ordinates giving the geographic location of the establishment in co-ordinate format. The co-ordin…

Marital status

The information on marital status is derived from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. It should be noted that common-law marriage or cohabiting is not a marital statu…

Marital status

The information on marital status is derived from the Population Information System of the Population Register Centre. It should be noted that common-law marriage or cohabiting is not a marital statu…

Marketable instruments

Includes e.g. certificates of deposit, commercial papers and local authority papers, Treasury bills and debt instruments issued by asset management companies. Non-transferable certificates of deposit…

Marketing innovation

A marketing innovation is the implementation of a new marketing method (marketing idea or strategy) that differs significantly from the previous marketing method used by the enterprise and that has n…

Market price

The general actual selling price, or the price where supply and demand meet.

Market price

The market price in an economic transaction corresponds to the amount paid by the buyer to the seller for an acquisition made in a free trade situation.

With the exception of some variables co…


Marriages contracted refer to marriages contracted by females permanently resident in Finland, unless otherwise indicated. The number of males and females who contracted marriage is not equal because…


Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, contracted marriages refer to marriages where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day when the marriage was contra…


Starting from the statistical reference year 2017, contracted marriages refer to marriages where at least one of the spouses has resided permanently in Finland on the day when the marriage was contra…

Mass balance

In the mass balance, raw materials and products of the forest industry are converted into equivalent measurement units, dry matter tonnes of wood, and the amounts of wood material bound as raw wood i…

Master’s degree

University degree obtained at a university of applied sciences based on a university of applied sciences degree or other applicable university degree.

Material intensity

Material intensity describes the national economy's dependency on natural resources. It can be measured as the ratio of total material requirement, domestic material consumption or direct inputs…

Materials and supplies

Materials and supplies are deemed to include goods used as inputs in a production process (raw materials, semi-finished products, additives, parts, and small tools and devices). Materials and supplie…

Materials and supplies

Raw materials, semi-finished products, parts and other commodities intended for use in own production. This group also comprises packaging materials and materials and auxiliary substances, such as gr…

Maternal mortality

Maternal mortality covers all deaths which occur during the pregnancy or during 42 days after the end of the pregnancy, regardless of the duration or location of the pregnancy. Included are all death…

Matriculation examination

Matriculation examination refers to a final examination of upper secondary general school which is set by the matriculation examination board and which a student studying the full upper secondary gen…

Mean income

The arithmetic mean income is received when the income of all income recipients is added up and divided by the number of observations. Mean income is more sensitive to extreme observations than media…

Mean number of prisoners

The mean number of prisoners refers to the daily average number of prisoners during a calendar year.

Mean population

The notion of mean population (or average population) refers to the average of the populations of two consecutive years. When a ratio describing some phenomenon is calculated for the statistical year…

Measurement unit

The measurement units for volume data (of them 0 to 2 per product heading) are visible in the StatFin database tables right after the product heading text in brackets, in the form (primary measuremen…

Median income

When income recipients are put in the order of size by income, median income is the income of the middle income recipient. An equal number of income recipients remain on both sides of the middle inco…

Mental violence

Mental violence or bullying at work refers to isolation, invalidating of work, threats, talking behind one's back and other pressurising directed to a member of the work community. Mental violen…

Merchanting services

In merchanting, a Finnish economic unit purchases a good from abroad and resells it without changes abroad without the goods ever entering Finland. Merchanting is recorded exclusively in exports.

Merchanting services

Exports of merchanting services and other trade-related services are normally conducted by enterprises that import goods and receive fees from foreign enterprises for the importing of the goods to Fi…


The portfolio data of a merging financial institution are not reported as new credits in the outstanding credit. After the merger, Statistics Finland adds up the outstanding credit of the merged fina…

Methane (CH4)

Methane is produced in connection with the digestion and decomposition of organic substances, e.g. manure, wastewater sludge or biodegradable waste. In addition, it is generated in livestock enteric …

Methane (CH4)

Methane is generated when organic matter such as manure, waste water sludge or biodegradable waste is fermented under anaerobic conditions. Methane emissions from landfill sites are the most importan…

Micro enterprise

A micro enterprise is defined as an enterprise with fewer than 10 employees.

As from statistical year 2003 also enterprises which have an annual turnover or balance-sheet total not exceeding E…

Mixed fuels

Mixed fuels refer to fuels that contain both fossil and renewable (biodegradable) coal.

Mixed income

Mixed income is the balancing item of the generation of income account of unincorporated enterprises in the households sector, corresponding to remuneration for work carried out by the owner and memb…

Mobile network

A mobile network is essentially a communications network primarily used for targeted communication in which the terminal equipment is linked to the communications network through freely propagating r…

Mode of organising early childhood education and care

Early childhood education and care can be organised by a municipality or a joint municipal authority, purchased by a municipality or a joint municipal authority, based on a service voucher supplied b…


Modernisation is an operation which usually raises the value or quality of a building above its previous level.

Money income

Money income is obtained when imputed income items are deducted from household gross income.

Imputed items are imputed income obtained from an owner-occupied dwelling in own use. Money income …

Money market investment

The item includes investments in the wholesale money market.

Money market paper

Short-term (original maturity not more than 12 months) marketable money market claims, such as certificates of deposits, commercial papers and local authority papers, treasury bills and debt instrume…

Money market promissory note (non-marketable)

The item includes non-marketable money market claims based on promissory notes.
Non-marketable money market promissory notes are not included in outstanding credit.

Monitoring Mechanism (EU)

A mechanism based on the decision of the European Parliament and of the Council for monitoring community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol, which obliges the Member Sta…

Monitoring Mechanism (EU)

A mechanism based on the decision of the European Parliament and of the Council for monitoring community greenhouse gas emissions and for implementing the Kyoto Protocol, which obliges the Member Sta…

Monitoring sentence

A monitoring sentence is a punishment of at most six months imposed in place of unconditional imprisonment. A monitoring sentence can be imposed if the offender cannot be sentenced to community serv…

Monthly business indicators

Monthly business indicators are index-format indicators describing turnover, exports, sum of wages and salaries and number of employees that are produced monthly and by industry, and are intended to …

Monthly change

Monthly change is the relative change in the index from a time period one month earlier. The change is usually expressed as a percentage.

Monthly wage earner

Monthly wage earners are remunerated for work performed on a monthly basis. Earnings are usually based on one month's working time and tend to stay the same from month to month. Monthly wage ear…

Months of employment

Months of employment refers to the total number of months that the person was in gainful employment during a year. The data on months of employment derive from various registers.

Months of employment

Months of employment refer to the total number of months the person was in gainful employment during a year. The data on months of employment derive from various registers.
From 2005 onwards, mont…

Months of unemployment

Months of unemployment refer to the total number of months the person was unemployed during a year. The data are obtained from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employme…

Months of unemployment

Months of unemployment refers to the total number of months that the person was unemployed during a year. The data are obtained from the Ministry of Labour's job applicant register.


A two or three-wheeled power-driven vehicle with a design speed of no more than 45km/h.

A two-wheeled moped has a cylinder capacity of no more than 50 cc when driven by an internal combustion …

Most aggravated offence

The most aggravated offence, or the so-called principal offence, committed by the suspect during the statistical year. The degree of seriousness of an offence is determined on the basis of the senten…


A motorcar is a power-driven vehicle with at least four wheels or tracks constructed for carrying persons or goods or performing a specific function and having a maximum design speed exceeding 25 km/…


A two-wheeled power-driven vehicle with or without a sidecar. The cylinder capacity of its internal combustion engine is over 50 cc or its design speed is over 45 km/h.

Motor-driven machine

A motorised work machine is a vehicle constructed to operate as a working machine. Motorised work machines include scoop loaders, jib cranes and sweeping machines. A motorised work machine has a desi…

Motor energy

The principal type of motor energy used by the vehicle as certified by the competent authority of the country of registration.

Motor fuel tax

Motor fuel taxes comprise basic and surtax on motor petrol and diesel oil and charges for safeguarding security of their supply.

Motor sledge/sleigh

A motor sledge is an off road vehicle fitted with runners or tracks. A snowmobile is a motor sledge on tracks which has seats for not more than two passengers in addition to the driver and the unlade…


A motorway is a road intended only for fast-moving motor vehicle traffic. The different directions of the motorway are physically separated and the motorway does not cross at the same level with othe…

Multi-factor productivity based on output

It is justified to assume that there is exchange of intermediate products between industries. For instance, industry x may supply conductors for industry y. The conductors of industry x are the final…

Multi-factor productivity based on value added

By definition, value added is output minus intermediate consumption. When applying value added calculation for assessing multi-factor productivity, the contributions of capital and labour are deducte…

Multi-factor productivity (MFP)

Multi-factor productivity (or total factor productivity) refers to the part of growth in value added which is not explained by the growth in inputs (capital, labour). However, this cannot be measured…

Municipal elections

Finland is divided into local authorities where the autonomy of residents is safeguarded in the constitution. In general elections, the residents elect a council, which makes binding decisions and fo…

Municipal enterprise

A way to organise municipal business activities. Municipal enterprises following the so-called municipal enterprise model are independent units in terms of accounting to which the council of the muni…

Municipal enterprise group

A municipal enterprise group refers to an economic unit formed by a municipality (head corporation) and one or more legally independent corporations, in which the municipality either alone or with ot…

Municipal tax

Municipal tax is paid in municipal taxation in accordance with taxable income according to the price of the municipal tax rate (municipal income tax percentage) and church tax according to the price …

Municipal waste

Municipal waste refers to waste generated in households and waste comparable to household waste generated in production, especially in the service industries. The general common feature of municipal …

Mutual fund share

A mutual fund is divided into equal shares conferring equal rights to the fund's assets.

Mutual indemnity insurance association

A mutual indemnity insurance association is an insurance company based on the mutual responsibility of its shareholders, whose area of operations covers no more than 40 municipalities or which only p…

Mutual insurance company

Mutual insurance companies are either life insurance companies or indemnity insurance companies and mainly engage in life insurance activity (including pension insurance) or indemnity insurance activ…

Mutual interest bodies

Mutual interest bodies, such as fishery collectives and road maintenance associations.

Name of enterprise

In the Business Register, official names are used for legal units and trade names for natural persons. The official name of a legal unit includes an identifier of the company form, such as Limited Co…

National income

National income is an income concept obtained by deducting consumption of fixed capital from gross national income.

Gross national income represents total primary income receivable by resident…

National Inventory Report

A report containing the results of the national greenhouse gas inventory which must be submitted annually to the Secretariat of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and to the Commission of …

National Inventory Report

A report containing the results of the national greenhouse gas inventory, which must be submitted annually to the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the EU and in future also to the Paris Agreement. The …

National Inventory Report

A report containing the results of the national greenhouse gas inventory, which must be submitted annually to the UNFCCC, the Kyoto Protocol and the EU and in future also to the Paris Agreement. The …


Citizenship refers to a person's legal nationality in a certain country. Citizenship is usually determined at birth, but it may be changed upon moving to live in another country. A person may al…


Nationality is determined by the country of issue of passport. A person may have several nationalities or no nationality at all. Possession of an alien's passport is also accepted as a nationali…

National monitoring mechanism for greenhouse gas emissions

International climate conventions (incl. the Paris Agreement) and the EU require each country to have a system for the assessment and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. The division …

National road transport

Road transport between two places (a place of loading/embarkation and a place of unloading/disembarkation) located in Finland with vehicles registered in Finland for private and licensed transport (f…

National road vehicle

A road vehicle registered in the reporting country and bearing registration plates of that country or having been separately registered (trams, trolleybuses, etc.).

Where registration of a roa…

National system

The Kyoto Protocol obliges its parties to have in place a national system for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions and their removal through sinks. The national system must incorporate invento…

National system for greenhouse gas emissions

International climate conventions (incl. the Paris Agreement) and the EU require each country to have a system for the assessment and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals. The division …

National television channel

A national television channel is a channel the modes of transmission (over-the-air, cable, satellite) of which have a combined coverage area that reaches at least 70 percent of the population.

Natural energy inputs

Energy inputs originating from nature.

Natural person

A sole proprietor engages in entrepreneurial activity under his/her own name or under a registered trading name. Self-employed persons, most own-account workers in agriculture and practitioners of a …

Natural person

A natural person engages in entrepreneurial activity under his/her own name or under a registered trading name.
This group includes own-account workers, sole proprietors, most agricultural and fo…

NEEP = National expenditure on environmental protection

An approximation of national expenditure on environmental protection can be compiled from the sum of the following components:
• total output (environmental protection market output, environmenta…

Neonatal mortality

Neonatal mortality is calculated by dividing the number of deaths during the first week of life by the number of live births during the statistical year and multiplying the result by 1,000.

Net acquisition of debt

Net amount of debt incurred during a specific period of time.

Net agricultural income

Net agricultural income is the income received in money or money's worth in the tax year, after deduction of expenses incurred in acquiring or maintaining the income.

Net domestic product at market prices

By deducting the consumption of fixed capital from the gross domestic product, we obtain the net domestic product at market prices, NDP.

Net effective heating energy

Net effective heating energy is the part of energy acquired for a residential building that can be exploited in heating. Some of the acquired energy is wasted due to fuel conversion and transmission …

Net effective heating energy

Net effective heating energy is the part of energy acquired for a residential building that can be exploited in heating. Some of the acquired energy is wasted due to fuel conversion and transmission …

Net exports of goods under merchanting

Merchanting is defined as the purchase of goods by a resident (of the compiling economy) from a non-resident, combined with the subsequent resale of the same goods to another non-resident without the…

Net fixed capital stock

Net capital stock describes the cumulated value of past investments minus the accumulated consumption of fixed capital.

Net gains from securities and foreign currency transactions

Positive or negative difference (trade margin) between sales price and book value of debt securities, shares and participations belonging to the financial assets of a credit institution.


Net imports of electricity

Net imports of electricity refers to the difference between imports and exports of electricity.

Net income from agriculture

Net income from agriculture equals net agricultural income minus index and exchange rate losses and interest on debts pertaining to agriculture.

The net income from agriculture of a person eng…

Net income from hedge accounting

Hedging involves the use of e.g. derivative instruments for the purpose of eliminating risks relating to e.g. interest rate, exchange rate or commodities price developments.

Net income from investment property

Net income from land or buildings not in the company's own use. Assets are held for capital appreciation or rental income.

Net income from leasing operations

Rents from leasing contracts minus planned depreciation of leasing assets. Also included are additional depreciation of leasing assets and capital gains as well as losses from the sale of leasing ass…

Net lending/net borrowing

Net lending/borrowing is a balancing item in the capital account and the fi-nancial account.

Net lending/borrowing corresponds to the amount available to a unit or sec-tor for financing, direc…

Net migration

Net migration is the difference between immigration and emigration. Persons who have moved to Finland and intend to reside or have resided one whole year without interruption in Finland shall inform …

Net migration

Net migration is the difference between immigration and emigration. Persons who have moved to Finland and intend to reside or have resided one whole year without interruption in Finland shall inform …

Net reproduction rate

The reproduction of the population refers to a change of a generation into a new one. Reproduction is measured by gross reproduction rates or net reproduction rates that generally indicate the ratio …

Net tax ratio

The net tax ratio expresses the tax ratio minus the proportion of GDP consisting of general government subsidy payments to the private sector and of income and capital transfers (except so called vol…

Net tax ratio

The net tax ratio is obtained by deducting income transfers received by the private sector from general government and this is proportioned to the GDP for the same period.

In this context, inc…

Network connection

The following network connections are identified for a building:
- sewage
- running water
- electricity
- natural gas.

Networking relationship

A networking relationship is an established collaborative relationship between enterprises. The objective of both parties is to benefit from the relationship more ways than just financially (e.g. str…

Network operator

A network operator is an operator that provides a communications network in its ownership or for other reasons in its possession for the purposes of transmitting, distributing or providing messages (…

New credit

New euro and foreign currency denominated credit, including renewals of loans involving significant changes in loan terms (not including factors such as interest rate linkage, if other factors such a…

New credit

The concept includes withdrawals of new credits and renewal of credits with substantially changed conditions.
Changes to interest rate tying alone do not constitute such changes if other condition…

New domestic orders

New domestic orders in manufacturing describe the value of new domestic orders manufacturing enterprises have received during a reference month. Received new orders are regarded as indicative of futu…

New dwelling

A new dwelling is completed in the statistical reference year or the year before it.

New dwelling

A new dwelling is completed in the statistical reference year or the year before it.

New export orders

New export orders describe the value of new orders received by manufacturing enterprises from export countries during the month. Received new orders are regarded as indicative of future production, t…

New guarantees granted

The total amount of outstanding guarantee commitments granted during the reference period.

New orders in manufacturing

New orders in manufacturing describe the value of new orders manufacturing enterprises have receive during a month. Received new orders are regarded as indicators of future production and turnover.

New person with housing loan

New person with housing loan refers to a person who did not have a housing loan by the end of the year previous to the examined year but has one in the examined year. Housing loans include herein als…


Statistics compiled on newspapers include papers which are published 1 to 7 times a week and which contain national or local news material. Newspapers are divided into daily newspapers, which are pub…

New student

New students in vocational education refer to students who became registered in the educational institution during the calendar year studying in curriculum-based vocational education and attending ed…

New student

In the statistics on students and qualifications of educational institutions, new students refer to students who during the statistical reference year had registered for certain studies in a certain …

New student

From 2012 onwards, new students in the statistics on university education refer to students having started studies leading to the current university degree at the university concerned and studying on…

New student

In the statistics on university of applied sciences education new students refer to students studying on 20 September, and having attended the education concerned and been registered as present or ab…

New student

New students in vocational education refer to students who become registered at the educational institution during the calendar year studying in initial vocational education, further vocational educa…

New student

New vocational education students refer both to students who on 20 September are studying in curriculum-based vocational education and were registered into an educational institution between 1 Januar…

New student

In the statistics on upper secondary general education new students refer to the students registered in an educational institution on 20 September who had been entered into the register of the educat…

New student

In the statistics on entrants to education and progress of studies new students in upper secondary general education and university of applied sciences education refer to the students studying on 20 …

New student

In the statistics on vocational education a new student refers to a student who on 20 September is studying education leading to a qualification and was registered between 1 January and 20 September …

New student

In the statistics on entrants to education and progress of studies new students in upper secondary general education and polytechnic education refer to the students studying on 20 September who had r…

New student

In the statistics on entrants to education and progress of studies new students in upper secondary general education, post-comprehensive vocational education and polytechnic education new students re…

New tenancy

In the annual rent statistics a new tenancy is one started during the statistical reference year.

New tenancy

In the quarterly rent statistics a new tenancy is one started at most 12 months before the statistical reference year.

New tenancy

In the rent statistics a new tenancy is one started at most six months before the statistical reference period.

Night work

Night work is work made between 11 pm and 6 am.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2)

Nitrogen dioxide is an indirect greenhouse gas that forms ground level ozone. It also causes acid rain and eutrophication of soil and water. Nitrogen dioxide is produced during combustion, especially…

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Nitrous oxide is an ozone depleting substance. Despite its low emission volumes, its greenhouse gas impact is over 300 times bigger per unit weight than, for example, that of CO2. The most important …

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is a substance causing ozone depletion and it is a significant greenhouse gas. Its contribution to the greenhouse gas effect per unit of mass is approximately 300-fold th…

Nomenclature of materials and supplies

Starting from the statistical reference year 2019, the European Union’s CN nomenclature (Combined Nomenclature) will be used as the nomenclature of the inquiry on materials and supplies of manufactur…

Nomenclature of materials and supplies

The nomenclature of materials and supplies used in statistics on commodities was compiled on the basis of the statistical classification of products by activity (CPA) of the European Communities, ada…

Nominal price index

Describes the change in prices relative to the base time period of the index (cf. real price index).

Nomination of candidates

County elections
The candidates are nominated for the entire wellbeing services county, voters only vote for the candidates in their own wellbeing services county and the result is calculated for …

Non-consolidated financial balance/flows

Financial assets and liabilities can be presented in non-consolidated form, i.e. all transactions are shown in full, including intra-sectorial and intra-sub-sectorial transactions. Intra-sectorial tr…


Non-employed is a person that is unemployed or in the inactive population.

Non-formal education

Non-formal education refers to participation in course-form, other than education and training leading to a qualification according to the regular education system. Examples of course training are in…

Non-performing asset

A non-performing asset derives from a breach of contract. An asset becomes non-performing when payment of interest on it, or its principal or part thereof has been in arrears for 90 days.

Non-resident unit

The total economy is defined in terms of resident units. A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of that country – that i…

Non-subsidised dwelling

Non-subsidised dwellings are dwellings produced in other ways than with government ARAVA loans.

Normal working hours

Normal weekly working hours of an employed person in the main job, including regular overtime work.

Normal working hours

Normal weekly working hours of an employed person in the main job according to the collective labour agreement or as otherwise agreed with the employer. Overtime is not included.

Notional resident unit

Notional resident units are defined as:

a) those parts of non-resident units which have a centre of economic interest (that is in most cases which engage in economic transactions for a year o…

Number of children

The number of children refers to the number of children who are living at home and have the status of a child. The number of children in families with underage children refers to the number of childr…

Number of customers

Number of customers of small loan companies during a quarter. All persons to whom new credit has been granted during the quarter are counted as customers. A customer who has raised several credits wi…

Number of customers

Number of clients of small loan companies during a quarter. All persons to whom new credit has been granted during the quarter are counted as clients. A client who has raised several credits with the…

Number of employees

Number of employees refers to the total number of full-time employees an enterprise employs during a calendar month. Two half-time employees, for example, represent one full-time employee. An indicat…

Number of employees

Employees comprise wage and salary earners and self-employed persons. Employees are converted to annual full-time employees so that, for example, an employee working half-time represents one half of …

Number of employees (annual average)

The number of employees is defined as those persons who work for the affiliate and who have a contract of employment and receive compensation in the form of wages, salaries, fees, gratuities, piecewo…

Number of occupations during life

The number of those occupations the respondent has engaged in when gainful employment has been the main activity. Occupations of those employed with subsidised measures are included, but not such as …

Number of rooms

The number of rooms is the number of rooms in a dwelling. Kitchen is not counted as a room. Dwellings with at least three rooms belong to the category 3h+.

Number of rooms

The number of rooms is the number of rooms in a dwelling. Kitchen is not counted as a room. Dwellings with at least three rooms belong to the category 3h+.

Number of storeys

The number of storeys in a building consists of all storeys that are primarily above ground level and in which there are habitable rooms or office space or other space conforming to the intended use …

NUTS division

NUTS (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques) is the regional classification system of the EU, according to which all common regional statistics of the EU are compiled. Although the NUTS …

NUTS division

NUTS (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques) is the regional classification system of the EU, according to which all common regional statistics of the EU are compiled. The official NUTS …

NUTS division

NUTS (Nomenclature des Unités Territoriales Statistiques) is the regional classification system of the EU, according to which all common regional statistics of the EU are compiled. The official NUTS …

Occupancy rate

The classification of occupancy rate:
- Spacious: a household-dwelling unit of one to five persons with room units at its disposal exceeding the number of its members by at least three (kitchen is…


In statistics on wages and salaries, descriptions of occupations of wage or salary earners are based on field-specific titles of occupations, posts and tasks, and on the Classification of Occupations…


Occupation refers to the work a person does, regardless of his or her occupational status (wage or salary earner-entrepreneur), education or the industry of the place of work. So the occupation of a …


An occupation refers to the work the person does regardless of his or her status in employment (wage and salary earner - self-employed), education or the industry of the workplace. Therefore the occu…


The occupation of the employed is determined on the basis of the occupation of the main job in the survey week. The occupation of the unemployed corresponds to the situation before unemployment. The …


The role of persons working at a similar job, which is based on the content of the work made for income acquisition purposes and in some cases on the education completed by the person.
In the empl…


Data on occupations are based on the interviewees' own reporting in the Labour Force Survey. The occupation of an employed person is defined according to the occupation in the main job. The occu…

Occupational accident

Occupational accidents are such employment accidents for which insurance companies have paid compensation.

An occupational accident is defined in Section 4 of the Employment Accidents Act. An …

Odd unit

An enterprise that is a subsidiary or similar company of an enterprise group, but is not included in the database of the Register of Enterprises and Establishments or does not have a line for annual …

Offence known to the authorities

A matter recorded in the police information system as an offence. The offence may have become known to the police, customs or border guard either as a report or in connection with another investigati…

Offence known to the police

A matter entered into the police information system as an offence.

Offences reported to the prosecutor

The task of the police, customs and border guard is to investigate the offence, conduct a pre-trial investigation and transfer the solved offence to the prosecutor for consideration. In more lenient …


Comprises following fuel classification categories:
- Refinery gas (1111)
- LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) (1112)
- Naphtha (1121)
- Aviation gasoline (1123)
- Kerosene (jet fuel) (1131…

Old dwelling

Old dwellings are other than new or unknown dwellings. (Unknown are those dwellings whose year of construction is not known.) (Cf. new dwelling.)

Old dwelling

Old dwellings are other than new or unknown dwellings. (Unknown are those dwellings whose year of construction is not known.) (Cf. new dwelling.)

One-dwelling house plot

A real property whose use purpose is a residential building and has no buildings. The real estate is not situated in a shore plan area either. If the real estate is in a town plan area it is also req…

One-dwelling house real estate

A real property whose use purpose is a residential building area and which has only housing buildings and ancillary buildings, and it is not located in the shore plan area. If the real estate is in a…

One-off shareholder payments

One-off shareholder payments (payments for project shares) are paid by the shareholders for a particular repair or similar project.

Online shopping

Online shopping is the ordering of goods and services via a computer network, regardless of payment or delivery method.

Online studying

Online studying is studying with the help of a data network. The data network may be the Internet or an organisation's internal network, i.e. an intranet. The network can be used interactively i…

Open early childhood education and care

Early childhood education and care provided as a club activity for children or for children together with an adult. Open early childhood education and care is primarily intended for children that do …

Operating and maintenance costs

Operating and maintenance costs are costs arising from the use and maintenance of the real estate, based on a contract or invoicing with separate enterprises.

Operating income, municipalities/joint municipal authorities

Operating income= operating income total + increase (decrease) in inventories of finished goods and in work in progress + work performed by the undertaking for its own purpose and capitalised + alloc…

Operating net costs

Operating net costs = operating expenses - operating income

Operating surplus, net

Net operating surplus is obtained after deduction of compensation of employees, taxes on production and imports less subsidies as well as consumption of fixed capital from value added. It is the surp…


An agreement by which the producer commits to delivering in the future to the customer the agreed commodities or services for the price specified in the agreement.

Order stock

An order stock is the value of undelivered orders of enterprises at the end of the month.

Organisational innovation

An organisational innovation is the implementation of a new organisational method in an enterprise's business practices (including knowledge management), workplace organisation or external relat…

Original series

An index series from which the effects of factors not related to production have not been removed. Non-productional factors include variations in the number of working days per month and fluctuations…

Origin and background country

During 2012, Statistics Finland has adopted a new origin classification. A similar classification is already used in the other Nordic countries. The origin and background country are determined based…

Other accounts receivables/payables

Other accounts receivables/payables include, for example, interbank claims and liabilities in payment transmission, term of payment-related claims and liabilities in securities transactions, insuranc…

Other assets

Receivables from payment transactions, receivables on various settlement accounts, margin receivables related to derivative instruments and other receivables not reported under any other item in the …

Other bond

Other bonds than a debenture or a reference loan issued by central government. This category includes such as medium term notes.

Other business services

Research and development services, legal services, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping and tax consultancy services, management consulting and public relations services, advertising, market research, p…

Other continuing vocational training

Other forms of continuing vocational training are:
- Planned periods of training, instruction or practical experience using the normal tools of work, either at the immediate place of work or in a …

Other credit

The outstanding balance on factoring credit, hire purchase contracts, rental financing credit, repos, credit card credit and other claims not belonging to any other category of financial assets.

Other current transfers

Other current transfers (D.7) include:

Net non-life insurance premiums (D.71)
These are premiums payable under policies taken out by institutional units. They comprise both the actual prem…

Other day of absence

A day on which an employed person has been absent from work for reasons such as parental leave or labour dispute.

Other energy sources

Comprises following fuel classification categories:
- Vegetable-based fuels (3170)
- Animal-based fuels (3180)
- Landfill gas (3211)
- Biogas from wastewater treatment (3212)
- Industr…

Other engineless vessel

A vessel moving without its own power regardless of size, excluding barges.

Other equity

The item Other equity includes capital investments (such as holdings in international organisations) that are not part of portfolio or direct investments.

Other inactive population

A main type of activity category, which includes persons on whose activity no information was obtained from the source data, or who do not fulfil the criteria for other main type of activity categori…

Other income from real estate

Other income from real estate includes the resale of electricity, heat or water to another housing company, as well as charges received by the company and other similar income.

Other inputs

Other inputs comprise data on the prices of services that are not directly associated with building construction. Some of them relate to building contracting and some to the overhead costs of buildin…

Other investment

Other investments include loans and deposits, trade credits, other equity, SDR allocations, insurance, pension and standardised guarantee schemes, and other accounts receivable/payable.

Other legal form

Other companies and foreign corporations or their branches in Finland.

Other lending

This category comprises lending items included in lending II. Such items include contract financing not related to hire purchase contracts and inventory financing related to the financing of working …

Other liabilities

Other debts include, for example, loans raised to acquire a free-time residence or a car, as well as other consumer credits. The data for the statistics on indebtedness have been collected from annua…

Other liabilities

Other liabilities (debts) include, for example, loans raised to acquire a free-time residence or a car and other consumer credits. The data include consumer credits and other debts provided they are …

Other liabilities

Liabilities related to payment transactions, accounts payable and other liabilities unrelated to the granting of credit, as well as statutory provisions.

Other maintenance costs

Other maintenance costs include staff training costs, remembering special days and other such items.

Other operating expenses

Rental expenses and other expenses attributable to owner-occupied property, including rental expenses for machinery and equipment, merger losses, insurance and other security costs, supervision, insp…

Other operating expenses

Other operating expenses (finrep -reporting)
Other operating expenses include tangible assets calculated using the current value model, investment properties, rent expenses (incl. real estate rent…

Other operating income

Other operating income (statements)
The item includes gross dividend and rental income from real estate and real estate corporations, income from administrative services to a firm in the same grou…

Other operating income

Gross rental income from real estate, as well as gross dividend income and rental income from real estate corporations, commissions and fees paid for administrative services etc. by businesses belong…

Other personnel fund capital

The personnel fund's equity comprises the members' capital and other fund capital.
Other fund capital includes the fund's joint capital and any donations made to the fund.


Other primary income

Other primary income consist of taxes on production and imports, subsidies and rents for natural resources.

Other purpose of use

Loans granted for e.g. business activity (production purposes), arrangement of debts and other similar purposes.
A credit granted to a farmer for the purchase of seed grain or a tractor is not con…

Other R&D personnel

Other R&D staff such as technical experts, other personnel carrying out R&D tasks (e.g. laboratory technicians, computer programmers) and staff providing other kinds of support for R&D pr…

Other R&D personnel

Other R&D staff includes technical experts, other personnel carrying out R&D tasks (e.g. laboratory technicians, computer programmers) and staff providing other kinds of support for R&D p…

Other religious body

A religious community whose purpose is to practice religion publicly and which has been registered in accordance with Section 2 of the Freedom of Religion Act, and congregations of such communities.

Other restricted reserves

Statutory reserves, reserves mandated by the company's bylaws, and other reserves.

Other staff

Other staff at educational institutions refer to persons employed in other positions than teachers, such as special needs assistants, training secretaries, office staff, canteen staff and cleaners.

Other vessel

Other vessels than passenger ships, dry cargo ships and tankers, for example, tugboats, icebreakers, pusher lighters, fishing vessels and administrative vessels included in the merchant fleet.

Outbound tourism

Outbound tourism comprises the activities of residents of a given country travelling to and staying in places outside their country of residence and outside their usual environment for not more than …

Output at basic prices

Output at basic prices consists of the products which have been produced in the accounting period. Three categories of output are distinguished: market output, output for own final use, and other non…

Output of environmental protection services

Output (market, non-market, ancillary) of environmental protection services is defined in EPEA as the sum of environmental protection market output, environmental protection non-market output and env…

Output of services of owner-occupied dwellings

The own-account production of housing services by owner-occupiers falls within the production boundary of the European System of Accounts.

The output of services of owner-occupied dwellings s…

Outstanding credit

The item "outstanding credit" includes outstanding euro denominated credit and outstanding foreign currency denominated credit. Euro denominated credit includes euro denominated loans and a…

Outstanding credit

The item "outstanding credit" includes outstanding euro denominated credit and outstanding foreign currency denominated credit. Euro denominated credit includes euro denominated loans and a…

Outstanding credit in foreign currency

Outstanding credit in foreign currency = lending in other currencies than euro + bonds classified as investments denominated in other currencies than euro.

Outstanding credit in foreign currency

Outstanding credit in foreign currency = lending in other currencies than euro + bonds classified as investments denominated in other currencies than euro.


A household's dwelling is overcrowded, if the number of available rooms is under the number which would be necessary based on its composition. The imputed need for rooms is affected by the numbe…


According to the norms below, a dwelling is over-crowded if it has
- Norm 1: more than two persons per room, with kitchen included in the number of rooms
- Norm 2: more than two persons per roo…

Overdrafts on current accounts

End-of-period balance of unused credit limits on deposit account overdraft facilities provided by monetary financial institutions. Unauthorised overdrafts are not included.

Overdrafts on current accounts

Overdrafts on current accounts (not of promissory note format) include the balances of all accounts with overdraft facility at the end of a quarter. The total amount of the credit is reported irrespe…

Overnight stay

Overnights stays are used to measure the length of time a non-resident visitor spends in Finland. One overnight stay is one night spent in Finland irrespective of type of accommodation. Time spent ov…

Overnight stay

In the tourism statistics of the EU (Eurostat) an overnight stay is a statistical unit to measure both the volume of tourism, e.g. duration of stay on the supply side and duration of trip on the dema…

Overnight trip

An overnight trip refers to a trip outside the usual environment, during which at least one night is spent in private or collective accommodation either for free or for a charge. The maximum duration…

Overtime hours

Hours of overtime worked by employees for which compensation is received either in pay or as time off (the respondent's own opinion).

Overtime ratio

The ratio of those working paid overtime hours in the survey week to all employed persons.

Overtime work

Overtime work is made by an employee in addition to agreement-based working hours. Overtime may be unpaid or paid, for which compensation is received either in pay or as time off.

Package tour

Package tours (package travel, package holidays) comprise a number of tourism products which are purchased by the visitor as a single entity. Such packages usually comprise transport and accommodatio…

Paid employees

Paid employees comprise wage and salary earners.

Employees are converted to annual full-time employees so that, for example, an employee working half-time represents one half of a person and t…

Paid indemnities based on central government guarantees

Indemnities paid to lenders based on central government guarantee commitments during the reference period. Paid indemnities are given in gross.
The concept does not taken into consideration possi…

Panel calculation

Panel calculation refers to a calculation method that is used to produce certain statistics on economic trends. If there is not enough source data for the latest examined time periods, as a rule the …

Parking fine

A fine imposed for breaking prohibitions and limitations on the stopping and parking of vehicles and provisions on the use of a parking disc. Such a fine can also be imposed on grounds of unnecessary…

Parking fine

A fine imposed for breaking prohibitions and limitations on the stopping and parking of vehicles and provisions on the use of a parking disc. Such a fine can also be imposed on grounds of unnecessar…

Parliamentary elections

According to the Finnish constitution, the powers of the state are vested in the people who are represented by the parliament. The Finnish Parliament and consists of 200 Representatives. Representati…

Participants in education

In the statistics on adult education of educational institutions participants in education refer to participants in adult education provided during the calendar year. The same person may have partici…

Participation in education and training

The purpose of the Adult Education Survey was to study participation in all organised education and training and not only that specifically arranged for adults. Similarly, with the notion of life-lon…

Particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10)

Particulate matter up to 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) and 10 micrometers (PM10) in diameter. These tiny particles are released in burning processes, traffic and some industrial processes. Particulate matt…


Structural statistics on wages and salaries:

In structural statistics on wages and salaries, the division into full-time and part-time employment is based on regular weekly working hours. In t…


A job vacancy is classified as part-time if the employer has reported the job as being part-time. According to the guiding limit, work can also be regarded as part-time if working hours are estimated…


Structural statistics on wages and salaries:

In structural statistics on wages and salaries, the division into full-time and part-time employment is based on regular weekly working hours. Empl…

Part-time special education

n the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, part-time special education refers to teaching pupils can have beside other teaching if they have difficulties in learning or school at…

Part-time student

In the statistics on university and university of applied sciences education, the statistical definition of tertiary full-time and part-time studying is based on the number of completed credits. The …

Part-time student

In the statistics on university and polytechnic education, the statistical definition of tertiary full-time and part-time studying is based on the number of completed credits. The data on numbers of …

Part-time work

Employees or self-employed persons who report they work part-time in their main job are classified as part-time workers. The definition is not based on any hour limits, but on the respondent's o…

Part-time work

Wage and salary earners or self-employed persons whose normal weekly working hours are one to 29 hours.


A party is an association which has been registered in the register of political parties maintained by the Ministry of Justice. Parties are voluntary associations whose main purpose is to influence t…

Passenger, air traffic

A passenger arriving or departing or a transfer passenger changing planes. Passenger statistics do include infants, but do not include transit passengers (a passenger who does not change planes).

Passenger car

Road motor vehicle, other than a moped or a motor cycle,
intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine persons (including the driver).


A passenger-kilometre is a measurement unit describing the passenger carrying performance of some means of transport such as a passenger car, coach, train, boat, aircraft or any transport vehicle sui…

Passenger road motor vehicle

A road motor vehicle, exclusively designed or primarily, to carry one or more persons.

Passenger road vehicle

A road vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to carry one or more persons.

Passenger ship

Passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships included in the merchant fleet.

Passenger transportation accounts

In the Balance of Payments passenger transportation services cover all services provided - between the compiling economy and abroad or between two foreign economies - in the international transportat…

Passenger transport performance

Total number of kilometres covered by passengers during a specific unit of time, usually one year. Unit passenger-kilometre.

Pass-through investment

Investments where a domestic investment enterprise receives capital from a foreign direct investor and then reinvests it in its own direct investment enterprises abroad. The same pass-through investm…


A patent is a prohibition right. A patent is a right held by the patent owner to prohibit others from commercially exploiting his or her invention. Commercial exploitation includes the manufacture, s…

Payment control data

The Tax Administration's payment control data contain monthly information concerning payments of value added tax and employer's contributions. The observation unit is an enterprise. The pay…


Comprises following fuel classification categories:
- Milled peat (2110)
- Sod peat (2120)
- Peat pellets and briquettes (2130).


A person travelling on foot, roller skates, skateboard, skis, kick-sledge or similar.

Penal institution

Penal institution (types of institution) include closed and open institutions.

Open institutions include open prisons, open prison units and labour colonies which the criminal sanctions agenc…

Penal institution

Penal institution (types of institution) include prisons, open institutions and juvenile detention centres.

Prisons are either closed or open institutions.

Open institutions include ope…

Penal order

A penal order refers to a decision by which the public prosecutor imposes a fine and forfeiture on the basis of an order for a fine or punishment.

An order for a fine or punishment is issued …

Penalty payment

A penalty payment is set by imposing the primary obligation to be abided by the complainant at risk of a fine. A different penalty payment must be imposed to reinforce each primary obligation. An off…

Pendency of an enforcement matter

An enforcement matter becomes pending when the enforcement application arrives at the local enforcement authority or in the Enforcement Information System. When the enforcement has arrived at the enf…

Pending restructuring cases

In Statistics Finland statistics, pending restructuring cases refer to restructuring petitions concerning enterprises, corporations, estates of deceased persons or private individuals filed during th…


Pensioners comprise all persons who according to the data of the Social Insurance Institution or the Centre for Pensions receive a pension (excl. those receiving family pension or part-time pension) …


A pensioner is a person not belonging to the labour force who is retired on account of age or years of service.

Pension foundation or fund

This category also includes authorised pension providers and unemployment and mutual benefit societies.

A pension foundation is a foundation set up by an employer for the purpose of provision …

Pension foundation or fund

This category also includes insurance and unemployment funds.

A pension foundation is an insurance or pension company set up by an employer for the purpose of provision of statutory or volunta…

Percentage of offences solved

This figure indicates how many per cent of all offences which became known during a statistical year are solved offences. Therefore, the figure may be higher than 100.

Percentage of offences solved

This figure indicates how many per cent of all offences which become known during a statistical year consist of offences solved. Therefore the figure may be higher than 100.

Per cent vs percentage point

Per cent means one hundredth of something. Percentage point is used when comparing percentages to one another. For example, when inflation drops from three to two per cent, inflation decreases by one…

Performance-related pay

Performance-related pay is a general designation for various items paid on top of pay based on results and profits. They can be divided into main types, which are called performance bonus, profit bon…

Perinatal mortality

Perinatal mortality refers to the number of stillbirths and those who died in their first week of life per 1,000 births.

Perinatal mortality

Perinatal mortality is calculated by dividing the number of stillbirths and deaths during the first week of life by the number of all births during the statistical year. The age during the first week…


A periodical is a magazine published regularly, at least four times a year, which contains articles dealing with either the general or a specific sphere of life. Periodicals also include those journa…

Periodic tax return data

The Tax Administration's periodic tax return data contain monthly and quarterly information concerning the payment of employer contributions and in respect of the payment of value added tax also…

Period work

Period work is a working time balancing system where daily or weekly working hours may exceed the maximum number of hours prescribed in law (8 h per day or 40 h per week), but the number of working h…


This category consists of perpetual debt securities. It is characteristic of perpetuals that the debtor is committed to pay interest at a specified rate, usually linked to money market interest rates…

Personal, cultural and recreational services

Audiovisual services, artistic services, education services, health services, heritage and recreational services and other personal services. Services associated with the production of motion picture…

Person injured in an accident

A person who has not died in an accident (or within 30 days of it), but has sustained in the accident injuries which require medical care or observation in hospital, treatment at home (sick leave) or…

Person involved in an accident

Persons involved in an accident refer to the drivers of vehicles and pedestrians involved in an accident, and passengers killed or injured in the accident. An animal is party to an accident involving…

Person killed in an accident

A person who has died as a consequence of an accident within 30 days from the accidents, excluding deaths from acute fits of illness.

Personnel costs

Personnel costs are made up of wages and salaries and employer's social security costs.
Payments for agency workers are not included in personnel costs.
All remunerations paid to the perso…

Personnel expenses

Wages, salaries and rewards, pension expenses and other employer contributions = Personnel expenses

Personnel expenses comprise wages and salaries subject to withholding of tax and comparable …

Personnel expenses

Wages, salaries and rewards, pension expenses and other employer contributions = Personnel expenses

Personnel expenses comprise wages and salaries subject to withholding of tax and comparable …

Personnel fund

A personnel fund is a fund owned and controlled by a company's or agency's personnel and is intended to function as a rewarding mechanism for the personnel and thereby improve the personnel…

Personnel fund's joint capital

The fund's by-laws may provide for part of the profit bonus items and the fund profit to be transferred to the fund's joint capital to be used for educational and other purposes for the ben…

Personnel fund's members' capital

The personnel fund's equity comprises the members' capital and other fund capital.

The members' capital includes the capital that is added to the members' fund units and an…

Persons at work/not at work

An employed person who was at work at least on one day in the survey week is counted as being at work. An employed person who was temporarily absent from work during the whole survey week because of …

Person's household

Persons who live and share meals together or otherwise use their income together are considered to belong to the same household as the respondent. The size of the household can vary from a one-person…

Persons not in the labour force

Persons not in the labour force consist of those who were not employed or unemployed during the survey week. Persons not in the labour force can be divided by their main activity in the survey week i…

Persons not in the labour force

Persons not in the labour force consist of those who were not employed or unemployed during the survey week. Persons not in the labour force can also be called those outside the labour force.

Persons sentenced in court

The statistics include data on those convicted in courts of first instance. Courts of first instance are generally district courts and in some cases courts of appeal are also courts of first instance.

Persons working in the area

Persons working in the area refers to all persons who go to work in the area concerned irrespective of their place of residence. Persons working in the area form the so-called employed day populatio…

Person with disability

A person with disability is someone who in at least one of the following basic actions has a lot of difficulties or cannot do it at all: seeing (even if wearing glasses), hearing (even if wearing a h…


Petajoule (PJ) is a unit of energy used for expressing the energy contents of fuels and other energy sources. 1 PJ = 1,000 TJ; 1 TJ = 0.278 GWh

Petitionary matter

A petitionary matter is a matter in which a court's authorisation is requested for some action or the listing of some action into a public register. A petitionary matter is instituted by way of …

Physical exerciser

Participates in some physical exercise hobby at least once a week.

Physical trade balance (PTB)

The physical trade balance (PTB) is calculated as the difference between imports and exports of processed products and raw materials.


Place of implementation of special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, for pupils with a decision on special support the places of implementation of teaching are from 2011 as follows:
1. All teaching is…

Place of loading

The place taken into account for loading is the place where the goods were loaded on a goods road motor vehicle or where the road tractor has been changed.

Place of provision of special education

In the statistics on special education, the places of provision of special education were in 2001 to 2010 as follows:
1. All teaching is provided in a general education group: pupils are fully int…

Place of residence

For the purpose of international/domestic tourism statistics, a person is considered to be a resident in a country/place where he/she has lived for most of the past 12 months. As regards internationa…

Place of residence

Place of residence is the locality where a person has or will have lived continuously for more than 12 months. The person must have a dwelling in the locality concerned. In the Border Interview Surve…

Place of unloading

The place taken into account is the place where the goods were unloaded from a goods road motor vehicle or where the road tractor has been changed.


A party who brings a civil matter to court. The term may also be used for an injured party who institutes the private prosecution of a criminal matter in court.

Plot for detached houses

In the real estate price statistics plots for detached houses or unbuilt plots for detached houses are defined on the basis of the land register with the following conditions: The purpose of use of t…

Point figure

Point figure is a change quantity used in price indices, which expresses the price, average price or index of the comparison period relative to the price, average price or index of the base period. T…




The resident population of Finland on 31 December is derived from the Population Information System maintained by the Population Register Centre. Since the data for 1993, Statistics Finland and the P…


The population refers to the permanent resident population of an area (e.g. entire country, province, municipality). Those persons who according to the Population Information System had a legal domic…


In regional accounts population refers to mean population, which is the average of the population in two consecutive years.

Data on the permanent population living in a municipality at the end…

Population projection

The population projection method used by Statistics Finland is a so-called demographic component model where the future number and structure of the population are calculated by age group by means of …

Portfolio investment

Portfolio investment is considered to include securities transactions not belonging to direct investment and reserve assets. Portfolio investment refers to securities transactions in which the owners…

Portfolio investment

Portfolio investment is considered to include securities transactions not belonging to direct investment and reserve assets. Portfolio investment refers to securities transactions in which the owners…

Postal address

A postal address is the address to which an enterprise or a quasicorporate unit wishes to have its postal items delivered. A postal address is comprised of a street address (name and number of street…

Postal and courier services

Postal and courier services cover the despatch, delivery and collection of letters, parcels, periodicals, etc., as well as poste restante services, sales of stamps and administration of money orders.

Postal item

A postal item refers to an object or message equipped with the name and address of its recipient which the sender has left to a postal service provider for delivery through regular postal transportat…

Postal operations

Postal operations refer to the conveyance of postal items from the sender of the post or from another postal undertaking to the recipient of the post or to another postal undertaking against a fee.

Post code area

The post code area usually refers to the area covered by one post office which is identified by a 5-digit post code. Post code areas are independent of administrative regional divisions, i.e. the sam…

Premium income

Premium income is recorded for the financial period when the insurance period started. It is reported before the reinsurers' share. Premium income is received from started insurance policies and…

Preparatory education for further vocational qualifications

In the statistics on vocational education, preparatory education for further vocational qualifications means education that is adult education and prepares for an examination for a further vocational…

Preparatory education for further vocational qualifications

In the statistics on vocational education, preparatory education for further vocational qualifications means education that is adult education and prepares for an examination for a further vocational…

Preparatory education for specialist vocational qualifications

In the statistics on vocational education, preparatory education for specialist vocational qualifications means education that is adult vocational education and prepares for an examination for a spec…

Preparatory education for specialist vocational qualifications

In the statistics on vocational education, preparatory education for specialist vocational qualifications means education that is adult education and prepares for an examination for a specialist voca…

Preparatory vocational education for a skills examination

Initial, further and specialist vocational qualifications can be obtained through skills examinations irrespective of the way vocational skills have been acquired. As a rule the qualifications are at…

Pre-primary education

In the statistics on comprehensive school education and special education, pre-primary education refers to the education of pupils enrolled as pre-primary school pupils in comprehensive schools. Pre-…

Pre-primary education

General education, in which children mainly take part in the year preceding the start of compulsory education and the aim of which is to improve the child’s learning prerequisites.


Presidential election

According to the Finnish Constitution (section 54) the President of the Republic is elected by a direct vote for a term of six years. The President shall be a native-born Finnish citizen. The candida…

Previous sentence a suffient sanction

If a person sentenced to unconditional imprisonment, a monitoring sentence or community service is charged with another offence committed before the sentence was passed, the court may deem that the p…


The value determined in money

Price discrimination

Price discrimination implies that sellers may be in a position to charge different prices to different categories of purchasers for identical goods and services sold under exactly the same circumstan…

Price index of public expenditure

The price indices of public expenditure (PIPE) measure the development of prices in the expenditure of central and local governments. The indices have been used for decision-making about central and …

Price level index

The price level index indicates the price levels of different countries relative to a chosen country or a country group (e.g. Finland =100, EU27 =100). If the price level index of a country is higher…

Price per overnight

In the accommodation statistics of Statistics Finland price per overnight indicates the average price per overnight stay (VAT included), i.e. the average price a customer has paid for one night spen…

Price per square metre for a dwelling

The dwelling price statistics utilise the unencumbered price per square metre, which means that the loan portion is included in the price. The price concept published is price per square metre (€/m2).

Primary income

Primary income is the income which resident units receive by virtue of their participation in the production process, and income receivable by owners of financial or other assets in return for placin…

Primary income

Primary income represents the return that accrues to institutional units for their contribution to the production process, or for the provision of financial assets or from renting natural resources t…

Principal activity

All enterprises and establishments proper are separately assigned an economic activity at the most detailed level of the industrial classification.

In the Business Register, the principal acti…

Principal offence on which the sentence is based

In the statistics, data are presented on the principal offence on which the sentence is based. According to the rule, each person accused, convicted or fined with a summary penal judgment is most oft…


The general term prisoner can be used to refer to persons serving a prison sentences, default prisoners, juvenile detainees and prisoners in institutions for preventive detention.


A prisoner is a person who is either a convict, default or remand prisoner.


The general term prisoner can be used to refer to convicts or default prisoners.

Prisoner in preventive detention

A prisoner in preventive detention is a dangerous recidivist, whom the Prison Tribunal has ordered confined in preventive detention. Preventive detention is a separate institution or a department in …

Prison term

A sentence of imprisonment is passed either for a fixed period or for life. A sentence of fixed-term imprisonment is imposed for at least fourteen days and at most twelve years or, when imposing a jo…

Prison Tribunal

The Prison Tribunal is an administrative body deciding on the incarceration of dangerous recidivists and the enforcement of custodial sentences passed on young offenders. The Prison Tribunal is not a…

Private receivables in enforcement matters

Private receivables are receivables based on agreements, commitments or other liabilities under private law. Examples of these include bank loans, other credits, purchase money claims, fees or paymen…

Private road

A road owned and maintained by another body than the public authority.

Private sector

In the Labour Force Survey the employer sector is determined on the basis of the information on the job or enterprise in the Business Register. The classification differs to some extent from that use…

Private sector

The private sector comprises those whose employer is a company (including state majority-owned or municipality-owned companies), a private person, an enterprise, a foundation, a cooperative or an ass…

Private tourist accommodation

Private tourist accommodation comprises forms of accommodation that do not conform to the definition of collective tourism establishments. These provide a limited number of bed-places for rent or fre…

Probability of death

The probability of death at some age x refers to the probability of a person living until the age of x to die during that year of age.

Process innovation

A process innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved production process, delivery method, or support activity for an enterprise's goods or services.

The process …

Process innovation

A process innovation is a new or improved business process for one or more business functions that differs significantly from the firm’s previous business processes and which has been implemented wit…

Producer price

The price received by an enterprise for its commodity or service.

Producer price index for manufactured products

Producer price index for manufactured products 1995=100. Measures the development in producer prices of goods manufactured in Finland, or goods to the domestic market. Covers commodities classified u…

Producer price index for manufactured products

Producer price index for manufactured products measures development in the producer prices of goods manufactured in Finland. The index includes both goods sold at home and exported goods. The price f…

Producer price indices for services

The producer price indices for services describe developments in the prices of services enterprises provide for other enterprises and the public sector (BtoB), households (BtoC) and all end users (Bt…

Producer price of farmers

The price received by farmers for their agricultural products without value added taxes and subsidies on productions on farms or in the first stage of the marketing chain.

Product innovation

A product innovation is a new or improved good or service that differs significantly from the firm’s previous goods or services and which has been implemented on the market.

Product innovation…

Product innovation

A product innovation refers to a new or essentially improved good or service brought to market by an enterprise. A new or significantly improved good or service differs from previously produced goods…

Production based on environmental pollution prevention

Production based on environmental pollution prevention may include products, technologies or techniques, or services which deal with damage to the air, soil and water, and problems related to waste, …

Production based on saving natural resources

Production based on saving natural resources may include products, technologies or techniques, or services which focus on the saving of natural resources and their effective use either in the product…

Production boundary

The production boundary included in national accounts is essential for defining the coverage of the accounting system.

Production is an activity carried out under the control and responsibilit…

Production intended for sale

Production intended for sale includes all production manufactured for sale by the establishment in the calendar year regardless of whether production is sold or stored for later sale.

Production line

A farm's production line is determined on the basis of those products that account for 65 percent of the total sales income from livestock and crop production as well as subsidiary production in…

Production nomenclature

Since 1997, the classification of commodity headings referred to in the statistics on manufacturing commodities has been based on the PRODCOM classification of industrial production of the European U…

Production nomenclature

The production nomenclature is based from 1997 onwards on the European Union's PRODCOM classification updated annually. The PRODCOM classification contains 8-digit product headings. It does not …

Production waste

Waste generated in different industries in connection with production and the opposite to consumption waste, which primarily comprise municipal waste and waste comparable to it. Production waste is u…

Productive capital stock

In national accounts, the capital stock refers to the amount of capital in the economy. This includes both physical capital such as machinery, equipment and buildings and intellectual property produc…

Profit bonus item

Under the Act on Personnel Funds (814/1989), a "profit bonus item" is a sum of money which is substantially determined in a company from the operating profit according to an income statemen…

Project deliveries

Project deliveries may include turnkey deliveries of machines, production equipment and industrial plants, including installation and assembly of machines and other related construction work.

Promissory note loan

The outstanding balance on promissory notes granted by financial institutions from depository assets (or by insurance corporations from insurance funds) or from equity capital. Loans granted by insti…

Promissory notes

The outstanding balance on promissory notes extended by financial institutions from depository assets (or by insurance corporations from insurance funds) or from equity capital. Loans granted by inst…

Propensity for internal migration

The propensity for internal migration, or the rate of internal migration, refers to the number of migrants per 1,000 of the mean population in the area of departure. The propensity for internal migra…

Property expenditure and income

Property expenditure and income (D.4) are generated when the owners of financial assets or natural resources give such assets to other institutional units for use. Income generated from the use of fi…

Property income

Property income includes rental, interest and dividend income derived from registers, taxable capital gains and pensions based on private insurance, and other property income derived from taxation da…

Property income

Property income includes rental, interest and dividend income, imputed net rent from an owner-occupied dwelling (or dwelling income), taxable capital gain and pension based on private insurance and o…

Property income

Property income includes rental, interest and dividend income, pensions based on private insurance and other income (from 2000). Interest income subject to the Act on Withholding Tax is included in i…

Property leasing

A form of financial leasing of immovable property. Sale and leaseback of immovable property is an arrangement where the owner of a property sells the property to a finance company and immediately lea…

Property leasing

A form of financial leasing of immovable property. Sale and leaseback of immovable property is an arrangement where the owner of a property sells the property to a finance company and immediately lea…

Proportional elections

In proportional elections each party (or other group) gains representative seats in relation to the number of votes cast for it compared with the votes cast for other groups. If, for instance, a part…

Proportion of overtime hours

Percentage proportion of overtime hours of all hours actually worked.

Proportion of stillbirths

The proportion of stillbirths refers to the number of stillborn children per 1,000 liveborn and stillborn children.


A prosecutor is a state official, whose task it is to see to it that the proper statutory sanction is attached to a criminal act. The local prosecuting authorities in Finland are district prosecutor…

Provider of education

In the statistics on providers of education and educational institutions and in the statistics on vocational education, providers of education refer to bodies entrusted with the task of providing edu…

Provision for outstanding claims

Includes all provisions paid after the financial period which are formed from the insured events occurred in the financial period or before it.

Provision for unearned premiums

The provision for unearned premiums describes the part of the premium income in the financial period or earlier financial periods whose risk is directed to future financial periods.

Proxy variable

As far as possible the volume index of industrial output is calculated using volume data obtained from establishments. However, in some cases an establishment may not be able provide data on the volu…

Public administration services n.i.e.

Transactions made by general government (excl. international organisations) concerning goods and services which cannot be classified under other items.

Public corporation

Public corporations comprise all economic units implementing public administration in Finland: central and local government, administration of joint municipal boards and the Regional administration o…

Public non-financial corporation

Non-financial corporations and quasi-corporations which are subject to control by government units and whose principal activity is market-oriented production of goods and services. An enterprise is u…

Public receivables in enforcement matters

Public receivables are receivables of municipalities and other public corporations. Examples of these include charges for health care, children's day care and fees for the performances of munici…

Public sector

In the Labour Force Survey the employer sector is determined on the basis of the information on the job or enterprise in the Business Register. The classification differs to some extent from that use…

Public sector

The public sector includes central government and local government. The central government sector includes state administration, universities, the Social Insurance Institution, unincorporated state e…


The general punishments (which can be imposed on anyone subject to the Criminal Code) are summary penal fine, fine, conditional imprisonment, community service, monitoring sentence and unconditional …


A learner studying in pre-primary or comprehensive education.


Pupils refer to all pupils registered in comprehensive school: pupils in pre-primary education, pupils attending g…


In the statistics on comprehensive school education, on subject choices of students and on special education, comprehensive school pupils refer to all pupils registered at comprehensive schools: pupi…

Purchased materials and supplies

Purchased materials and supplies refer to raw materials, semi-finished products, additional materials and supplies purchased from outside the enterprise for production in the calendar year. The value…

Purchasers' price

The purchaser’s price is the price the purchaser actually pays for the products; including any taxes less subsidies on the products (but excluding deductible taxes like VAT on the products); includin…


Purchases of bonds classified as investments (including other bonds such as debentures, corporate loans, convertible bonds and bonds with equity warrant).

MFI (monetary financial institution) …


Purchases include the value of all goods and services bought for resale and use in trade during the financial year, except for capital commodities.

Purchases comprise
- materials used for g…

Purchasing power parity

Value relations between currencies, purchasing power parities, are calculated by means of price comparisons between countries. Purchasing power parity is the exchange rate calculated by which the pri…

Purchasing Power Standard

Purchasing Power Standard (‘PPS’) means the artificial common reference currency unit used in the European Union to express the volume of economic aggregates for the purpose of spatial comparisons in…


In the statistics on university of applied sciences education data on degrees describe the full calendar year (1 January - 31 December). Degrees attained in university of applied sciences education c…


In statistics on the educational structure of the population, transition form school to further education and work and progress of studies attainers of qualifications or degrees refer to completers o…


In the statistics on students and qualifications of educational institutions attainers of qualifications or degrees refer to completers of matriculation examination, international matriculation exami…


In the statistics on university education data on degrees describe the full calendar year (1 January - 31 December). Degrees attained in universities comprise lower and upper university degrees, lice…


In the statistics on comprehensive school education, a school-leaving certificate from comprehensive school can be regarded as a qualification from comprehensive school. A school-leaving certificate …


In the statistics on vocational education, a qualification refers to vocational secondary, post-secondary or tertiary level qualifications, and further and specialist vocational qualifications. The d…


In the statistics on upper secondary general school education qualifications comprise matriculation examination, international matriculation examinations (IB, EB and Reifeprüfung) and Gymnasieexamen …

Quantity index

The quantity index is a ratio describing relative changes in the quantity of produced goods or services relative to the base period. It is obtained when the change in prices is removed from a value i…

Quarterly change

Quarterly change refers to the relative change in the index of the quarter compared with the index of the previous quarter. The change is usually expressed in percentages.

Quasicorporate unit

Quasicorporate units refer to corporations that may support their activity with a business activity, such as restaurant and hotel business or trade, but it is not their main purpose. Data on their ac…


The corporation sector includes private and public quasi-corporations which are market producers principally engaged in the production of goods and non-financial services.

The term 'non-f…


A railway that can consist of one or more tracks.

Raw material consumption (RMC)

Raw material consumption (RMC) measures the domestic final use of raw materials including domestic and imported raw material equivalents. It is calculated by adding imported raw materials to domestic…

Raw material equivalents (RME)

In addition to the exported or imported volume of materials, raw material equivalents (RME) include the direct inputs required to produce the exported or imported volume of materials.

Raw material input (RMI)

Raw material input (RMI) is calculated by adding imported raw materials and processed products to domestic direct inputs, and the inputs needed to produce the imported volume of materials are also co…

R&D appropriation

Government budget appropriations or outlays for research and development activity.

R&D appropriation

Government R&D funding refers to appropriations and outlays for research and development in the state budget, i.e. intentions to spend money. Public funding for research and development includes …

R&D in full-time equivalents (FTE)

R&D in full-time equivalents refers to the amount of time spent on R&D work during one year of full-time work (approx. 35 hours per week), allowing for 4-6 weeks of holidays.

R&D w…

R&D in full-time equivalents (FTE)

R&D on full-time equivalents refers to the amount of time spent on R&D work during one year of full-time work (including holidays).

Real estate

A real estate is a unit of ownership in a land or water area entered as real estate in the real estate register. Buildings and fixtures owned by the owner of a real estate and located on it belong to…

Real estate maintenance

Real estate maintenance refers to activity aimed at the preservation of the condition, value and properties of a real estate (Glossary of real estate activity).

Real estate maintenance costs

Part of the profit and loss account specifying how the costs arising from the maintenance of the real estate are formed.

Real price

The price calculated with the prices of a certain base year, from which the effects of changes in the price level have been removed. In most cases the real price refers to the nominal price deflated …

Real price index

Indicates the change in real prices compared with the index base time period (e.g. 2000, 1983 or 1970). The real price index is derived by dividing the point figure of the nominal price index with th…

Reason for part-time special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, the reasons for part-time special education were in the academic years 2001/2002 to 2009/2010 as follows:
1) Speech disorder

Reason for trip

Purpose of visit refers to the motivation of the trip, the reason in the absence of which the trip would not have taken place. If a trip has more than one purpose (e.g. combined business and holiday …

Reason for trip

The main reason for a trip refers to its purpose or motive. The main reason for a trip could be business, leisure, visiting friends or relatives or a combination of these reasons. The Border Intervie…


A standard method used for ensuring the coherence and consistency of inventory calculations is recalculation of the estimates with the same method for all the years the inventory covers. The aim of t…


In connection with changes in the methodological and source data, the standard procedure used in the inventory calculations is to recalculate the estimate by using the same method and uniform source …

Reconstituted family

In a reconstituted family, a child aged under 18 is a child of only one of the spouses. Not all the children aged under 18 in the family are common children.

Reconstituted family

In a reconstituted family, a child aged under 18 is a child of only one of the spouses. Not all the children aged under 18 in the family are common children. Starting from the statistical reference y…

Recovered fuels

Recovered fuels mean fuels with known properties made from dry and combustible wastes generated by industry, enterprises and municipalities and sorted at source.

Reduction of fixed capital

Reduction of fixed capital means that a capital good is removed from the capital stock after having reached the end of its life cycle. The reduction is calculated as the difference between investment…

Reference loan (benchmark loan)

The reference loan refers to serial bonds or housing bonds issued in large quantities by the state and quoted constantly by primary dealers. The yield on these bonds indicates the risk-free market in…

Reference period

The reference period is the period for which data is collected. In structural statistics the reference period is the accounting period.

Reference person

In the income distribution statistics and in the statistics of household's assets the person with the highest personal income is chosen as the household's reference person. Personal income …

Reference person

The household member with the highest gross income is selected as the reference person in total statistics on income distribution. Income is determined from register data.

Reference year

A reference year is a year which is used particularly for the presentation of a time series of constant price data. In a series of index numbers it is the year that takes the value 100. The series&#x…


The country is divided into regions for the development of areas and for the planning of their use. A region is an area in which the municipalities form an operationally and economically functional w…


In regional accounts the concept of a region is based on the division into municipalities as used in the latest statistical year of regional accounts and the related classification of sub-regional un…


The country is divided into regions for the development of areas and for the planning of their use. A region is an area in which the municipalities form an operationally and economically functional w…


The concept of a region is based on the division into municipalities as used in the latest statistical year and the regional aggregates and possibly also major regions formed of the municipalities. I…

Regional council

The country is divided into regions for the development of the areas and for the planning of their use. Regional councils are responsible for supervising the interests of the municipalities in their …

Regional division

In the regional division a geographical area is divided into smaller areas. Statistical regional divisions are such as divisions into municipalities and regions.

Regional territory

The economic territory of a country can be broken down into regional and extraregio territory.

The regional territory includes the region that is part of the geographic territory of a country …

Register correction (correction increase)

Register correction is to change a person's domicile information in the Population Information System so that the change of information does not involve an actual move of that person. In general…

Registered merchant fleet

All vessels registered in the Finnish register of ships regardless of the vessel’s size or type.

Registered partnership

Registered partnership of two persons of the same sex aged 18 or over (Act on Registered Partnerships of 9 Nov. 2001/950). Partnership is registered by an authority entitled to perform civil marriage…

Registered partnership

Registered partnership of two persons of the same sex aged 18 or over (Act on Registered Partnerships of 9 Nov. 2001/950). Partnership is registered by an authority entitled to perform civil marriage…

Register of Enterprises and Establishments

Statistics Finland's Register of Enterprises and Establishments is a basic statistical register that covers all enterprises, corporations (inc. public corporations) and private practitioners of …

Register of Merchant Vessels

Such vessels in the Finnish register of ships, which can be granted subsidies from State funds to improve competitiveness, are entered in the Register of Merchant Vessels upon application.

Register of Public Corporations

The Register of Public Corporations is part of the Register of Enterprises and Establishments. It includes all state agencies, municipalities and joint municipal boards, and their establishments, as …

Regular education system

The basic education system is regarded primarily as consisting of:
- teaching provided for young people at upper secondary schools, vocational schools and colleges, polytechnics, and universities …

Regular evening work

Part of the working time is regularly after 6 pm but mostly before 9 pm.

Regular merchant fleet

Vessels that must be registered, that is, vessels with a length of 15 m or more. However, barges and other engineless vessels are not included in the regular merchant fleet. The regular merchant flee…

Regular night work

Most of the working time is regularly between 9 pm and 6 am.

Regular use of the Internet

A person who has used the Internet at least weekly during the three months preceding the survey is defined as a regular user of the Internet.

Regular wages

Regular wages for each pay period include
- basic pay
- supplements based on duties, professional skill, years of service etc.
- supplements based on location and conditions of workplace


Rehabilitation is here defined fairly broadly; it also includes activities arranged at workplaces for maintaining working capacity or increasing welfare at work. It is essential whether the person re…


Reinsurance is an agreement between the direct insurance company and the insurance company acting as a reinsurer, by which the direct-writing company can transfer part of its insurance liability to b…

Reinvested earnings

Reinvested earnings are calculated as the difference between the earnings on equity accruing to direct investors and distributed earnings. The counter item of reinvested earnings presented in the cur…

Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment

Reinvested earnings on direct foreign investment (D.43) are equal to:

the operating surplus of the direct foreign investment enterprise
+ any property incomes or current transfers receivab…

Remand prisoner

A remand prisoner is a person imprisoned in a prison due to a suspected offence. The decision to imprison is made by a court of justice.

Also a prosecuted person who is imprisoned while waitin…

Removal (from atmosphere)

A carbon sink absorbs some chemical compound that contains carbon, usually carbon dioxide. The most important carbon sinks are the seas and forests. Algae and plants absorb carbon dioxide into biomas…

Renewable energy sources

A common feature of renewable energy sources is that their sustainable use does not deplete their stocks in the long term. The renewable energy sources used in Finland are hydro and wind power, solar…

Renewable waste

Renewable waste.


In broad terms renovation refers to all activity aimed at improvement and maintenance of the condition of an existing building or parts thereof.

In Statistics Finland's different statisti…


Rents in the statistics also include water and heating charges paid separately. Rents do not include usage charges of dwellings, such as sauna, laundry or other such charges or electricity and teleph…


Rents in the statistics also include water and heating charges paid separately. Rents do not include usage charges of dwellings, such as sauna, laundry or other such charges or electricity and teleph…

Rental dwelling

A rental dwelling refers to a dwelling which the tenant occupies on the basis of a rental agreement, where the tenant pays rent for the right to use the dwelling and for the facilities related to it.…

Rented cottage, holiday dwelling

In the tourism statistics, a rented cottage (chalet, bungalow) refers to a private rental tourist accommodation. As a mode of accommodation rented cottage can be compared to one's own holiday ho…

Repair or other special charge

The company can collect repair charges for future expenses in advance. Special charges can include charges for cable TV, satellite antenna or balcony glazing.

Reparation measure

A reparation measure refers to an operation that changes or completely replaces an individual structure, part or system of a building.


The balance sheet includes repos based on binding resale commitments at purchase price. Repos are part of the credit institution's lending. The credit institution acts as the buyer (investor) an…

Report on contract details

The buyer of construction work must submit the details of the contracts it has concluded to the Finnish Tax Administration. The report is only required if the value of a contract exceeds EUR 15,000 (…

Reproduction of the population

The reproduction of the population refers to a change of a generation into a new one. Reproduction is measured by gross reproduction rates or net reproduction rates that generally indicate the ratio …

Research and development activity

Research and experimental development (R&D) comprise creative and systematic work undertaken in order to increase the stock of knowledge – including knowledge of humankind, culture and society – …

Research and development activity

Research and development activity (R&D) is understood as systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge and use it to devise new applications. The defining criterion is that the pu…

Research and development expenditure

The labour costs of R&D personnel are calculated as the proportion of labour costs of people doing R&D work accounted for by R&D. Labour costs include actual wages, fringe benefits counte…

Research and development expenditure

Labour costs of internal R&D personnel
Share of R&D work in annual wages according to R&D person-years. Labour costs include actual wages, fringe benefits in actual value, holiday pay …

Research and development personnel

Research and development personnel are people who during the statistical year have spent at least 0.1 person-years (or 10% of their time) in an R&D unit doing administrative, office or other supp…

Research and development personnel

Internal R&D personnel are persons employed by the statistical unit and who contribute to the unit’s intramural R&D activities (at least 10% of their normal annual work time) by performing R…

Research and development personnel

Research and development personnel are people who during the statistical year have spent at least 0.1 person-years (or 10% of their time) in an R&D unit doing administrative, office or other supp…

Research and development services

Services related to basic research, applied research and experimental development of new products and processes. Research and development in the fields of natural sciences, social sciences and humani…


Product development engineers, researchers or equivalent are persons whose job is to produce new knowledge or develop new applications in product, process or other development work. This category als…


A researcher or equivalent is a person whose job is to produce new knowledge or develop new applications in product, process or other development work. This category also includes people responsible …

Residential building

In these statistics, residential buildings refer to the main categories of Residential buildings (A) and Free-time residential buildings (B) in Statistics Finland's classification of buildings. …

Residential home

A residential home refers to a building intended for dormitory accommodation. Residents share the same kitchen, living lounge and/or washing facilities. This type of residential home does not normall…

Resident unit

The total economy is defined in terms of resident units. A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of that country – that i…

Resource productivity (RP)

Resource productivity (RP) is calculated as the ratio between gross domestic product and domestic material consumption. It shows how efficiently natural resources are utilised in relation to GDP. Res…

Resource recovery

Waste that can be recovered as energy (energy recovery) or by recycling. In recycling, the material contained in waste is returned back to production. Recycling of waste does not include reuse of sec…

Restructuring of private debts

A district court can admit a person with severe debt problems into a debt restructuring scheme. The provisions on the restructuring of private debts are included in the Act on the Adjustment of the D…

Retail credit card

Retail credit cards are accepted at designated retail outlets. Retail credit cards usually offer interest-bearing credit of more than two months.

Retail credit card

Retail credit cards are accepted at designated retail outlets. Retail credit cards usually offer interest-bearing credit of more than two months.

Retail credit card

Retail credit cards are accepted at designated retail outlets. Oil company cards are typical examples of special credit cards.

Revaluation accounts

Revaluation of land and water areas, including revaluation of shares in real estate companies.

Revenues from guarantee fees

Revenues accrued during the reference period from guarantee fees received as commission from guarantees for which the guarantor (state) is liable.

Revenues from recovery claims

Revenues accrued by the guarantor from recovery claims based on indemnities paid by to the guarantor (state) during the reference period.

Reverse investment

Reverse investment refers to the acquisition by a direct investment enterprise of a financial claim on its direct investor


Revision means added accuracy of data. The accuracy of data can increase due to changes in the data that are used in calculations or to the availability of new data.

Right to study

The right to complete a qualification or degree or participate in education or teaching.

Risk of poverty or social exclusion

The risk of poverty or social exclusion refers to the population who is either a member of a low income household, has severe material and social deprivation or lives in a household with low work int…

Road goods transport enterprise

Road transport enterprise offering and performing services in the transport of goods, whose main activity in the field of road transport, according to value-added, is road goods transport.

Road motor vehicle

A road vehicle fi tted with an engine whence it derives its sole means of propulsion, which is normally used for carrying persons or goods or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used for the carriage …

Road tractor

Road motor vehicle designed, exclusively or primarily, to haul other road vehicles which are not power-driven (mainly semi-trailers).

Agricultural tractors are excluded.

Road traffic

Any movement of a road vehicle on a given road network.

Road traffic accident

An event having lead to personal injury or damage to property that has taken place in an area intended for public transport or generally used for transport and in which at least one of the involved p…

Road train

Goods road motor vehicle coupled to a trailer.

Articulated vehicle with a further trailer attached is included.

Road vehicle

A vehicle running on wheels and intended for use on roads.

Room and number of rooms

A room is a space with one or more windows that has a floor area of at least 7 square metres and an average height of at least 2 metres. A hall, porch, bed recess, etc. are not counted as rooms. Kit…

Room occupancy rate

Room occupancy rate indicates the ratio between occupied rooms and available rooms. Two variables of room occupancy are used in tourism statistics: net occupancy rate and gross occupancy rate. Net oc…

Room price

In Statistics Finland's accommodation statistics, room price (room rate) indicates the average price (incl. VAT) per occupied room per day, i.e. the average price a customer has paid for a room …

Ro-ro ship

Vessels where cargo is loaded and unloaded by moving it on wheels onto and off the ship on ramps in the stern and bow or through side doors (roll on/roll off). If a ro-ro ship can carry at least 120 …

Round the clock daycare

Early childhood education and care which is organised also outside the normal opening hours. The normal opening hours are defined as weekdays (Mon-Fri) between 06.00-18.00.

Royalty and licence fees

Income and expenditure from royalties and licence fees and payments originate from:

1) Authorised use of an intangible asset such as a trademark, copyright, patent, industrial process or techn…

Sale and lease back contract

A sale and lease back contract is an arrangement whereby the owner of an asset sells that asset to a finance company and immediately leases it back. A sale and lease back arrangement normally involve…

Sales inquiry

The sales inquiry covers around 2,000 most important enterprises in their respective industries from which data on turnover are collected monthly. In addition, data on the sum of wages and salaries a…

Sales inquiry

The sales inquiry covers around 2,000 most important enterprises in their respective industries from which data on turnover are collected monthly. In addition, data on the sum of wages and salaries a…

Sales surface area

Sales surface area comprises
- total area in use of customers, including fitting rooms
- sales counters and shopwindows
- space behind sales counters reserved for salespersons.

Same-day visit

Same-day visits concern the activities of visitors who do not stay overnight in collective or private accommodation in the place (region, country) visited.

A same-day visit can be headed abroa…

Same-day visitor

Same-day visitor refers to a visitor who does not spend the night in a collective or private accommodation in the place visited. An international same-day visitor is an international visitor who does…

Sauna and other utility charges

The utility charges include the company's charges for the use of saunas, laundry rooms, drying rooms, etc.


Saving is the balancing item in the use of income accounts. It is the positive or negative amount resulting from current transactions which establishes the link with accumulation. If saving is positi…

Savings bank

A savings bank and a joint-stock savings bank company are deposit banks as referred to in the Act on Credit Institutions (1993/1607), whose specific objective is promotion of saving. The Ministry of …

Scheduled flight

Scheduled air traffic.

School-leaving certificate

Certificate of completing the full syllabus of a certain education.


School-leaving certificates include, for example, school-leaving certificates from comprehensive school or g…

School-leaving certificate from comprehensive school

In the statistics on comprehensive school education, a school-leaving certificate refers to a certificate issued to a pupil who has satisfactorily completed the full comprehensive school syllabus. A …

School-leaving certificate from upper secondary general school

In the statistics on upper secondary general education and on subject choices of students, a school-leaving certificate from upper secondary general school refers to a certificate issued to a student…

SDR allocations

The allocation of special drawing rights (SDRs) to IMF members is shown as a liability incurred by the recipient under SDRs in other investment. A corresponding entry is recorded under SDRs in reser…

Seasonally adjusted series

A seasonally adjusted series is obtained when the effect of seasonal variation is eliminated from the original time series. The figures of a seasonally adjusted series are mutually comparable and thu…

Seasonal variation

Seasonal variation is variation in a time series within one year that is repeated more or less regularly. Seasonal variation may be caused by the temperature, rainfall, public holidays, cycles of sea…

Secondary activity

The secondary activity recorded by a respondent in a time-use diary. E.g. preparing breakfast may be a principal activity and listening to the radio a secondary activity.

Secondary income

The secondary income account shows current transfers between residents and non-residents. A transfer is an entry that corresponds to the provision of a good, service, financial asset or other non-pro…

Secondary job

Work performed by the employee or self-employed person in addition to the main job. The secondary job is the job on which the person uses less time compared with the main job. The division of main an…

Secondary job

Work made in addition to the employee's or self-employed person's main job. The definition of main and secondary jobs is based on the respondent's own reporting. The secondary job is u…

Secondary job rate

The ratio of those working at secondary jobs in the survey week to all employed persons.

Sector of education

Comprehensive education, general upper secondary education, vocational education, university of applied sciences education, university education.

Self-directed study

In the report "Results of the Lifelong Learning Ad Hoc module 2003", self-directed study means learning and intentional development of knowledge or skills in other than formal, organised tr…

Self-directed study

In the Adult Education Survey, self-directed study was taken as comprising personal study - learning of new knowledge and skills - occurring beyond the sphere of formal, organised education. Thus it …


Self-employed persons are those who are engaged in economic activities on their own account and at their own risk. Self-employed can be self-employed with employees or without employees, such as own-…

Self-employed employer

A self-employed person employing paid labour force.

Self-employed persons

Self-employed persons are defined as persons who are the sole owners, or joint owners, of the unincorporated enterprises in which they work, excluding those unincorporated enterprises that are classi…


Goods road vehicle with no front axle designed in such way that part of the vehicle and a substantial part of its loaded weight rests on a road tractor.

Separate heat production

Separate heat production refers to the production of heat by heating plants, heating boilers and transportable heating plants designed for the generation of heat only. Separate production of heat als…

Separately collected waste

Separately collected waste refers to waste that is collected for a specific purpose separately from mixed waste, which is made possible by sorting at source. Separately collected waste may comprise m…

Separate production of electricity

Separate production of electricity refers to the generation of electricity in thermal and nuclear power plants, separate production with gas turbines and combustions engines, and hydro and wind power…

Series adjusted for trading days

Adjustments for trading days take into account different distributions of weekdays and public hoidays in compared months. Trading days could put the sales of an industry above normal in a certain mon…

Seriously injured in road accident

A person who has not died in an accident (or within 30 days of it), but has sustained in the accident injuries which require medical care or observation in a care institution, and who has visited a d…


Services are the result of a production activity that changes the conditions of the consuming units, or facilitates the exchange of products or financial assets. Services are not generally separate i…


Services are the result of a production activity that changes the conditions of the consuming units or facilitates the exchange of products or financial assets. Services are not generally separate it…

Severe material and social deprivation

The indicator for material and social deprivation describes shortages related to basic needs which arise from the household not being able to afford them. There are 13 basic needs. If a household has…


The information about sex has been obtained from the Population Information System.


Data on sex are obtained from the gender entry in the Population Information System maintained by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.

According to the Act that entered into force …

Shares and equity

Shares, primary capital or investment units and other participations that confer a right to the equity of a company. Mutual fund shares and certificates conferring right to subscription to or income …

Shares and equity

Shares and equity, excluding mutual funds shares. The category includes shares in limited companies and corresponding participations in the share capital of other company forms, excluding mutual fund…

Shares and participations in associated companies

Shares and participations in associated companies as defined in the Book-keeping Act, shares and participations in real estate companies not included.

Shares and participations in group companies

Shares and participations in subsidiaries as defined in the Book-keeping Act, shares and participations in real estate companies not included.

Shift work

Shift work is work in which shifts change regularly according to an agreed rota of time periods. If the person permanently works only a specific shift, such as night shift, he/she is not counted as a…

Shipping company under joint ownership

A shipping company under joint ownership is a corporate form reserved only for merchant shipping activity. A shipping company under joint ownership is born when two or more natural or legal persons j…

Short-term driving licence

The first car driving licence is initially issued for only two years (short-term car driving licence). The driving test examiner issues the short-term driving licence after an accepted pass of a driv…

Short trip

In the tourism statistics of the EU (Eurostat) trips are broken down by duration into two main categories: short trips and long trips. Short trips consist of 1-3 nights and long trips of four or more…

Sickness day

Absence from the main job in the survey week because of the employed person's own sickness or accident.

Sickness day

Absence from the main job in the survey week because of the employed person's own sickness or accident. Half days are also included.


Any process, action or mechanism that absorbs greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. A carbon stock to which more carbon accumulates than is released into the atmosphere or transferred to another stoc…


Any process, activity or mechanism which removes a greenhouse gas, an aerosol or a precursor of a greenhouse gas from the atmosphere.

Size category of personnel

The size category of personnel describes the number of employees in the enterprise. This is formed on the basis of staff years.


A mixture of a liquid and a high percentage of finely powdered solid substance. In waste statistics the liquid of the mixture is included in the amount of waste, but not in the case of a sludge in wh…

Small and medium size enterprises

1. Small and medium sized enterprises, hereafter SMEs, are defined as enterprises,
- which have fewer than 250 paid employees
and whose
- annual turnover is either not mo…

Small and medium size enterprises

1. Small and medium sized enterprises, hereafter SMEs, are defined as enterprises,
- with fewer than 250 paid employees
and whose
- annual turnover is either not more tha…

Small combustion of wood

Small combustion of wood refers to the use of firewood in households and in the heating of farms and service buildings. Apart from firewood material it also includes wood waste from demolition and co…

Small loan company

A company whose principal business activity is granting of small or smallish unsecured consumer credits with a typical original maturity, or repayment term, of less than three months. These loans are…

Small vessel

A vessel under 15 m, but at least 10 m, which has been voluntarily entered in the register of ships.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are defined as enterprises which have fewer than 250 employees, and have either an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million (EUR 40 million before 2003),…

Social benefits other than social transfers in kind

Social benefits other than social transfers in kind (D.62) include:

a) Social security benefits in cash are payable to households by social security funds and are provided under social securit…

Social security contributions

Social security contributions (OECD Classification of Taxes heading 2000) covers all compulsory payments that confer an entitlement to receive a (contingent) future social benefit. These include a) e…

Social transfers in kind

Social transfers in kind consist of individual goods and services provided as transfers in kind to individual households by government units and non-profit institutions serving households (NPISHs), w…

Socio-economic group

Socio-economic group refers to a person's position in society's structural and functional systems. Formation of a socio-economic group for a person is based on data on the person's mai…

Socio-economic group

Starting from the statistical year 2022, the socio-economic group is formed for household members on the basis of the person's activity on the time of the interview. For determining the socio-ec…

Socio-economic group

In the Household Budget Survey and income distribution survey a socio-economic group is formed for household members on the basis of the person's activity in the last 12 months. For determining …

Socio-economic group

Employees are classified according to socio-economic group into upper-level and lower-level employees and manual workers. Self-employed persons can be grouped into self-employed without employees, se…

Socio-economic group

The socio-economic group refers to a person's position in society. Formation of a socio-economic group for a person is based on data on the person's main type of activity, occupation, occup…

Socio-economic objective

Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D are considered in the statistics according to the social policy (socio-economic) objective. The definitions used in Finland are based on the No…

Socio-economic objective

Government budget appropriations or outlays for R&D are considered in the statistics according to the social policy (socio-economic) objective. The division of government R&D funding into dif…

Sold production

In the statistics on manufacturing commodities, sold output refers to the output manufactured by an enterprise or its establishment and sold outside the enterprise during the calendar year irrespecti…

Sold production

Sold production refers to the domestic output manufactured and sold outside the enterprise or to other legal unit within the enterprise during the calendar year irrespective of the date of production…

Solved offence

An offence known to the authorities (police, customs or border guard) is regarded as solved when the circumstances in which the offence was committed, the parties involved as well as other factors ne…

Solved offence

An offence known to the police is regarded as solved when the circumstances in which the offence was committed, the parties involved as well as other factors necessary for making the decision on brin…

Sosial cost index

The social cost index, which is part of the labour cost index, measures the development of employers' statutory and voluntary social insurance contri-butions calculated per hour worked.
See …


Any process or action releasing greenhouse gases, aerosols or precursors of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.

Spatial adustment factor

Spatial adjustment factors mean factors used to adjust average prices obtained from one or more locations within the economic territory of a Member State to national average prices.

Spatial data

Spatial data is a characteristic that describes the location, geometrics or topology of a spatial object. Spatial data are given as coordinates, an address, locality or other known object.


Special court

A court dealing with specific issues laid down in Acts.

The Insurance Court, the Labour Court and the Market Court are special courts.

Special education

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools and in the statistics on pre-primary and comprehensive school education, special education refers to teaching arranged from 1995 to 201…

Special index

A "tailored" index made to customer order, where the commodities and weight structure are defined by the customer. The weights used in the index can be either Statistics Finland's or t…

Specialist’s degree in medicine

Specialist’s degree in veterinary medicine and specialist’s degree in medicine and dentistry completed before 1 February 2015.

Specialist vocational qualification

A vocational qualification demonstrating professional competence tailored to the needs of working life, with more advanced command of profession or cross-sectional skills than a further vocational q…

Special niche services

Special niche services are highly specialised services produced for a certain niche in the market.

Special support

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools and in the statistics on pre-primary and comprehensive school education, special support refers to support to pupils on which a written…

Stage in life

The classification of stages in life is used to distinguish between the stages of a household-dwelling unit, which usually differ in terms of income and consumption. The classification is based on ty…

Standard of equipment

As from 2005, only two categories are used to describe the standard of equipment:
- High standard of equipment: the dwelling has running water, sewage, hot water, toilet, washing facilities (showe…

Starting date

An enterprise is registered in the Business Register as having started when it becomes an employer or becomes liable to pay value added tax, or is entered into the preliminary tax withholding registe…

Starting date

As a rule the starting date of a legal unit is the date of its registration with the Tax Administration or in the Company Register, or in the case of a natural person the starting date of Business ID…

Starting form

Starting form describes how the activity of an enterprise has started. Starting forms include birth, change of legal form and continuation of activity.

State church

The Evangelical-Lutheran Church and the Orthodox Church as defined in the Church Code (1993/1954) and in the Act on the Orthodox Church (2006/985). This also includes congregations and chapters of th…

State income tax

Income tax is paid to the State on the basis of the size of taxable income. Income tax on earned income is determined according to the progressive income tax scale. Income tax on capital income is de…

State income tax

Income tax is paid to the State on the basis of the size of taxable income. Income tax on earned income is determined according to the progressive income tax scale. Income tax on capital income is de…

State research institute

Research institutes attached to ministries are one of the main sources of information needed in social decision-making. There are currently 12 publicly financed research institutes in seven administr…

State research institute

Research institutes attached to ministries are one of the main sources of information needed in social decision-making. There are currently 18 publicly financed research institutes in nine administra…

State research institute

Research institutes attached to ministries are one of the main sources of information needed in social decision-making. There are currently 19 publicly financed research institutes in eight administr…

State research institute

Research institutes attached to ministries are one of the main sources of information needed in social decision-making. There are currently 12 publicly financed research institutes in seven administr…

State research institute

Research institutes attached to ministries are one of the main sources of information needed in social decision-making. There are currently 20 publicly financed research institutes in eight admin…

Statistical discrepancy

Statistical discrepancy is the difference between demand and supply in na-tional accounts. Even though by definition the items should be equal in the national economy, they usually deviate from one a…

Statistical grouping of municipalities

Statistics Finland introduced a new statistical grouping of municipalities in 1989. The classification groups municipalities according to their degrees of urbanisation and rurality. The municipal cla…

Statistical locality

All clusters of buildings with at least 200 inhabitants where the distance between buildings does not exceed 200 metres are defined as statistical localities. In defining localities, not only residen…

Statistical unit

The statistical units in the Register of Enterprises and Establishment are an enterprise, local unit, kind-of-activity unit, enterprise group and public corporation.

The definition is based on…

Statistical unit

A statistical unit is the basic statistical unit in statistics compilation, i.e. the unit from whom the data is collected. In structural business statistics a statistical unit is either an independen…

Statistical unit

The statistical unit is an enterprise or establishment, whose principal activity is industry (TOL 2008 main category B or C). Thus, even establishments of non-industrial enterprises engaged in indust…

Statistical unit

The statistical units in the Register of Enterprises and Establishment are an enterprise, local unit, kind-of-activity unit, enterprise group and public corporation.

The definition is based on…

Statistical year

Statistical year is the calendar year a set of statistics concerns.

Statistics on manufacturing inventories

Describe the value of inventories of enterprises in the industry of manufacturing (TOL D) at the end of a quarter. Inventories are divided into four groups: materials and supplies, fuels and lubrican…

Statistics on trade inventories

Statistics on trade inventories describe the current priced values of trade enterprises by industry. The statistics are compiled quarterly. The values of inventories by industry calculated from a sam…

Status in employment

Status in employment classifies employed persons into those in paid employment, that is, into employees and self-employed and unpaid family workers. Self-employed persons can also be grouped into sel…

Status in employment

Status in employment describes the position of the employed on the labour market. . The status is classified as follows:
- wage and salary earners
- entrepreneurs

The category of entre…

Status in employment

Status in employment describes the position of the employed on the labour market. . The status is classified as follows:
- wage and salary earners
- entrepreneurs

The data on status in …


Stillbirths include a fetus or a newborn who shows no signs of life at the time of birth after a pregnancy lasting at least 22 weeks or the newborn weighs at least 500 grams. Miscarriages that occurr…


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) definition, stillborn is the term for a newborn with a birth weight of at least 500 g or, if the birth weight is not available, a newborn born dead af…


From 2003 vital statistics onwards, the same national definition is used as in the cause-of-death statistics: 'stillborn' is the term for a newborn with a birth weight of at least 500 g, or…

Stock of enterprises

Stock of enterprises refers to cross-sectional data on the total number of active enterprise at a given point in time. The number of enterprises is influenced by fluctuations in the availability of i…

Stock of guarantees

The total amount of central government outstanding guarantee commitments for which the guarantor (state) is liable in the reference period. The amounts do not include interest due.

Stock, position

The value of the capital invested by a foreign direct investor in Finnish direct investment enterprises at a given moment (inward direct investments). Correspondingly, the value of the capital invest…


The system records two basic kinds of information: flows and stocks. Flows refer to actions and effects of events that take place within a given period of time, while stocks refer to positions at a p…


A street is a road maintained by a municipality that runs in a town or other urban settlement and is built according to the town plan.


Employees refuse to work and then they do not usually come to the workplace.

Structural analysis

In their first delivery of tailored trend indicator data customers receive a structural analysis of economic activity in the chosen area. The structural analysis is a table printout of data on number…

Structure of household-dwelling unit

Household-dwelling units are divided according to their structure into two categories:

Family household-dwelling units comprise:
- 1 family, no other persons
- 1 family and other perso…


In the statistics on providers of education and educational institutions, students refer to students studying at educational institutions within the school system at the time of the inquiry. The time…


In the statistics on university education, students refer to the students attending education leading to a degree. Students attending education leading to a degree comprise students studying for lowe…


In the statistics on adult education of educational institutions students refer to the students registered at educational institutions during the calendar year and attending education not leading to …


A learner studying in other than pre-primary or comprehensive education.

Students include persons studying in general upper secondary school, vocational upper secondary education an…


A student is an over 15-year-old person outside the labour force who is studying full-time (or on holiday from an educational institution).


A student or a pupil is a person over 15 who is studying full-time in an educational institution and is neither gainfully employed nor unemployed.

When the population is classified by socio-ec…


A student or a pupil is a person over 15 who is studying full-time in an educational institution and is neither gainfully employed nor unemployed.

When the population is classified by socio-ec…


In the statistics on upper secondary general education, a student of upper secondary general education is a student who is completing the full upper secondary general school syllabus (matriculation e…


In the statistics on vocational education students refer to the students of vocational education leading to a qualification who are registered at an educational institution on 20 September of the sta…


Vocational education students refer to the students of curriculum-based vocational education who are registered at an educational institution on 20 September and to the students of preparatory educat…


Students in vocational education refer to students who were registered in the educational institution during the calendar year studying in curriculum-based vocational education, attending education p…


Students in vocational education refer to students who are registered at the educational institution during the calendar year studying in initial vocational education, further vocational education an…


In the statistics on university of applied sciences education, students refer to the students of university of applied sciences education leading to a degree who are registered at educational institu…


In the statistics on discontinuation of education, when discontinuation is examined in the academic year XXXX-XXXX+1, students refer to the students attending post-comprehensive education leading to …


In the statistics on discontinuation of education, when discontinuation is examined in the academic year XXXX-XXXX+1, students refer to the students attending post-comprehensive education leading to …


In the statistics on students and qualifications of educational institutions, on progress of studies, on employment of students and on transition from school to further education and work, students r…

Student loan

A student loan refers to a loan guaranteed by the Finnish Government or the Åland Provincial Government.

Student loan

Loans granted to private persons for studies or financing of study trips and similar.

Sub-area (of municipality)

Municipal sub-areas are formed of operationally functional wholes defined by the municipality itself, which are the basis of the municipality's regional planning and monitoring. Statistics Finla…


In the index of real estate maintenance costs, subcontracting refers to maintenance services purchased from a third party.


Subcontracting refers to the hiring of an external enterprise to provide a business activity with its component elements. The hired enterprise is assumed to be more competent or efficient.


Production under subcontract is an activity where a contractor enterprise orders from a subcontracting enterprise products whose (primary) planning and marketing the contractor enterprise is responsi…

Subcontracting production

Subcontracting production refers to goods produced for other enterprises for which the producer enterprise (principal) has paid a fee to the subcontractor in the target year. In subcontracting produc…


A group whose group head is some other group's subsidiary company.

Subject choices

In the statistics on subject choices the point of departure for language choice is the student's choice. Language choices are reported according to the length of studies in a language.


Subject student

In the statistics on adult education of educational institutions a subject student refers to a student who studies a specific subject belonging to the syllabus, but not the full syllabus, of comprehe…

Subject syllabuses

In the statistics on special education in comprehensive schools, for pupils with a decision on special support the subject syllabuses are from 2011 as follows:
1. Syllabuses of all subjects are ta…

Subordinated liabilities

Debt securities issued by a credit institution under conditions of subordinate priority relative to other liabilities incurred by the credit institution. The item also includes perpetuals and other s…

Subsidiary company

A subsidiary company of a group is an enterprise in which the group head holds direct or indirect over 50 per cent of voting rights.


Subsidies (D.3) are current unrequited payments which general government or the institutions of the European Union make to resident producers, with the objective of influencing their levels of produc…

Successive employment relationships

Successive employment relationships refer to so-called chained employment relationships for the same employer, which follow each other almost immediately - after a break of at most one week.


Sulphur dioxide (SO2)

Sulphur dioxide is produced from the burning of fossil fuels and the smelting of mineral ores that contain sulphur. When sulphur dioxide combines with water, it forms sulphuric acid and acid rain. Ac…

Summary penal fee

A summary penal fee or petty fine is a pecuniary penalty of a fixed amount and less severe than a fine. The summary penal fee may have a size of EUR 20, 40, 70, 100, 120, 140, 170 or 200 and since 1.…

Sum of wages and salaries

The wages and salaries sum refers to the sum total of the gross wages and salaries paid to employees without incentive stock options.

Supervised right to drive

The district court must impose a supervised right to drive on those guilty of drunken driving (Criminal Code, Chapter 23, Section 3) or aggravated drunken driving (Criminal Code, Chapter 23, Section …

Supplementary fine

A supplementary fine imposed as day fines may be sentenced in addition to conditional imprisonment.

Supply-use balance

Annual data on the supply, foreign trade, consumption and production of wood and forestry products by economic activity and commodity group are gathered into one table in the supply-use balance. The …


Person suspected of an offence. The decision on suspicion and recording is made by the police (or an investigator of the customs or border guard). Only suspects of solved offences are taken into cons…

Swap body

A freight-carrying unit optimised to road vehicle dimensions and fitted with handling devices for transfer between modes, usually road/rail.


Scope and content of studies included in education or teaching.

In comprehensive and general upper secondary education, it can also refer to the subject syllabus.

Tailored trend indicator service

Tailored trend indicators is a charged information service providing fast data by area on e.g. turnover, exports, wages and salaries or numbers of employees. Additional growth reviews can be produced…

Tangible assets

Tangible assets include real property (e.g. buildings, undeveloped land and water areas, property interests held under a lease, or shares and units in real estate companies) and other tangible assets…

Tangible assets

Tangible assets (statements)
Tangible assets include land, water and forest areas (unbuilt), buildings and other real estate, as well as machinery and equipment, and other tangible assets. The rea…


Oil, gas and chemical tankers included in the merchant fleet.

Taxable agricultural income

Taxable agricultural income includes inter alia:

- sales prices and other compensation for agricultural and horticultural produce as well as livestock;
- sales prices for machines and build…

Taxable incomes

With certain exceptions, all income received in money or monetary benefit is subject to tax. Some social assistance, pensions, daily allowances and compensations are not subject to tax. Such are chil…

Tax Administration's self-assessed tax data

The Tax Administration's data on self-assessed taxes contain monthly, quarterly and annual value added tax data. The observation unit is an enterprise. The data on self-assessed taxes cover all …

Taxes and other levies

In OECD statistics, taxes and other levies include compulsory, unrequited payments to general government, including compulsory social security contributions and customs duties, sugar levies and levie…

Taxes on goods and services

Taxes on goods and services (OECD Classification of Taxes heading 5000) covers all taxes and duties levied on the production, extraction, sale, transfer, leasing or delivery of goods, and the renderi…

Taxes on payroll and workforce

Taxes on payroll and workforce (OECD Classification of Taxes heading 3000) covers taxes paid either as a proportion of payroll or as a fixed amount per person, and which do not confer entitlement to …

Taxes on production and imports

Taxes on production and imports (D.2) consist of compulsory, unrequited payments, in cash or in kind which are levied by general government, or by the Institutions of the European Union, in respect o…

Taxes on property

Taxes on property (OECD Classification of Taxes heading 4000) covers recurrent and non-recurrent taxes on the use, ownership or transfer of property. These include taxes on immovable property or net …

Tax funding

The tax-based financing of municipalities comprises municipal tax revenue and state subsidies to municipalities.


Licensed passenger car for hire with driver without predetermined routes.

Tax liability

The general tax liability concerns persons living in Finland in the tax year and domestic corporations. The person is considered to have resided in Finland if he or she has here a permanent dwelling …

Tax ratio

The amount of compulsory taxes and other levies collected by general government during the year, expressed as a percentage of GDP for that year.

Tax ratio

The tax ratio describes accrued taxes relative to the GDP for the same period.

Tax revenue

In the financial statement municipal tax revenue is entered as tax revenue for the accounting period when the Tax Administration made the transfer. Transfers of municipal tax revenue during an accoun…

Tax revenue

Tax revenues refer to the estimated (accounting-based) municipal tax revenues for the fiscal year. Tax revenues include municipal tax, tax on real property, corporation tax revenue and other tax reve…


In the municipal sector teachers are defined as those who follow the collective agreement for civil servants and employees in the educational sector. Teachers working for the State and the private se…

Teaching hour

In the statistics on the adult education of educational institutions teaching hours refer to the hours of teaching provided by teachers, e.g. lecturers, etc.

Team work

Team work refers to working in a permanent group or team, which has a common task and has the opportunity to plan its work.

A group is often defined as a continuously interacting community or …

Technical provisions

Formed as the sum of the provision for unearned premiums and the provision for outstanding claims. In insurance companies’ profit and loss account, technical provisions describe the transfer items of…

Technical services

1) Architectural, engineering and other technical services

Architectural, engineering and other technical services covers consulting and planning services, project monitoring services, archite…

Technological innovation

A technological innovation is a new or improved product or process whose technological characteristics are significantly different from before. Implemented technological product innovations are new p…


Telecommunications means a network service or communications service. A network service is a service provided by a network operator. A communications service is a service provided by a service operat…

Telecommunication service operator

A service operator is an operator that transmits messages via a communications network in its possession or obtained for use from a network operator, or distributes or provides messages in a mass com…

Telecommunication services

Telecommunication services comprise the transmission of sound, images or other data by telephone, telex, telegram, radio or cable television, and broadcasting, satellite, electronic mail, etc., inclu…

Telecommunication services

Telecommunication services comprise telephone, telex, telegram, cable, satellite, electronic mail and teleconferencing services, including Internet-based business network services.

Telecommunications operator

A telecommunications operator is a network operator or service operator.

Temporal adjustment factor

Temporal adjustment factors mean factors used to adjust average prices obtained at the time of survey to annual average prices.

Tenure status

Dwellings are classified according to tenure status as follows:

Owner-occupied dwelling
- occupant of the dwelling owns the house
- occupant of the dwelling owns shares in housing corpor…


Terajoule (TJ) is a measurement unit of energy that is often used to express the energy content of fuels. 1 TJ = 0.278 GWh

Terawatt hour

Terawatt hour (TWh)is a unit of energy used for expressing the amount of produced energy, electricity and heat. 1 TWh = 1,000 GWh = 1,000,000 MWh = 1,000,000 000 kWh; 1 TJ = 0.278 GWh

Tertiary degree

In the statistics on the educational structure of the population, tertiary degrees comprise all lower, higher and doctorate level tertiary degrees.

Up to the end of 2001, only degrees obtained…

Tertiary education

Post-upper secondary education to be given at higher education institutions or at institutes.

Tertiary education includes lowest tertiary education, lower tertiary education, highe…

Thematic map

A thematic map is a map that shows the geographic occurrence, strength or fluctuation of the selected phenomenon or theme. A thematic map can present several phenomena simultaneously. One can also sp…

The probability of divorce

The probability of divorce for women’s first marriages where the spouses are of opposite sexes is produced by applying multistate life tables. The life tables are based on women's age-group spec…

The user cost of capital

The user cost of capital is the price of capital services. The user cost of capital describes the amount of money which would have been needed during the year to cover the use of capital good service…

Third-cycle degree

University degree obtained at university after a master’s degree.
Third-cycle degrees are doctoral degrees and licentiate degrees apart from licentiate degrees in medicine, dentistry a…

Three-shift work

Work takes place in three shifts around the day (morning, evening and night shift). Can be interrupted (e.g. production is interrupted for the weekend at workplace) or uninterrupted. Four-shift, five…

Three-wheel vehicle

Three-wheel vehicle (L5e) is a power-driven vehicle with the wheels arranged symmetrically in relation to the longitudinal centre axis and eqipped with a power source with a cylinder capacity exceedi…

Timber balance

Timber balance is an estimate of annual changes in the volume of growing stock resulting from biological increment, natural drain and fellings. The estimate for the annual increase in growing stock i…

Time of recording

The system of national accounts records the flows on accrual basis. In other words, when economic value is created, changed or destroyed or when claims and obligations are born or they are changed or…


A stimulant manufactured from or containing leaves, stalks or stems of tobacco plants.

Tobacco excise

Provisions concerning tobacco excise are given in the Act on Tobacco Excise (1470/1994). Tobacco excise is levied on tobacco products. Tobacco excise is levied on the retail prices of products report…

Tobacco product

Product made wholly or partly of tobacco and intended for smoking, sniffing, sucking or chewing, whether genetically modified or not.

Tobacco products comprise cigarettes, cigars and cigarillo…


Tolling refers to contract-based service smelting / smelting against a fee of concentrates (e.g. copper, nickel). The smelter processes the raw materials or concentrates owned by its agreement partne…


Tonne-kilometre describes the volume of transport, and is obtained as a product of transported volume of goods (tonnes) and length of transport journey (kilometres).


Transport of one tonne of goods over a distance of one kilometre.

Tonne-kilometre by road

Unit of measurement of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne by road over one kilometre.

The distance to be taken into consideration is the distance actually run.

Top services

Top services can be characterised as demanding, progressive, future-oriented or revolutionary.

Total area

Total area comprises the sales surface area, offices, warehouses, staff facilities and other areas belonging to the business premises.

Total change

Total change is increase of population added up with register corrections of population. Increase of population is the sum of excess of births and total net migration.

Total costs of training

Indirect and direct costs in total, from which receipts from collective funds and from other sources of revenue for training are deducted (e.g. EU support).

Total costs of training

Indirect and direct costs in total, from which receipts from collective funds and from other sources of revenue for training are deducted (e.g. EU support).

Total divorce rate

The total divorce rate is an index calculated from the divorces granted in one year. Ratios are calculated between the numbers of marriages contracted in different years and ending in divorce and the…

Total earnings

Total earnings describe the wages paid for regular working hours and other working hours, such as overtime or extra work. Cf. Total working hours.

Total earnings for each pay period include

Total economy

The units which constitute the Finnish economy are those units that have a centre of economic interest on the economic territory of Finland. Economic units are categorized as non-financial corporatio…

Total energy consumption

Total energy consumption describes total commensurate consumption of domestic energy sources and imported energy in Finland. It includes fuels used in the production and processing of energy, and ene…

Total energy used

Total energy used refers to fuels, and hydro, wind and nuclear power used in the generation of electricity and heat made commensurate into primary energy. Hydro power and wind power are made commensu…

Total energy use in manufacturing

Total amounts of fuels used in manufacturing and amounts of electricity and heat purchased from outside for own use (net purchases, i.e. purchased/received - sold/delivered). Thus the amounts of ener…

Total fertility

The total fertility rate is obtained by adding together fertility rates calculated for one year. This figure refers to the estimated number of children the woman gives birth to, provided that the fer…

Total index

Total index is the index calculated as a weighted average from all the sub-series belonging to the description area of the index. Total index can be calculated as a weighted index of detailed price i…

Total lending

Total lending includes all credits granted by the lender sector to be described. Included are thus
-Loans to the public
-Loans to foreign borrowers
-Loans between financial corporations, cen…

Total lending

This item includes all loans granted by a sector, i.e.:
- loans to the public,
- loans to foreign borrowers,
- loans between financial institutions, central government and social security fu…

Total marriage rate

The total marriage rate describes the proportion of women (generally per 100 or 1,000 persons) that contract marriage in their lives, on condition that none of them die and that the marriage rate in …

Total material requirement (TMR)

Total material requirement (TMR) is the sum of domestic and foreign direct inputs and hidden flows.

TMR = DE + domestic hidden flows + IMP + hidden flows of imports

Total net migration

Total net migration is the sum of intermunicipal migration and net migration.

Total transit transport

Total transit transport describes the volume of goods carried by transit transport through Finland. The volume of total transit transport is obtained by adding together the volumes of transit transpo…

Total use

In the statistics on manufacturing commodities, total consumption (total use) of materials and supplies includes raw materials, semi-finished products, additives and supplies purchased for production…

Total use


Total working hours

In structural statistics on wages and salaries, total working hours are calculated on the basis of personal regular weekly working hours and the average paid hours of extra and overtime work. On-call…


Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than 12 consecutive months for leisure, business and other purposes.


Tourism comprises the activities of persons travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year (12 months) for leisure, business or other purpo…

Tourism expenditure

Tourism expenditure refers to the total consumption expenditure made by a visitor, or on behalf of a visitor for goods and services during his/her trip and stay at the destination place (country). It…

Tourism in neighbouring countries

In the Finnish Travel survey, tourism to neighbouring countries refers to tourism to the nearby geographic area. It also includes cruises outside the territorial waters of Finland in the Baltic Sea. …


A tourist (overnight visitor) is a visitor who stays at least one night in a collective or private accommodation in the place visited. An international tourist is an international visitor who stays a…

Tourist accommodation

Tourist accommodation refers to any facility that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation for tourists. Accommodation can be chargeable or free.


A railway line intended for a railway vehicle consisting of a pair of rails.

Track length

Total length of main and secondary tracks including sidings.


A vehicle specifically designed for agricultural and forestry work to run implements of haul trailers coupled to it. Special forestry machines such as logging tractors or forwarders, or forestry mach…

Trade account

The trade account describes the balance of foreign trade in goods in terms of exports and imports.

Trade credits

Export claims and advances as well as import accounts payable and advances are classified under trade credits. Trade credits refer to trade credits related to goods and services trade, such as accoun…

Trade margins

The output of wholesale and retail services is measured by the trade margins realised on the goods they purchase for resale. A trade margin is the difference between the actual or imputed price reali…

Trading day adjustment

Adjustments for trading days take into account different distributions of weekdays and public holidays in the compared months. Trading days could put the sales of an industry above normal in a certai…

Trading gain

The trading gain is the same as the real gain from foreign trade.

The real gross domestic income can be derived by adding the so-called trading gain to volume figures on gross domestic product…


A trailer of a motor vehicle is a hauled vehicle constructed for the transportation of goods or for tourism purposes.


A train is a railway vehicle with a locomotive and a varying number of cars.

Training agreement

In education based on a training agreement, the student acquires skills at the workplace in connection with practical tasks, which are supplemented if necessary by skills acquisition in other learnin…

Training day

In the statistics on in-service training, training days comprise in-service training received by employees in 12 months prior to data collection. The duration of one training day is deemed to be six …

Training day

In the CVTS, the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, a training day includes hours of training received during paid working time. The length of one training day is one working day.

Training day

In the CVTS, the Continuing Vocational Training Survey, a training day includes hours of training received during paid working time. The length of one training day is one working day.


Distance of one kilometer covered by the train.


A transaction is an economic flow that is an interaction between institutional units by mutual agreement or an action within an institutional unit that it is useful to treat as a transaction, often b…

Transaction of shares in a housing corporation

A transaction of shares in a housing corporation refers to a sale of shares entitling ownership of a dwelling in a housing corporation, for which an asset transfer notification has been made to the T…

Transfer passenger, air traffic

A transfer passenger arrives at the airport by air and continues his/her journey to another airport.

Transfer price coefficient

Transfer price coefficients are calculated from changes in the building cost index. They are used in calculating compensations paid in transferring shares in a tenement building of a joint-stock prop…

Transition phase

The transition phase is a phase in which a person moves from one phase of education to another so that the teaching methods, contents, goals or study form change significantly, or in which the person…

Transition phase education

Preparatory education for upper secondary education.

These include voluntary additional basic education (10th grade), preparatory education for general upper secondary education (LUVA) and pre…

Transit transport

Transit transport refers to transport of a load through one country while the places of departure and destination are in another country or countries and the load is transported through the transit c…

Transit transport by rail

Transit transport by rail refers to transportation in the same railway carriage through one country while the places of departure and destination are in another country. In Statistics Finland's …

Transit transport by road

Transit transport by road refers to transport in a vehicle through a country when the places of loading and unloading of the goods are in different countries.

Transit transport by road describ…

Transit transport by road

Transit transport refers to through passage transport where the points of departure and destination are in another country or other countries and the transport passes through the territory of the tra…

Transit transport by sea

In the statistics on transit transport via Finland, transit transport by sea describes the volume of transit transports arriving at Finnish ports and departing from them by sea.


Transport includes sea, air, railway, road and inland water passenger and freight transport and support activities for them. In addition, transport comprises postal and courier services.

Transport for hire or reward

Transportation of people or goods for a fee, i.e. transportation subject to a licence.

Transport on own account

Transport which is not for hire or reward.

Such transport is the movement by an enterprise of its own staff or freight without any associated financial transaction. Although individual persons…

Travel accounts

In the Balance of Payments (BOP), travel covers primarily the goods and services acquired from an economy by a traveller during visits of less than one year in that economy. It includes the goods and…

Travel-to-work area

A travel-to-work area is formed by a central municipality and surrounding municipalities from which at least 10 per cent of the labour force commute to the central municipality. A travel-to-work area…

Treasury bill

A treasury bill is a zero-interest negotiable bearer instrument issued by a central government (not only that of Finland).


Trend describes the long-term development in a time series. A trend series has been adjusted for seasonal and random variations, so that the effects of e.g. weather conditions or short-term labour di…


As a statistical unit of tourism, a trip depicts tourism from the standpoint of the generating place or country (the origin) and covers the whole period a person travels away from home (origin-based …

Trip abroad

A trip (visit) abroad refers to a trip made by a resident of a given country outside the national borders of his/her country of residence and outside his/her usual environment for leisure, business o…

Trip to own holiday home

In the Finnish Travel survey, a trip to own holiday home is one type of leisure travel with free accommodation.


Turnover is recorded in the Business Register according to profit and loss statement, except in the cane of practitioners of a trade for whom it is formed from proceeds from the trade. Data on turnov…


Credit institutions' and investment firms' turnover include the following items: Interest income + Leasing income + Income from equity investments + Commissions and fees + Net income or net…


Turnover is deemed to comprise sales profits from the actual activity of a party with a legal obligation to keep books, after deduction of granted subsidies, value added tax and other taxes based dir…


Turnover is as reported in the financial statement.

Turnover from trade purchase and sale activities comprises sales of goods bought in the enterprise's own name and on its own account an…




Turnover refers to the information concerning sales obtained from the Tax Administration's self-assessed tax data (total data) and from Statistics Finland's sales inquiry conducted among th…

Turnover (external and internal sales)

The turnover of an affiliate comprises all market sales of goods or services supplied to third parties irrespective of whether the customers are external to the group or companies belonging to the sa…

Type of accommodation

All types of accommodation used by non-resident visitors who have stayed overnight in Finland are recorded in the Border Interview Survey. The recorded types of accommodation include hotel, camping s…

Type of accommodation

Mode of accommodation refers to different means of lodging. In the accommodation statistics of Statistics Finland, overnight stays are broken down by means of lodging into the following groups: 1) ro…

Type of accommodation establishment

In the accommodation statistics of Statistics Finland, accommodation establishments (hotels and similar establishments, tourist camping sites, holiday villages, youth hostels) are classified by certa…

Type of building

Residential buildings are classified according to type of building as follows:
- Detached houses: residential buildings containing 1 to 2 dwellings, including semi-detached houses and other compar…

Type of building

A classification for different types of dwellings, for example blocks of flats, attached houses, detached houses.

Type of building

In the building cost index 2000=100 buildings are divided into four types: residential block of flats, attached houses, office and commercial buildings and industrial and warehouse buildings. The ove…

Type of cargo

Type of cargo indicates the type of container in which goods are transported.

Type of contractual employment relationship

Type of contractual employment relationship describes the legal relationship between an employee and employer. In statistics on wages and salaries contractual employment relationships are referred to…

Type of early childhood education and care

Early childhood education and care is provided as centre-based early education, family-based day care, group family day care or open early childhood education and care

Type of employment relationship

Type of employment relationship describes the legal relationship between an employee and employer. In statistics on wages and salaries employment relationships are referred to as either permanent /va…

Type of family

Families are grouped into the following types:
- married couple without children
- cohabiting couple without children
- married couple with children
- cohabiting couple with children

Type of family

Families are grouped into the following types:
- married opposite-sex couple without children
- married same-sex couple without children
- cohabiting opposite-sex couple without children<…

Type of family

Families are grouped into the following types:
- married opposite-sex couple without children
- married same-sex couple without children
- cohabiting opposite-sex couple without children<…

Type of family

Families are grouped into the following types:
- married opposite-sex couple without children
- married same-sex couple without children
- cohabiting opposite-sex couple without children<…

Type of financing

A classification describing the financing source of a dwelling or real estate.

A government-subsidised dwelling is a dwelling produced with government ARAVA loans, in which the rent is determi…

Type of owner of educational institution

In the statistics on providers of education and educational institutions owners of educational institutions are divided into the following groups:
1 Private
2 State
3 Municipality
4 Joint…

Type of ownership

The enterprises and corporations included in the Register of Enterprises and Establishments are divided into the following categories by type of ownership:

Private domestic

Type of ownership

Domestic enterprise: Enterprises in which foreign ownership is under 50 per cent
Multinational foreign-owned enterprise: Enterprises in which foreign ownership is over 50 per cent.

Type of ownership of building

Buildings are divided into the following categories by tenure status:
- private person/ death estate
- housing corporation or co-operative
- real estate corporation
- private company


Ultimate beneficial owner. A UBO is an institutional unit controlling a foreign affiliate, i.e. an institutional unit up a foreign affiliate's chain of control, which is not controlled by anothe…


Ultimate controlling institutional unit of a foreign affiliate. An institutional unit that is at the top the ownership chain of a foreign-owned enterprise and is not controlled by any other instituti…

Ultimate beneficial owner

An institutional unit that is at the top the ownership chain of a foreign-owned enterprise and is not controlled by any other institutional unit.

Ultimate direct investor

An institutional unit using control in a foreign associated company or affiliate located abroad or in the home country that is topmost in the ownership chain of the direct investment enterprise. The …

Unconditional imprisonment

Unconditional imprisonment refers to a sentence served in prison.


Underemployed are those who are engaged in part-time work because full-time work is not available, or whose employer has them work a reduced working week, or who have had no work due to shortage of o…

Underlying cause of death

The underlying cause of death is the disease which has initiated the series of illnesses leading directly to death, or the circumstances connected with an accident or an act of violence which caused …

Under-occupied dwelling

A household has at least one room more than it needs based on its composition (see the definition for overcrowded dwelling for details on calculating the room need).


The unemployed labour force comprises persons aged 15-74 who were unemployed on the last working day of the year. Data on unemployment are obtained from the Ministry of Labour's register on job …


DEFINITION OF UNEMPLOYED IN 1960 - 1982, 1983 - 1996 and 1997 - 30 April 1998

In 1960 - 1982
From 1960 to 1992 the Labour Force Survey was made as a mail inquiry where the respondent self d…


All persons who for the whole survey week were without work, had been seeking a job actively in the past four weeks as an employee or a self-employed person and could accept a job within two weeks ar…


A person is unemployed if he/she is without work during the survey week (not in paid employment or working as self-employed), has actively sought employment in the past four weeks as an employee or s…


In the income distribution statistics, persons who have been unemployed for at least six months during the year are classified as unemployed. Months of unemployment are asked from persons in the inte…


The unemployed labour force includes all persons aged 16 to 64 who were unemployed on the last weekday of the year. Data on unemployment derive from the job seeker register of the Ministry of Economi…

Unemployment day

A day on which an unemployed or employed person has been absent from work because of unemployment, lay-off, reduced working week, or arrangements made to start a job.

Unemployment rate

The ratio of unemployed persons to the labour force of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. In the employment statistics, the unemployment rate is calculated from the population aged 1…

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is the ratio of the unemployed to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons. The unemployment rate of the total population is ca…

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate is calculated as the ratio of unemployed persons to the active population (labour force) of the same age, i.e. employed and unemployed persons.


The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed in Rio de Janeiro in 1992.

Uniform co-ordinate

The basis for Finland's national mapping and for defining horizontal co-ordinates is the national grid co-ordinate system, which is abbreviated as KKJ. This grid co-ordinate system is based on t…

Unit-linked insurances

In unit-linked insurances the insurance premiums of the policy holder are directed to one or several investment targets. The value of the insurance develops according to the value changes of the inve…

Unit specific consumption

Unit specific consumption refers to the average annual consumption of a certain equipment group. When it is multiplied by the number of pieces of equipment, the total annual consumption of the equipm…


In the statistics on university education universities refer to educational institutions belonging to type 42 of educational institutions. Lower (bachelor's) and higher (master's) level uni…


In the statistics on university education universities refer to educational institutions belonging to type 42 of educational institutions. Lower (bachelor's) and higher (master's) level uni…

University education

Tertiary education provided by universities.

The objective of the education is a bachelor’s or master’s degree or a scientific postgraduate degree, which are licentiate's and …

University education

University education refers to education provided by universities. Lower (bachelor's) and higher (master's) level university degrees can be attained in universities, as well as further acad…

University of applied sciences

In the statistics on university of applied sciences education, a university of applied sciences education means and educational institution in category 41 of the classification of educational institu…

University of applied sciences education

Tertiary education provided by universities of applied sciences.
The objective of the education is a bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree.
Education not leading to a qualification…

University of applied sciences education

University of applied sciences education refers to education organised in university of applied sciences. Students of university of applied sciences can obtain university of applied sciences degrees …

Unladen vehicle weight

Weight of vehicle (or combination of vehicles) excluding its load when stationary and ready for the road, as determined by the competent authority of the country of registration.

Unoccupied job

A job vacancy is unoccupied (without an employee), when no-one is attending to the tasks in the statistical reference period or no employee has been assigned to the task, but, for example, other empl…

Unoccupied residential building

In this examination, a residential building is unoccupied if it contains no permanently occupied dwelling units according to register data.

Unpaid family worker

Unpaid family workers are members of the same household working without actual pay in an enterprise or farm owned by a family member.

Unpaid family worker

Person working without pay in an enterprise or on a farm owned by a family member.

Unpaid overtime

In the Quality of Work Life Survey, overtime without compensation is dependent on the respondent's own opinion. Some may consider overtime staying at work without compensation for five minutes o…

Upper secondary education

Post-comprehensive vocational education or general upper secondary education.

Upper secondary general education

In the statistics on upper secondary general education, upper secondary general education refers to general knowledge education leading to the completion of the full upper secondary general school sy…

Upper secondary general education

In the statistics on upper secondary general education, upper secondary general education refers to general knowledge education leading to the completion of the full upper secondary general school sy…

Upper secondary qualification

Qualification attained in upper secondary education.

Upper secondary qualifications are such as general upper secondary education qualifications, matriculation examination, EB dipl…


Geographical information systems (GIS) with extensively detailed,
register-based datasets introduce new insights into the process of classifying
urban and rural areas. The independence of admin…


Geographical information systems (GIS) with extensively detailed,
register-based datasets introduce new insights into the process of classifying
urban and rural areas. The independence of admin…

Use of capacity

Use of accommodation capacity is measured by room and bed-place occupancy rates. Room occupancy rate is calculated by dividing the total number of rooms used in a given month by the number of rooms a…

Usual environment

The usual environment of a person consists of the direct vicinity of his/her home and place of work or study and other places frequently visited (e.g. food shops, bank and other services). The concep…

Usual weekly working hours

An employed person's usual weekly working hours are normal or average weekly working hours in the main job. For employees usual weekly working hours include customary paid or unpaid overtime wor…

Usual weekly working hours

An employed person's usual weekly working hours are the customary or average weekly working hours in the main job. Absences have no effect on usual weekly working hours. For employees usual week…

Usual weekly working hours

Information on wage and salary earners' regular weekly working hours is usually collected in connection with wage inquiries. Regular weekly working hours are based on the Working Hours Act and a…

Valid driving licence

A driving licence is valid for a specified time period. The validity of a driving licence expires when the right to drive a vehicle ends or if the holder of the right to drive has several rights to d…


With the exception of some variables concerning population and labour, the system shows all flows and stocks in monetary terms. The system does not attempt to determine the utility of flows and stock…

Value added

Value added (gross) refers to the value generated by any unit engaged in a production activity. In market production it is calculated by deducting from the unit's output the intermediates (goods…

Value added at factor cost

The value added measures the total value added produced by the various factors of production in an establishment's actual operating activities. The value added is calculated by deducting the cos…

Value-added tax

Value-added tax (D.211) is a tax on goods or services collected in stages by enterprises and which is ultimately charged in full to the final purchasers. Value-added tax (VAT) comprises the value add…

Value added tax for own use

Almost all sales of goods and services in Finland are subject to VAT. However, real estate is subject to VAT for services rendered on its own account and by its own staff on the real estate. These se…

Value index

A value index is a measure (ratio) that describes change in a nominal value relative to its value in the base year. The index point figure for each point in time tells what percentage a given value i…

Value of inventories

Value of inventories includes all goods that according to a company's book-keeping form its current assets. According to Section 4 of the Book-keeping Act (1336/1997), current assets refer to co…


A vehicle manufactured for the transportation of goods. Total weight of no more than 3,500 kg.


Number of axles of the vehicle of a train X corresponding train-kilometres.


Total number of kilometres driven by one vehicle class or a specified subgroup over a specified time period, usually twelve months.


Unit of measurement representing the movement of a road vehicle over one kilometre.

Vehicle-related taxation

Vehicle-related taxes are environmental taxes levied on motor vehicles. Vehicle-related taxes in Finland comprise automobile and motorcycle tax, vehicle tax and motor vehicle tax.

Vehicle-related taxation

Vehicle-related taxes are environmental taxes levied on motor vehicles. Vehicle-related taxes in Finland comprise automobile tax, vehicle tax and motor vehicle tax.

Vehicle stock

Number of road vehicles registered at a given date in a country and licensed to use roads open to public traffic. This includes road vehicles exempted from annual taxes or license fees; it also inclu…

Vessel’s deadweight (dwt)

The combined weight of the vessel’s cargo, fuel, water supplies, stores and people according to the Plimsoll line, i.e. the vessel’s carrying power.

Vessel time chartered from abroad

A vessel registered abroad which a Finnish enterprise has time chartered (hired) for its own use.


If the injured party is also the victim of an offence, a separate entry is made of this into the PATJA system. At the moment, it is obligatory to record victim data only in attempted homicides, assau…


The main unit in the Border Interview Survey is one visit to Finland made by a non-resident of Finland. A visit starts at the border crossing on arrival into Finland and ends at the next border cross…


In the Border Interview Survey visitors refer to all non-resident persons who visit Finland and stay in Finland for a time period of less than 12 months. Being specified as a visitor is not dependent…


A visitor is any person travelling to a place other than his/her usual environment and staying there for no longer than 12 consecutive months and whose main purpose of travel is other than the exerci…

Visit to friends and relatives

Visits to friends and relatives (VFR) are so-called social visits. They are usually undertaken for relaxation, and they are often seen as a sub-category of leisure, recreation and holidays. The WTO&#…

Vocational education

Vocational education refers to initial or further vocational education leading to a vocational qualification. Initial vocational education is education leading to upper secondary level vocational qua…

Vocational education

Vocational education refers to initial or further vocational education leading to a vocational qualification. Initial vocational education is education leading to upper secondary level vocational qua…

Vocational education and training

Education and training completed after the comprehensive education syllabus, aimed at producing vocational competence.

Initial, further and specialist vocational qualifications can…

Vocational qualification

A qualification intended to increase and maintain professional skills and demonstration of professional competence.

Vocational qualifications are initial, further and specialist vo…

Volatile organic compounds excl. methane (NMVOC)

NMVOC is a generic name for organic compounds that easily vaporise in the atmosphere. Volatile organic compounds are released, for instance, in burning processes and when using solvents. Ozone is for…

Volatile organic compounds excl. methane (NMVOC)

NMVOC is a generic name for volatile organic compounds that easily vaporise in the atmosphere, excluding methane. Volatile organic compounds are released, for instance, in burning processes and when …

Volume index

The volume index is a ratio describing the relative change in volume relative to the base period. It describes changes in output at fixed prices. The volume index can be formed by deflating from the …

Volume index of industrial output

The volume index of industrial output describes the relative change in the volume of industrial output when compared with a specific base time period. In the beginning of 2002, the index with fixed w…

Volume index of sales of building construction companies

The volume index of sales of building construction companies describes development in the output of the industry. The index describes relative change in the volume of output compared to the average o…

Volume index of sales of civil engineering enterprises

The volume index of sales of civil engineering enterprises measures development in the industry's volume of output. The index describes relative change in the output volume compared to the avera…

Volume index of sales of construction companies

The volume index of sales of construction enterprises describes development in the output of the entire construction industry. The index describes relative change in the volume of output compared to …

Voluntary association

A voluntary association is an association founded by at least three private persons intending to join it as members or by an agreement of a corporation or foundation, and entered into the register of…

Voting turnout

Voting percentage = proportion of voters of persons entitled to vote.

Statistics on general elections include four different voting percentages:
1) the voting percentage of Finnish citizen…

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries include compensations in money of all employees of the enterprise for work done during the month. Wages and salaries comprise all income taxes and social security contributions col…

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries include income paid to households as pay – either in money or benefits in kind. In the income concept, income from incentive stock options is included in benefits in kind and thus …

Wages and salaries

Wages and salaries refer to remunerations for and within an accounting period as well as fringe benefits in accordance with the Preliminary Tax Withholding Act. Wages and salaries also include wages …

Waiving of punishment

Under certain conditions, a court may waive punishment for the suspect even if it deemed the suspect to be guilty of an offence. A court may waive punishment if the offence, when assessed as a whole,…

Warning to a public official

Warning is a special punishment for a public official (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1). A written warning can be issued to a public official who acts against his or her official duties or neglec…

Warning to a soldier

Warning is a disciplinary punishment for a soldier or other person subject to Chapter 45 of the Criminal Code (Criminal Code, Chapter 6, Section 1).


Waste refers to any substance or object which the holder discards, or intends or is obliged to discard.

Waste classification

Wastes are classified according to their manner of generation, composition or some other factor. The "decree on the listing of commonest wastes and hazardous wastes" issued by the Ministry …

Waste generated

The volume of waste expressed in units of weight that is generated within the national boundaries during one year. Wastes generated are usually classified by waste category or type and the generating…

Waste management

Organised activity for the purpose of collection, transport, recovery and final treatment or disposal or waste. Activities aimed at the prevention of waste generation are also regarded as waste manag…

Waste management costs

Waste management costs consist of transport and treatment charges levied by the waste management company.

Waste recycling

Use of waste as raw material or other material. Energy recovery is not recycling even though it is resource recovery. However, ash can be recycled. Reuse of used goods, such as beverage bottles, is n…

Waste treatment

Waste treatment refers to the recovery, neutralisation and final disposal of waste. Operations with which the composition, structure or other property of generated waste is changed in order to facili…

Water and waste water costs

Water and waste water costs generally consist of the water and waste water charged by the local water plant. Water costs usually consist of a basic fee, a consumption fee and a meter rental.

Weight structure

Describes what meaning each sub-index (commodity, employee group, etc.) belonging to the index has for total index.

Wholesale price index

Wholesale price index 1995=100. Measures developments in the purchase prices inclusive of taxes of goods used in Finland. It includes both domestic and imported goods. It contains value added tax and…

Wholesale price index

The wholesale price index measures development in the purchase prices inclusive of taxes of goods used in Finland. The index includes both domestic and imported goods. The wholesale price for domesti…

With a family

A man with a family is a married or cohabiting partner, a father with children and both partners of a registered male couple.

A woman with a family is a married or cohabiting partner, a mother…

Wood fuels

Comprises following fuel classification categories:
- Firewood (stems and split firewood) (3111)
- Chips from roundwood (3112)
- Forest residue chips (3113)
- Bark (3121)
- Sawdust, cu…

Work account

The work account refers to cases pending during the year. It shows cases transferred from the previous year, cases which have arrived during the year, solved cases, and cases transferred to the follo…

Work attendance rate

The ratio of persons at work to the total number of employed persons.

Working-age population

The working-age population consists of all persons aged between 15 and 74 years.

Working day adjusted series

In a working day adjusted series, the factors caused by the variation in the number of weekdays are taken into account. This means taking into consideration the lengths of months, different weekdays …

Work in progress

All goods on which work is still going on. Included are also semi-finished goods which the enterprise intends to process further, as well as unfinished goods intended for sales.


The number of persons working in a certain area can be used to describe the number of jobs in that area. Each employed person is thus thought to represent one job. This means that even part-time wor…

Workplace self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency in workplaces indicates the ratio between the number of people working in the area and the employed labour force living in the area. If the ratio exceeds 100%, the number of workplac…

Year of construction

The year of construction refers to the year in which the building was completed and was ready for use. If the building was completed prior to 1980, the year of renovation may have been entered as the…

Young adult prisoner

A young adult prisoner is a person serving an imprisonment term in a juvenile detention centre. The decision on sending young offenders to serve their sentences at juvenile detention centres is made …
